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>Hometown: Death Valley, Nevada
>Finisher: Crucifixion
>XWF Record: 31-32-2
>CWF Record: 1-0-1
>Goals: Win a Championship
>Quote: "I Am The Sin Within"
>Theme Song: "Bombshell" by Powerman 5000
>Accomplishments- 3x Xtreme Champion 1x Tag Team Champion 1x Roleplayer of the Week

Revelations. The acknowledgement and acceptance of fallibilty.

The camera flickers to life in the center of an abandoned parking lot at night. The once great strip mall was now nothing more than empty husks of buildings and a great pitch black sea of asphalt that rolled out as far as the eye could see. And despite having streetlamps every handful of feet, only couples were still operational, casting down odd beams of light and forging awkward shadows. The only objects disrupting this tranquil and lonely scene are two cars parked opposite each other about a hundred feet apart... That, and the two men fist fighting in the middle of it all. The first man was Enforcer, shirtless and a trickle of blow flowing from his lips. Also, his usually blond hair was dyed orange by the mixture of sweat and blood flowing over it. Despite his wounds, he was grinning from ear to ear, breathing heavy and bouncing up and down. He never took his eyes of the man standing across from him, Enforcer? The other Enforcer's fists are smeared with blood, a mixture of Enforcer's and some of his own coming from the cut just above his eye. He stepped back and used the back of his left hand to push some of the crimson river away from his eye, and Enforcer lowered his hands for the first time chuckling a bit to himself. Finally, the opposite brought his hands back up, and he followed right after. They moved around each other, each taking turns in both the darkness and the light. Enforcer's chest glistened in the artificial light, and he lunged forward and connected with a shot to the gut. Opposite doubled over, but used his momentum to drive a shoulder into his chest, taking them both to the ground. Enforcers bare back slammed hard into the blacktop, but he did his best to shrug off the pain and roll back up to his feet. He managed to do so, but the opposite was one step ahead of him, waiting with a right cross to the jaw. He staggered back a few steps, and was just able to pull himself far enough away that opposite's uppercut attempt connected with nothing but the wind. He saw his opening and slammed his fist into Opposite's ribs and then another shot to the side of the head. Opposite's body jerked violently as he lost his footing a fell down hard, smacking his shoulder on the hard asphalt... Breathing heavily, Enforcer placed both hands on his knees and bent over, trying to get in as much air as he could. X moved a hand to his back and held it up to the light... His fall had scraped his back up enough to draw blood there too... He laughed to himself again and opposite rolled over onto his back and looked up at Enforcer through squinted eyes…

Enforcer: ...You want to call it?

Opposite: No... Not yet... Five minute break?

Enforcer: I don't know if I'll be able to move again in five minutes... My headache is coming back stronger than it's been all night.

Opposite: ...Five minute break it is then...

X sighs half-heartedly and this brings a smile to opposite's face. Opposite slowly picks himself up off the ground and steps under one of the working street lamps. His shoulder has already turned a deep shade of purple and black. He walks up to him and jabs a finger at it. Opposite yelps in pain and jumps back a little, scowling at Enforcer. In turn a grin now spreads across Enforcer’s face as he begins to lightly clap his hands.

Enforcer: Oh yeah, you're going to have a great use of that arm five minutes from now. Come on, just give it up and call this one a match. The last thing we all need is a second trip to the hospital this week... Plus, there's always a next time. Besides, I have a few things of mine own to take care of right now.

Opposite nods slightly and leans up against the concrete base of the streetlamp. When X turns his back to him, Opposite begins to mumble to himself...

Opposite: Lucky bastard gets in one good shot and acts so god damn suave about it...

He turns his head around slightly and opposite stops mumbling and instead focuses all of his attention on rubbing his left arm. Enforcer begins to walk away from opposite and towards the camera, his body flashing in and out of light with every few steps. The smears of blood, both his and opposite's, set and ominous mood as he approaches. In the few seconds that it takes he to cross an expanse of the parking lot, he switches gears out of the adrenaline pumping battle mode into the more methodical and slower mode that he is accustomed too when addressing an audience through the camera's lens. He has a wild look in his eyes, one rarely seen as he usually has his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark shades. Enforcer spreads his arms out to his sides now as he slows down his walk, beckoning to no one in particular yet to everyone in the world at the same time. With a scoff, he stops dead in his tracks and brings his arms across his reddened chest in the shape of an X.

