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GCW Fall Crucifixion 2003

Day 1

Date: 10/11/03

{Wrestling Inc. walks out and introduces the first day of GCW v.4. They then welcome everyone to the three day event of Fall Crucifixion 2003. They then introduce Krazy Josh out and state that as of today he is now the new GCW Commissioner and award him with a paycheck. Krazy Josh thanks both of them and then makes a Tag-Team Match consisting of himself and Extraño against Hydro and Majestic.}

1. Krazy Josh/Extraño vs. Hydro/Majestic
Winners: Hydro/Majestic via The Hydraulics by Hydro after the interference by "The Doc" David Giles

{After the match, Krazy Josh slowly stands to his feet and challenges both Majestic and "The Doc" David Giles to a 3-Way Match for later in the night. David Giles walks back out and demands it to be an IWA Reinstatement Match. Krazy Josh agrees.}

Airbourne vs. Rio Rojo
{Instead of Rio Rojo, The GCW Champion, Adam Michaels, walks out from the curtain. He gets on the microphone and informs Airbourne that tonight Airbourne will get a small preview of the match scheduled for Oblivion 2003.}

2. GCW Championship Match
Airbourne vs. Adam Michaels
Winner: Airbourne via DQ because of interference by "The Mastermind" Steven Bell

{Right before Adam and Steven are about to hit their new Tag-Team Move named the Termination, Majestic makes the save by attacking Steven Bell. Krazy Josh comes out and goes straight for Majestic, followed by Hydro who attacks Krazy Josh. Adam someway weasels out of the ring and grabs the microphone. He states that tonight there will be a 6-Man Tag-Team Match with himself and Steven Bell teaming up with Krazy Josh against Airbourne, Majestic, and Hydro.}

3. IWA Reinstatement Match
"The Doc" David Giles vs. Majestic vs. Krazy Josh
Winner & Reinstated: "The Doc" David Giles via Death Valley Driver

4. Fate Championship Match
Hydro (c) vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner & Still Fate Champion: Hydro via Hydro Bomb

5. 6-Man Match
Wrestling Inc/Krazy Josh vs. Airbourne/Majestic/Hydro
Winners: Airbourne/Majestic/Hydro via DQ by interference from "The Doc" David Giles hitting Airbourne with the Title.

{The camera fades out on David Giles dropping Airbourne down with the Death Valley Driver.}

Day 2

Date: 10/12/03

{Wrestling Inc. makes their way out. Steven Bell informs that Smokey is fired. Adam Michaels then gets on the microphone and tells the fans that at Oblivion 2003 they will get a Tag-Team Title Shot against the 903 Boyz. But tonight, they want to make it clear to the fans that they are worthy contenders. Adam challenges the team of Havok and Majestic, Mexican Style.}

6. Wrestling Inc. vs. Mexican Style
Winners: Wrestling Inc. via Submission Hold by Steven Bell that Majestic tapped out to.

{Krazy Josh comes out and challenges anyone in the back or in the audience. He then drops the microphone and gets out of the ring. He walks around scoping out the audience. He grabs up two helpless kids and throws them both in the ring, where he slams both. Hydro comes out running and slides in the ring and attacks Krazy Josh. Hydro cares for the kids and helps them both up. While he is doing that, Krazy Josh backs away from the ring and grabs a girl by her hair and bites her neck, turning her evil. Krazy Josh takes the helpless girl into the back with him.}

{"The Mastermind" Steven Bell makes his way out and informs Krazy Josh that he loves what he did to the girl. He then makes a match on the spot. He calls out Ultimo Astro, followed by the team of Mexican Style and demands them to wrestle in a 3-Way #1 Contendership for the Fate Title.}

7. Fate Championship #1 Contendership Match
Havok vs. Ultimo Astro vs. Majestic
Winner & #1 Contender: Ultimo Astro via Ultimate Destination on Majestic

8. Fate Championship Match
Hydro (c) vs. Rio Rojo
Winner & Still Fate Champion: Hydro via Hydro Bomb

{Adam Michaels walks out and states that he does not like what Krazy Josh did eariler by biting a girl and turning her evil. Krazy Josh comes out, alongside with the evil girl, which he names Raving Lisa. He gets in the face of Adam Michaels and tells him that he doesnt like that Adam hit him during the 6-Man on Day 1. Krazy Josh challenges Adam Michaels for the GCW Title for tonight. Adam accepts.}

9. GCW Championship Match
Adam Michaels (c) vs. Krazy Josh
Winner & Still GCW Champion: Adam Michaels via 450 Splash

{The camera fades out on Wrestling Inc. standing tall.}

Day 3

Date: 10/13/03

10. Krazy Josh vs. Airbourne
Winner: Krazy Josh via Krazy Driver

{Adam Michaels comes out and says that he wants a match. He challenges Krazy Josh to another match. Krazy Josh comes out and tells Adam that he doesn't want another match for the GCW Title. Adam asks if the title wasn't on the line, would he face him. Krazy Josh accepts.}

11. Non-Title Match
Adam Michaels vs. Krazy Josh
Winner: Krazy Josh via DQ because of Adam hitting him with a pipe.

{Right before Adam is about to hit Krazy Josh one more time with the pipe, Airbourne runs out and makes the save. He nails Adam from behind and starts brawling. Adam slips out of the ring and tells Airbourne that at Oblivion 2003 they will get their chance to wrestle eachother. Airbourne tells Adam that if he loves weapons so much, why not make it a Hardcore Match. Adam accepts to the stipulation. The two start fighting again with Adam telling Airbourne if he touches him again he will fire the him on the spot. With that being said, Airbourne lays a fist straight to the face of Adam Michaels. The GCW Owner then calls for a match here and now for the GCW Title. Himself against Airbourne with the stipulation being if Airbourne loses he will be fired.}

12. GCW Championship Match
Adam Michaels (c) vs. Airbourne
Winner: Airbourne via DQ because of Adam nailing him with the Title.

{Adam gets out of the ring and states that Airbourne won and still has a job in the GCW.}

13."The Mastermind" Steven Bell vs. Ultimo Astro
Winner: "The Mastermind" Steven Bell via The New Masterplan

{The camera fades out of "The Mastermind" Steven Bell standing tall.}



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