The scene opens with a yellow limo pulling into the parking lot, William Regal steps out adjusting his jacket, he places his hand in his pocket and pulls out a pocket watch and looks at the time then puts it back in his pocket
\-/ William Regal \-/
well...The XWE, you know we almost didn't make it today, young master...are you ready to see what your uncle has to say, come along Master Eugene...get out of the limo...that's a boy
>> SCENE <<
you see a small XWE napsack being trown out of the limo as William bends to pick it up. Eugene sticks his head out of the limo smiling, biting on his thumb, Regal helps him out of the limo adjusting his jacket and name tag, Eugene walks over to the limo driver and gives him a huge hug
\-/ Eugene \-/
Thank you Limo guy...
>> SCENE <<
Regal Walks up to Eugene and takes him my the arms and pats him on the back trying to pull him away
\-/ William Regal \-/
Yes Eugene...we are thankful the driver brought us here....come along young master, your uncle Eric is waiting and we don't wan to keep your uncle waiting now do we?
>> SCENE <<
Eugene turns his head towards William, tugs his hair and bites his thumb. With a very serious look nods a no
\-/ William Regal \-/
That's Right...We don't want to keep him waiting, now come Take your bag dear boy....take your bag
>> SCENE <<
Eugene takes his napsack and follows William to the enterance doors and looks back at the limo driver and waves to him, walking back to give him another hug, William stops him and pulls him inside the arena, once inside Eugene takes a look around, his mouth drops as he sees some of the XWE talent and begins pointing at them jumping up and down
\-/ Eugene \-/
>> SCENE <<
William looks around a little embarrest at Eugene and tries to calm him down, turning his head towards Stacy and Torrie and smiles
\-/ William Regal \-/
Now's not polite to point and shout now is it?
>> SCENE <<
Eugene bites his lower lip and stops jumping and pointing, William looks around again as the other talent goes back to whatever they were doing
\-/ William Regal \-/ that's a good lad Eugene, very res...
>> SCENE <<
Eugene taps William's shoulder, nods and whispers in Regal's ear
\-/ Eugene \-/
...sorry Regal....sorry
>> SCENE <<
William nods as they begin walking further inside the arena
\-/ William Regal \-/
It's Alright Master's alright...mistakes happen...let's go see your uncle Eric...
>> SCENE <<
Eugene nods as they continue walking towards Eric Bischoff's office and knocking on the door, Eric opens the door and gives William and Eugene an evil Smile
\-/ Eugene \-/
>> SCENE <<
eugene runs into Eric's arms and picks him up for a huge bear hug, Eric begins to struggle, William tries to pull Eugene off of Eric
\-/ William Regal \-/
Eugene...let go of Uncle Eric now...Eugene...
>> SCENE <<
Eric begins coughing and taps on Eugene's shoulder
\-/ Eric Bischoff \-/
>> SCENE <<
Eugene lets go of his uncle Eric and begins jumping up an down, clapping his hands and begins laughing
\-/ Eugene \-/
I'm a wrestler Uncle Eric....i'm a real wrestler...i can wrestle like.....Triple H and...William Regal...
>> SCENE <<
William smiles as Eugene taps his shoulder looking at his uncle Eric
\-/ Eugene \-/
...and even you Uncle Eric...i could wrestle like YOU!!!
>> SCENE <<
Eugene sits on the floor blocking his face trying not to get hit, William turns his head and snickers, Eric pushes William
\-/ Eric Bischoff \-/
Is that what your teaching him?
\-/ William Regal \-/
Ofcourse not Sir...i'm teaching him all of what I's not my fault if the dear boy sees you wanted to see us mr. Bischoff?
\-/ Eric Bischoff \-/
yeah...take a seat...i want to talk to you about my nephew Eugene...
>> SCENE <<
William takes a seat infront of Eric's Desk, Eric gives Willian another sinister smile as he makes his way to his seat, Eugene looks around and seems to be getting a little bored and begins wandering off and makes his way to the Smackdown Stage as it's being set up, Eugene opens his mouth in aww as the huge cranes are lifting the equipment setting up the ring jumping up and down laughing he makes his way to the stage enterance and sees a whole bunch of wires. taking a pair of scissors flicking them a couple of times, looking around making sure William isn't around he cuts the cable sending the Smackdown fist crashing below
\-/ Eric Bischoff \-/
and on those conditions...i'll allow Eugene to wrestle...but don't screw up William cause if you do i'll see the door faster than the French backing out of the war...
>> SCENE <<
William stands and gives Eric a hard handshake and begins to turn around
\-/ William Regal \-/
Did you hear that Dear boy...uncle Eric said you could....
>> SCENE <<
William notices Eugene isn't around and begins to panic
\-/ William Regal \-/
Eugene?....oh bloddy hell.....Eugene!!!
\-/ Eric Bischoff \-/
Where is he William? you better find him quick!!!
\-/ William Regal \-/
Don't Worry Sir...i'll find the young boy...he couldn't of ran off too far
>> SCENE <<
William ad Eric walk out of the office as they hear the loud bang coming from the stage, they begin running towards it and find Eugene standing next to the fit trying to pick it up, William ruhes over to him and tries to pull him away while Uncle Eric stands there fuming
\-/ Eugene \-/
uh oh...Eugene fix it...Eugene make it better
\-/ William Regal \-/
That's alright Master Eugene come along i have very good news for you...thank you mr. Bischoff we'll see you next week ready to wrestle
>> SCENE <<
William Regal begins pushing Eugene offthe stage as eric stands there looking at the fist shaking his head