She walked into the cafe, and they smell of stale grease and burnt food filled her nostrils. Sighing, she sat down at a table and rubbed her forehead.
"What can I get ya, sweetie?" A waitress in a badly stained uniform asked.
"Um..........a cup of coffee and some toast, please." The young woman said.
Her name was Alison Stevens, 32 years old, dark brown hair, and big brown eyes that had gotten her compliments from more then one man. She wasn't ver comfortable with her body, however. She wasn't that tall, and she was a little heavier then she would have liked. Her friend Kimberly constantly told her that she really didn't have anything to worry about; she was beautiful. But, Alison didn't believe it.
She closed her eyes adn rolled her head around on her shoulders, cringing at the stiffness. She rubbed the back of her neck and sucked in a sharp hiss. The black and blue hand prints were still visible, and that's why she wore her hair down tonight, as opposed to her usual upsweep.
Just then, the waitress walked up with her coffee, and Alison jumped, startled.
"Sorry, honey. Here's your coffee. The toast will be right out." The waitress said, eyeing her strangely.
Alison nodded, produced a strained smile, and lifted the coffee cup to her lips, her hands shaking horribly. She took a big sip, and then sat the cup back down, because she was afraid she was going to drop it. She inhaled deeply and covered her face with her hands.
Mark got out of his truck, slamming the door hard as he did.
"Stupid, lying, bitch!" He said, under his breath, as he stormed into the cafe.
"Hey, handsome. How are you.........what's wrong?" The waitress asked Mark as he sat down at the bar.
"Oh, it's Asia. What else is usually wrong when I come in here? Goddamn little............." Mark started, but then he shook his head. "Forget it. All you need to know is that last night was the VERY LAST time you'll see us together. I've had it with her bullshit."
"Well, whatever happened, I'm sorry. I never thought she was good enough for you anyway." The waitress said and smiled.
Mark couldn't help but smile in return. "Thanks, Kathy. Hey, can I get a beer, please?" He asked.
"Yep. Just a minute." Kathy said.
Mark turned around on the barstool and that's when he saw the dark haired woman sitting in the booth across from him. He could see her hands shaking, and it looked like she was crying. He watched her move her hands away from her face and take a sip of her coffee. She then turned and stared out the window; a blank, lost expression on her face.
"Here ya go, babe." Kathy said, handing Mark the beer.
"Thanks. Kathy, who is that?" Mark asked, still watching the woman.
"Couldn't say. But, she's jumpy as hell though. She came in here about twenty minutes ago." Kathy said.
"You haven't seen her in here before?" Mark asked.
"Nope. And, that's strange, because I practically know everyone in this town." Kathy said.
Mark nodded slowly, and took a sip of his beer. "Interesting." He said, softly.
Alison rubbed her eyes and looked down at the table. Her coffee was cold, and the toast was horribly stale. Besides, her mouth hurt too bad to really enjoy it, anyway. She looked up and got the attention of the waitress.
"Excuse me?" She said.
Kathy raised her eyebrows at Mark and walked over to Alison's table. "You need something else, Hun?" She asked.
"No, thank you. I just want the check please." Alison said.
Kathy reached into her pocket and took out her order pad. She tore off the sheet with Alison's order on it, and placed it on the table.
"There ya go." She said, and walked away.
"Thanks." Alison said. She grabbed her purse off the seat and moved out of the booth. As she stood up straight, she saw Mark for the first time.
"Hi." Mark said, softly.
"Hello." Alison said, looking down at her shoes.
"You just move into town?" Mark asked.
"Yes. About two months ago." Alison said.
"Well, nice to meet you. I'm Mark." Mark said, extending his hand to her.
Alison stared at his hand and then looked up at his face, seeing bright green eyes looking at her. She placed her hand in his carefully and shook it quickly.
"I'm Alison. Excuse me. I have to go now." She said, and turned to leave.
Mark couldn't help but notice how scared she was. "You okay?" He asked, not only because he was concerned, but also because he really wanted to keep her talking to him.
"Yes. I'm fine." Alison said, walking up to the cash register. As she did, she accidentally bumped her stomach into the edge of the counter, and a horrible look of pain covered her face. She doubled over, held her breath, and cringed.
This whole scene wasn't lost on Mark. He stood up and walked over to her. "Damn. That looks like it hurt." He said, helping her stand up straight.
Alison flinched as his hands touched her arms. "Don't touch me." She hissed.
Mark backed off. "Alright. Sorry." He said, and sat back down.
Alison glared at him as she paid her check. Kathy gave her the change back, and Alison quickly walked out the front door.
"Well, what do you make of that?" Kathy askesd, walking back over to Mark.
Mark shook his head. "I don't know. But, if she comes in here again, I want you to call me." Mark said, writing down his telephone number on a piece of paper.