Enforcer: I suppose there's no use in hiding it now... Now that it has become all the more clear that yes, in fact all is not perfect in my world. Despite my best efforts I seem to have lost control of a piece of myself, the very piece that is the driving force behind exactly who and what I am. My mind has become... a time bomb of sorts you could say. I have no idea exactly when and for how long I will lose control, but I am certain of the fact that at some point it is bound to happen again. However, if any of you expect to exploit this as a weakness, then you are both sadly and sorely mistaken. For you see, while these "blackouts" should have spelled out my ultimate downfall, I have instead rose to a greater power through them and despite them. Heh... I am a three time holder of the Xtreme title, I experienced the first of many title reigns. Watching the tapes back, it was almost like my body took over on instinct when my mind was too fragile to continue. That even on reserve power, I will still be able to conquer Blizzard, to capture what is mine. By all accounts I should have never lost that title in the first place months ago? I mean, the fault is there so all that needs to be done is the exploitation of it right? The biggest sign of strength knows your weaknesses and how to overcome them. Well, so far so good... But why publicize what could very well be the one way to ensure a victory over me? Am I that arrogant to believe that no matter what I will always be invincible? Impervious to anyone and anything thrown at me? Ha, not likely. I more than anyone else know the mortality that binds us all to this Earth. So that still leaves the question of why. And honestly, it's quite simple... Ever since it first started happening and I began to deal with the blackouts, I shut myself away from everyone in attempt to hide my newfound fault. I put on a facade of half-truths and full lies in just the chance that no one would ever be able to see through my veil and into the blinding light. I had become... Everything I ever preached against... And quite frankly, that made me ill to my stomach. I was a prisoner to my own shattered mind, the chains binding me in a never-ending cycle of deceit and deception. And every time I walked through that curtain and looked across the ring, I saw a vision of myself in the eyes of my opponent. And that my friends, is the one thing I promised myself would never, ever happen. I became everything I hated, everything I vowed I would never become, yet there I was forcing myself to live a lie while preaching another... Well... No longer. I finally saw the error of my ways when my world went black before my eyes. When I lost consciousness last Saturday, I had my own personal revelation. In the perpetual darkness, I saw the truth that set me free... So to finally answer the question, why reveal my weakness? Not because of over arrogance, but to be free of all the deception and to once again be free of all burdens against me. Only then will I be able to truly return to the state of being that allowed me to rise through this promotion so quickly. And so I stand before you now today, a new man that never changed, finally able to relive my life without the lies. I stand before you the same man who can make an impact on the Xtreme division. This "weakness" as you may all see it has taken me to the edge and back again... Hitting bottom is not weekend retreat, this I now know. And in the end, after it is all said and done I am free in all the ways that you are not. Especially you Blizzard. Sure, you may be the champ now, but you have yet to climb to the top of the mountain. It has eluded you grasp this long for a reason, and so your losing streak shall continue. You lack the freeness of mind and soul that embodies a champion, for some reason you have binded yourself to some lie in this mortal world. Some lie, some hidden treason... Something is keeping you from stepping through the door of true enlightenment. Why is that Blizzard? Why do you refuse to just... let go? As you see, not accepting your faults will lead to your downfall one way or another. It almost claimed me, don't think you are an exception to the rule... You will see the light at Anarchy whether you are ready to acknowledge it or not because in the rebirth of my Era, you will be it's first sacrifice.

Enforcer uncrosses his arms and brings them up to his head where he runs both of them through his hair to get back some of it's natural spike. When he brings his hands back down, his left hand brushes against the sticky blood beginning to dry around his lip. Using his index and middle fingers, he wipes the crimson drops off of his face and then looks down at them with a sickly satisfaction...

Enforcer: This is my blood... The same blood that is willing to be spilled to earn a shot. Because of my past indiscretions I may never be free of this... curse, but I will not allow that to hinder me in any way, shape, or form. Blizzard, I know you are simply licking your chops at the idea of taking on a less than perfect champion. You're like a lion stalking a wounded gazelle, but let's be honest, that's just nature. Its you instinct to for the kill now, believe one hundred percent in your heart of hearts that there is no way you can fail. And that Blizzard, is exactly why you will never deserve this title. But hell, I'm not telling you anything that you don't already know. How is it that man gets a title without ever climbing to the top, eh? Being the Messiah of the Midcard is respectable, but where is the Fame in it? The glory? The legendary status? It just isn't there... It just is not there... Lie to yourself all you want, but there truth will never change. I've shown you door, please do what's right... Step through like I did and see the error of your ways. Then, and only then will you be free enough to rise to the top and capture what you've never been able to touch before: Greatness.

