Roleplay Title: The Innovator of Violence Has Arrived!...
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Record: 00 - 00 - 00
Next Match: Vs. Mike Awesome
|| ECW Achievements:||
|| Dreamer Drivered?:
Coming Soon... ;
-A Word of Innovation:
The Innovator of Violence has finally come back to Extreme Championship Wrestling...in ECW Tommy Dreamer is considered a legend by many...this man purly bleeds ECW... Dreamer has come back to ECW for 2 reasons...to get some Championship Gold and to be the most hardcore wrerstler in the place. Dreamer has been quite known for getting crazy and sadistic in his matches...will this side come out of Tommy at ECW's first show...? In Tommy Dreamer's return match he will be taking on the "Career Killer" Mike Awesome...Awesome defintly has the size and strength over Dreamer but the true question is does Awesome have the same determination and heart of Tommy Dreamer...Will Dreamer have the heart to overcome the size and strength of the Awesome One?...or will he fall short to the big man...The only way to find out is to tune into ECW on TNN! -Get Ready to Get Hardcore!
The scene opens at a dump...You see the cranes picking up the garbage and throwning it into dumpsters...the camera pans left where Tommy Dreamer is standing watching this destruction...he continues to walk by and into the newly dumped section...there you see all of the things that a Innovator of Violence would love to see...chairs, metal pipes, old tables, bats, brooms, roadsigns...and so on...Tommy's eyes light up real wide...the owner of the dump walks towards Dreamer and begins to speak with him...
' Dump Guy ' Jim Stewart- "Hi...my name is Jim Stewart and I run this dump here...so what do you want to drop off...it costs 5 dollars by the square foot...so I hope you have it all measured...correct?..."
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "Uhh...yeah...I didn't come to drop anything off Jim...actually I came for the total opposite...I came here today to stock up on some...how can I say this...materials...yes for my job..."
' Dump Guy ' Jim Stewart- "And what would that occupation be?...Garbage picking?....(Laughs)"
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "Jim man...you are freakin' funny...no I am a wrestler and I want something very special to bust my opponent open with!...I was thinkin' about maye that stop sign over there...or how about one of those trash cans...you see this cane right here...I have 10 more where this one came from and I need somewhere to put them so I don't have to carry them down to the ring...you see what I'm sayin Jim...you may think I'm crazy...maybe I got hit one to many times...who knows...hey Jim what did you have for lunch...do you have a wife?..."
' Dump Guy ' Jim Stewart- "Whoa whoa...hold up sir...I am not authorized to sell anything to anybody that is going to use it in a potentially dangerous situation...and what it sounds like from you...you are some crazy lunatic and you cannot be trusted with objects like these!..."
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "Do you know who I am Jim...I am more authorized to pick up this crap then anybody on the face of this fuckin' earth...I am the Innovator of fuckin' violence...I am a legend in the world of Extreme...when you think of a singapore cane the name Tommy Dreamer comes to mind!...And what are you telling me Jim...your saying that I can't pick this shit up because I am not authorized!!!!...Jim I am a dangerous man and you do not want to mess with me...!"
' Dump Guy ' Jim Stewart- "Sorry buddy you are not going anywhere with anything...just get out of here before I call the cops...hell I should call the luni bin...you should be put in one of those straight jackets!..."
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "Been there done that Jim!!...Now Jimmy...Jim...James...Jimmister...if you don't give me what I want then you will experience pain like you have never before...I have done the whole Physichiatric...I'm to crazy for that place...look at my face Jim...does it look like I am kidding...does it look like I am a normal person plainly asking for something...FUCK NO!!...if you don't move out of the way and let me get what the hell I want...then...then I guess I will have to do it the hard way!..."
' Dump Guy ' Jim Stewart- "That's it I am calling the police...you'll see...you don't threaten me...I am Jim Stewart...I own half of this town...and this here dump...this is mine to..."
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "Yeah and you know what else Jim...your about to get dumped yourself!..."
Tommy Dreamer turns around for a second looking very pissed off...Jim turns around to start going to get the phone to make the call to the police...Dreamer picks up his cane and takes a baseball swing right at the back of the head of the dump owner...Jim falls right down to the dirt floor head first...Dreamer puts this sadistic look on his face for a second...he then hits himself in the head with the singapore cane...it staggers him a bit...he then regains focus and throws what used to be the cane...to the side...he gets an old used shopping cart and starts loading it up with whatever he can find...he then runs off as Jim is left unconcious...the scene fades to black...
The scene opens back up in a dark room...there is a single hanging light hanging over a table...it is swaying back and forth...the swinging light reveals Tommy Dreamer sitting in a chair...at the table...the light goes over him a few times...he keeps the same determined expression...he then leans forward from the shadows and into the light...he is holding another cane in his right hand...he looks straight into the camera and begins to speak...
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "So I am finally back in Extreme Championship Wrestling...back at home as I like to call it...in the past 2 years without ECW...it has been complete hell...people keep on holding me back...I am a legend...and they treated me like I was some immigrant!...I was respected by all and feared by many...and after what happened in the years following the closing of ECW...I was the least respect superstar in wrestling...I was eating peoples god damn puke for gods sake...what in the hell was that for...It is true that I am a bit crazy...but I am sane enough to notice when I am being made a mockary of...but the thing is they didn't know who I really was anyway...they didn't know that I was the king of hardcore...the innovator of violence...but now that all changes...Now Tommy Dreamer is in the same place that he was once called number one in...for that short period of time I held the damn World Title belt...it may have been short but you better damn be sure I will never forget it..."
Tommy leans back and thinks to himself for a moment...he then smiles and leans back into the light on the table...
' Innovator of Violence ' Tommy Dreamer- "ECW on TNN will be the beginning of a new era of extreme...I have gathered what I could from a few different places...that is a whole different story...anyways in the past many have categorized me as the under dog...like I am the one always getting the crap beaten out of...like the punching bag of the fed...nah I don't think that is going to happen this time...My opponent Mike Awesome...the so called career killer...the awesome one...yes it is obviously true...Mike is stronger than me...Mike is bigger than me...no doubt about that...but what really counts...does Mike Awesome bleed E C DOUBLEYA!! Does Mike Awesome wake up every day thinking about what he can do to push the limits of human beings...I don't think so!...Mike you may think I am scared of you because of your size and strength...Fu*k NO!! I am not scared of anything...that is why I am who I am...I don't give a damn if what I said makes sense or not to everyone cuz it makes sense to me!...Anyways Mike you go to NWA Total Nonstop Action...the wannabee ECW...thats all that federation is...so you go in there and you give one of there guys a beating...an Awesome Bomb...and the whole time while you wre doing that your little hump buddy was pleasuring himself to the beating you gave that guy... Yeah you heard me...Mike I could care less what happened in the past...this is a new beginning to everything...and it starts with a change in the standards...instead of Tommy Dreamer gettin' the whoopin'...the tables will turn my friend...you will be on the opposite side of the spectrum and you will feel how it is to be mentally and physically beaten on a daily basis...you might actualy feel and think like me...that is a scary thought in itself!...The fact of the matter is Awesome...get ready to get hardcore...E C FUCKING DOUBLEYA STYLE!...now if you would excuse me I have to go hide I hear there is a warrant for my arrest!..."
Tommy Dreamer leans back out of the light...you hear footsteps...and then the light switches off...all you see is black...the feed goes to a commercial break...