Send Me an Angel - Part 11

Amy's hands shook as she fumbled with her cell phone, relieved she'd remembered to bring it on their little driving trip.  She quickly dialed 911, explaining that they'd deliberately been run off the road.  The person on the other end questioned her as to their whereabouts, and the redhead became flustered.  As she tried to describe the area, Adam suddenly tapped her, making a gesture for the phone.

Somehow, the tall blond man had managed to remain calm enough to remember what road they'd been traveling, and he quickly told the person on the other end.  After a moment, he flipped the phone closed, then shifted his gaze to the woman standing beside him.

"He told us to sit tight and that help is on the way."

The redhead crossed her arms over her chest, hugging herself.  She turned to glance back at the wreckage of their rental car, unable to believe it hadn't been damaged further than it had.  The driver's side door was slightly dented, the paint on both sides of the car had been chipped off, and one of the rear hubcaps had popped off, but that was it.  She ran her hand through her long hair, shuddering a little as she turned back to face Adam.

"I don't know how to tell you this," she began shakily, "but someone's singling you out, baby."

He gazed at her uncertainly.  "What...what do you mean?"

"Adam, think about it.  Someone tried to run you over two nights ago - now this...s-someone is gunning for you."

"Oh, my God..."  A look of pure horror crossed over the Canadian's features.  In all honestly, he'd never thought what had just happened to them had been done deliberately.  He'd automatically assumed that whoever had run them off the road was just out for some sadistic fun at someone else's expense.  "Oh, God..."  He ran his hand through his long hair as he nervously glanced over their surroundings.

Amy took a deep breath as she moved closer to him, tugging on his arm.  "I-I don't know why, but I know it.'s just something that I feel in my gut," she said gently.  "It all makes sense, Adam.  If I hadn't knocked you out of the way of that SUV the other night, if..."  She stopped speaking as the blond edged away from her.

"If that's the case, you'd better stay away from me," he said firmly.  "Because if that is the case, then I'm no good for you."

"What?  I'm not going anywhere..."

"Amy, I..."  He looked away for a moment, his heart breaking at the words he was about to speak.  "If someone is after me - and neither of us have any idea of who that is..."  He met her worried hazel eyes as he continued.  "...I don't want you near me.  This person wants to hurt me, not you.  And I won't let him hurt you!"

The diva winced as she came forward and threw herself in his arms.  "Don't say that!" she cried as she hugged him tightly.  "Don't ever say that..."  She stared up into his face, a fierce gleam of determination in her eyes.  ", you listen to me, Adam Copeland - I am not going it or not, we're in this together."  She lifted a hand to his lips, silencing him before he could protest further.

"Together..."  She gently pulled his head down to hers and kissed him deeply.  Adam kissed her back, tightening his arms around her waist.  He wondered what he'd ever done to deserve this woman.  She was like a dream.


The man stood at the very top of the steep hill where the bastard Copeland and Amy Dumas had crashed, looking down for any signs.  And then he realized they hadn't exactly crashed - he could see their car, a bit banged up, but more than intact.  He cursed himself a moment later when he spotted the couple standing a few feet away from the vehicle.  They were both alive and appeared unharmed.

He looked up in the direction of the road in which he'd just traveled, spotting a car a ways away.  He decided he'd better get the hell out of there before some nosy passerby started any trouble.  The man stepped back into the Maxima and started the car, speeding away with a squeal of rubber against the pavement.


Stephanie looked up sharply as her cell phone began ringing.  "Hello?"

"Hi, Steph - it's me."  Kurt explained how he had fallen too far behind the man he was tailing to have seen what he'd been doing moments earlier.  "As you said earlier, I think he's definitely up to no good.  He stopped on the side of the road and was walking around the embankment, but what he was doing, I have no idea."  Then, a stupid thought occurred to him - maybe the guy had just stopped for a piss.

"Okay, Kurt...where are you now?" Stephanie queried.

"I'm still following him, but I'm keeping way back.  Looks like he's getting off the next exit."

"You know what?  Could you get off and go back to the spot where he got out of his car?"

The Olympian questioned her about this.

"I...I don't know," Stephanie admitted.  "Call it a weird sixth sense or whatever, but something tells me he might have been doing something there...something sinister..."


"So, you think someone was deliberately out to get you when they ran you off the road?" one of the two police officers asked Amy as he jotted some notes on a pad.

