(Airdate:  8/1/03)

(A video recap of ECW Rampage is shown, the high points of which are John Cena winning the TV Championship, Team Angle turning on Kurt Angle, and Triple H's victory over Chris Benoit.  It ends with Kane holding up Joey Styles.  From there, the ECW Heatwave beginning airs and when it ends, "Break the Walls Down" hits and Chris Jericho comes to the ring.)

Segment 1:

Chris Jericho:
    Welcome everyone, to what I like to call, Jericho is a Heatwave.  Last Sunday at Rampage, I did exactly what I said I was going to do, I made Kirk Angel tap to the Walls of Jericho.  Not only that, but I also accomplished another of my goals.  Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce to you, Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin, Team Jericho!

("Break the Walls Down" plays again and Team Jericho makes their way to the ring.)

    See Angle, when I set out to destroy someone, I don't play around.  I mean come on, I am Chris Jericho, the King of the World, the Highlight of the Night, the King...of Bling-Bling.  So, now that I am done with Kurt Angle, I am setting my sights on...

("You Suck" hits and Kurt Angle charges the ring.  Chris Jericho and Team Jericho bail out before Angle can get to them.)

Kurt Angle:
    You ungrateful bastards, I took you two under my wing and brought you into this business, and this is how you pay me back.  And Jericho, you son of a bitch, if you have any guts at all, you will give me a rematch tonight.

Chris Jericho:
    Angle, if you want another shot at me, it will be on my time.  But if you want a match tonight, then I suggest you go find a partner, and you can take on Team Jericho tonight.

(Kurt Angle nods his head, and the match is agreed to for later tonight.)

Segment 2:

Joey Styles:
    Welcome everyone to ECW Heatwave, and if the opening of the show is any indication, then we are in for one hell of a show.  Our first match tonight is a Triple Threat Tag Team match, which is a direct effect of the events of the Tag Team Table match at the Pay-Per-View.  For those of you who missed it, this is what I am talking about.

(The footage of Triple X's interference at Rampage is shown.)

    Joey, we all know that the big story tonight is what Triple H said to you at the end of the Pay-Per-View.

Joey Styles:
    Cyrus, let's just focus on the matter at hand, it is time for the match.

Segment 3:

Triple Threat Tag Team Match

Dudley Boyz vs. Triple X vs. Impact Players


Segment 4:

Joey Styles:
    I can't believe that Triple X has stolen another victory.  I thought Elix Skipper had left ECW.

    I guess not Joey, but I have a big surprise for you and all the fans of ECW.  After that fraud John Cena stole the ECW Television title, we at the network went out and made sure his reign as champion would be short lived.  That's why next, John Cena will defend the title against the network's handpicked successor, Raven.

(Raven's music hits and he comes to the ring and sits in the corner.)

Segment 5:

("Basic Thuganomics" plays and John Cena makes his way to the ring.)

John Cena:
    Yo Raven, I’ll take you down like a sharp pain to the chest.  I'm the new TV Champ, I am definitely the best.   Damn man chill, I’m not trying to harm you.  I’m trying to protect you dawg, these people hate you more than I do.  Don’t you fear, I’m here, and you know that I’m right,   Raven, you’ll soon find out that my bark ain’t as bad as my bite.  You must be kidding when you say quote the Raven nevermore.  I’m gonna take you out quicker than Kobe did that whore.   So it’s time for you to find out that I am the one true untouchable.  And you ain’t no match for me, so come out here and get pummeled.  There ain't no flock, or a seven year itch.  When I am done with you, you're gonna be my new...

(Cena throws up the mic as "Basic Thuganomics" plays again.)

Segment 6:

ECW Television Championship Match

John Cena vs. Raven

Segment 7:

(After the match, the scene shifts to the Evolution locker room.  Shawn Michaels is seen sitting in a chair while the other three members are standing up)

Triple H:
    Dammit Shawn, look at me.  You were in a No Disqualification match, there is no reason you should have lost.  What the hell were you thinking when you sent Kane back to the locker room?

Shawn Michaels:
    How many more times do I have to explain this?  This match was personal, I wanted to win it on my own.

Triple H:
    Well, your pride has cost you big this time.  Tonight you have a match with Chris Harris, and if you lose that match, then you and Kane have to defend the titles against him and Edge.  If you don't take care of this, I will be forced to take care of you.

(Fellow Evolution members leave the locker room, leaving Shawn Michaels alone.)


Segment 8:

    Well Joey, it looks like you may be safe tonight.  Triple H has turned all of his anger towards Shawn Michaels.

Joey Styles:
    What do you think he meant when he said that he would be forced to take care of it?

    Your guess is as good as mine.

Segment 9:

("Break the Walls Down" plays and Team Jericho comes to the ring.  Immediately after they enter the ring, "You Suck" hits and Kurt Angle makes his way to the ring, but stays standing on the ring apron and not entering the ring.)

Kurt Angle:
    Boys, I am going to give you one last chance to reconsider what you did.  No?  Well then let me introduce you two to my tag team partner,

Segment 10:

Team Jericho vs. Kurt Angle/Mystery Partner


Segment 11:

(Chris Harris and Edge are shown at the go position.)

    Do this man, this is the biggest thing to happen to us as a team, and we need this opportunity.

Chris Harris:
    Don't worry, I can handle this.

Segment 12:

Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Harris

Segment 13:

(Triple H comes to the ring with an angry look on his face.)

Triple H:
    Are you kidding me Shawn?  What more has to be done in order for you to win a match?

Shawn Michaels:
    Hey, who died and made you the boss around here?  I have lost two matches in a row, that doesn't mean that I can't win a match.  The last time I checked, I was still one half of the ECW Tag Team Champions.

Triple H:
    Yeah, a title that you and Kane have yet to defend by the way.  But don't worry, that screw up you just had has ensured that you will have to defend them now.  But before you do, you need to prove something to me.  You have to prove to not only me, but the world that you still belong here in Evolution.  You need to prove that you are still part of the future of this business.  So next week, you are going to have to prove it, because you will be going one-on-one...with me.  Do you have the guts?

Shawn Michaels:
    You put that World title on the line, and you got a deal.

Triple H:
    Well then, consider yourself the #1 contender, because next week, you will get your shot.

(The two men get face to face as the show fades to black.)

(Show ends)