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Royal Rumble and RAW ::A TV Commerical cuts in, It shows all the participant highlights and cut scenes through the commerical and J.R Begins talking on the commerical::

J.R.:What a night Sunday will be as we will see Royal Rumble. All the young superstars will enter the ring and wrestle everyone, it is every man for them selves. The winner will achieve the World Title ::They show past and currently present scenes of every wrestle in the Rumble.:: I hope everyone watches the Royal Rumble because it will be a hell of a night::

::ECF Show cuts back in and on the titantron, Angle is watching the TV of the previous Royal Rumble commerical.::

Angle: What in the hell is J.R. talking about? Sunday will be hell of a night? It will be short and sweet, I can tell you that much. For me to achieve the World Title once again might mean I have throw my tag team partner, Chris Jericho out. The Rock is talk and he thinks im a jabroni, hah! Once I get the Ankle Lock in, I will not let go until I break his freakin ankles and he is crying for his mommy. Once I get rid of his "candy ass" No one will be stopping your Olympic hero, Kurt Angle. ::Angle stops for a second and smirks:: Bret Hart, I will screw you again once I throw you over the top. What Vince McMahon did to you was right ((Im just saying that but I would hit Vince like Bret did in real life)) Shawn deserved that title more then you and thats damn true. After that, I will break Brothers of Desctructions ankles. They are nothing but a bunch of cowards. Undertaker thinks he is big and bad on his bike. What people should say to him instead of me is You Suck, because its true! OH ITS DAMN TRUE! That he sucks. I am the most talented wrestling in wrestling entertainment. Kane....what can I say about him? He is a big red retard that wears a mask to protect his ugly face. Next on my list is Ric Flair, he thinks he is the best...he should retire because he is a old geezer. All he does is cheat to win because he has and always had no talent. Once I get through with you, you will retire baby. Lance talent at all, I can fal asleep watching your matches, by the time your match is over, everyone would be asleep because you do suck! Justin Credible....he has talent and I admire him. He has true skills like Jericho and myself. I wish him luck in his career, but with me in the ring he has no luck. Triple theres a no brainer. All he can do is punch or hurt himself. Triple H is the worse accident prone I seen in wrestling. Everytime I seen him, he hurts himself. I might break his freakin wait, I WILL break his freakin ankles, I am the game and I will make you submit! But not Sunday, I will Angle Slam your ass out of the ring. Last, but not least is HBK. He has no chance in hell becoming the World Title holder, because I will be holding it once I throw everyone out. The Ref will hold my hand up, my music will play and I will be the last man standing and the belt around my waist, its true! OH ITS DAMN TRUE! Once I hold the title, the people will start chanting for me because I am the best in the business. Once I get trough with the World Title, I will be on the road for other titles. Soon I will be holding the Intercontential Title and no one will get in my way of achieving it.

Angle: Now...I just seen the RAW Card and it looks like Jericho and I have to face the Brothers of Desctruction. This will be easy. I will bring all my talent into the ring and I will not be stopped. Once I get tired, my friend, Jericho will have a turn of kicking their asses. We will make you tap and its true! Jericho will get hold of the Walls of Jericho and I will grab one of your ankles and make you tap and break your freakin ankles. Our tag team is the best that the ECF can get. ~TV Fades into a Commerical Break~