"Yes," the redhead replied.  "It just seems too coincidental for it not to be deliberate."

"What do you mean by 'coincidental,' Miss?"

Amy bit her lip and glanced at Adam before turning back to the cop.  "Two nights ago, my boyfriend was almost run down in a parking lot," she said slowly.  "I think the person who tried that is the same person who ran us off the road."

"Okay..."  He scribbled in the pad some more.  "...did either of you happen to get the license number on the..."  He consulted an earlier page of his notes.  "...Maxima?"

The redhead closed her eyes, placing one fist against her forehead as she tried to recall the number.  She'd seen it at one point or another during their ordeal, but the entire license eluded her.  "I remember a 3 and an M...I can't remember any more."

"Wait a minute," Adam interjected.  "Amy, I just thought of something we didn't consider before..."

The second police officer turned to him.  "What might that be, sir?" he asked.

"If someone is singling me out - and this someone is the same person from Monday night...well, then wouldn't that person have to be a fellow WWF employee?"

Amy met his eyes, her eyes widening and lips parting with surprise.  "Oh, God!  You're right!"

"Which means," Adam continued, "the car - as well as the SUV from two nights ago - is a rental."

"No matter," the first officer said.  "If that's the case, we can pick up the perp by tracing him back to his credit card.  As long as we get the license number, we can track down the rental company."

"I...can't remember anything other than a 3 and an M," the redhead said sadly.

"That's all right, Miss...we can do a search and see what we get."

Amy glanced over at Adam again, and they shared a secret communication between each other.  Neither could quite believe what was happening.


Kurt did as Stephanie had requested, and now he pulled his rental up to approximately the spot the man had stopped.  He was taken aback by the black and white police cruiser that was parked several feet away, but was now certain that the man had been up to no good.  He exited the car, stepping up to the pavement, and glanced down the hill to survey the scene.

"Oh, sweet mother of God!"  His blue eyes widened as he noticed the slightly banged up car, a man hitching it up to his tow truck.  Several feet away from that, two policemen were standing with and speaking to two people, evidently the passengers.  They were a little too far for him to make out clearly, but he could swear they looked somewhat familiar.

Kurt squinted a little, wishing he had a pair of binoculars when he noticed something.  The woman had red hair.  The man was tall and had blond hair - long blond hair.  And then, as it suddenly hit him, he gasped in shock...

...The couple was Amy Dumas and Adam Copeland.


Stephanie paced back and forth in the hotel lobby, her hands on her hips.  She hadn't heard from Kurt in nearly an hour and was feeling extremely anxious.  She wrung her hands and turned toward the door, expecting - hoping - that he would step into the hotel at any moment.  Come on, Kurt, where are you?!

She looked up as the automatic doors suddenly opened a moment later, whipping her head toward the entrance.  As she saw that it was only Jay Reso and Nora Greenwald, her heart sank.  She sighed and ran both hands through her long brown hair in frustration.

"Stephanie?" Jay asked in concern.  "What's wrong?"

A shadow of uncertainty crossed the brunette's features, and the blond man could see a flicker of fear in her blue eyes.  "'s nothing."

Jay and Nora exchanged confused glances.  It was obvious that Stephanie was lying.  The Canadian knew the young woman quite well after she'd been his best friend's girlfriend for as long as she had, and he didn't bite.  "Come on, Steph...really, I'd like to help.  If there's something bothering you..."

"I'm waiting for Kurt...he's...doing me a favor."

"Oh...then what's the worry?" the blond asked.

"I...I think he might have run into a bit of trouble," Stephanie said with worry.  She met his eyes and winced.  "Oh, God...if something's happened to him, I'll never forgive myself!"

Nora couldn't help but feel sorry for the brunette.  Stephanie looked absolutely frantic.  She reached out and gently touched the other woman on the arm.  "What's going on, Stephanie?"

"I..."  She glanced from Nora to Jay, and then back again.  "...I can't explain to you here.  Just...just give me a few minutes.  I just need to wait for Kurt."  She gently pulled away from the blonde's grasp and began to resume her pacing.

Nora and Jay glanced into one another's eyes, both wondering what was going on.  As they started up the stairs to the rooms, Nora cast one last glance over her shoulder at Stephanie.

Part 12