From behind Enforcer, the opposite Enforcer staggers in and out of the shadows, still clenching onto his severely bruised shoulder. He stops talking and turns around to see him approaching. He smiles brightly and turns back to the camera once again, this time the fire in his eyes begins flickering at a frantic pace.

Enforcer: And so it both begins and ends for you Blizzard at Anarchy. You have one shot to achieve greatness at my expense, just one. If you fail now, when I am at my, ahem, "weakest" don't ever expect to receive the same shot ever again. Sure, you might get another title shot down the road, possibly even against me but by then it will have been too late. The promising legacy of Blizzard will have been forgotten and you will be doomed to a torturous reign as a paper champion that very few, if any will remember years down the road. This is your chance for glory Blizz, take it. Free yourself from the chains and step forward to challenge me. If you don't, you haven't the slightest chance of victory... Blackout, or not blackout. Or you could choose to take these words with a grain of salt, and ignore them completely. It is of no consequence to me when you seal your fate, as it is bound to happen eventually. While your name may sit on a plaque somewhere in some building of some small town for a few years... It will be my name of the lips of the people for generations to come. For you see, I am the one and only... The master of fire... The ruler of demons.... ENFORCER! Blizz... Look into my eyes and see the futility, see the hopelessn—

The fire in Enforcer's eyes extinguishes almost instantly, and he falls to one knee. His head bows downward and he is still for several seconds. Opposite Enforcer sends a worried gaze into the camera only momentarily before he rushes the last few steps over to Enforcer. Opposite helps Enforcer make up to his feet with his good arm and looks into the blank eyes of Enforcer. Opposite whistles sharply and gives him a good shake, but still nothing. Opposite waves off the cameraman, but he doesn't stop shooting. Nearly a minute and a half later, after Opposite had lead X over to a concrete foundation the fire suddenly shot back into Enforcer's eyes and he immediately grabbed for his temples with both hands, screaming out in pain and falling down to both knees. A second or two later though, he stands back up and rubs a tear away from his eye with the back of his hand...

Opposite : You know what, let's call this a match. I can barely lift my arm... You win this round. The puts you up 2-1...

Enforcer looks disoriented and a bit confused, and he just nods slowly. His last set of memories rush back to him, and when he realizes what happened, Enforcer kicks the concrete foundation as hard as he can. He yelps a bit from the pain, and hobbles a step or two away...

Enforcer: Did I...?

Opposite : ...Yeah... Come on, let's go...

Enforcer becomes irate with a unbridled passion, as he tears away from Opposite as he tries to lead him back to the cars. He sprints full speed to the camera and gets right up into it...

Enforcer: There you see, Blizzard! That's what you are looking for! THAT is your only chance of walking out of Anarchy with the title. Falter once though, just once, and I swear to god I will make you sorry you ever signed for this match. Look into my eyes and see the futility. See the hopelessness. See the despair that is your future. Your only future, the only future you have is to become an example. To prove to everyone that I have no weakness! I have a fault and I can fall, but it's nothing that I can't handle and nothing I haven't handled in the past. I want you to come at me Blizz... Come at me with every last thing you've got... For this is the one night where everything goes and nothing stays. This is the one night where I either cement my legacy, or become another whisper on the wind. Pray to your god Blizz... Because I plan on sending you to him after Anarchy. Before the darkness consumes me again... I will take everything from you, and leave you a beaten and broken man! A soulless husk left to wander purgatory until the end of days... Remember this forever and always, only the truth... Shall set you free...

Enforcer snaps his arm up and punches the camera as hard as he can. His knuckles split open instantly and blood pours down them...All of sudden, the scene shifts to Enforcer waking up in cold sweat. He shakes his head at the dream and collapses onto the pillow bringing his world back to complete darkness.

Today is
Saturday March 22, 2003
Future Matches

Enforcer vs. Blizzard
Xtreme Title Match

Recent Matches

>Anarchy - Enforcer vs. Chris Cage - Victory