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Action Pictures 1

A.D. Christian with the best Lionsault in the World

The Madman & Fantastico hitting the 5 Dollar Bill on Ultimo Astro

Krazy Josh throwing Adam over the ropes

Adam Michaels hitting a DDT on Krazy Josh onto a pan

The Phantom with the Chokeslam on Adam Michaels

Marc Kold about to nail a Corkscrew Moonsault on Krazy Josh

A.D. Christian flipping on both Ultimo Astro & The Madman

The Madman Gorilla Press Slamming Adam Michaels

A.D. Christian nailing Fantastico with the KaosSault

Adam Michaels planting Kaos Kidd with the Falling Reverse DDT

Krazy Josh putting Marc Kold out with the Shock Therapy

Krazy Josh throwing Adam into the table in the corner

Big Timer nailing the Timer Drop on Fantastico

The Madman planting Around the World in 3 Seconds on Ultimo Astro

Adam Michaels kicking a pan in Krazy Josh's face

The Madman picking up Adam for the Fisherman's Suplex

Frozen Eclipse about to put Havok out of his misery

Adam Michaels missing the 450 Splash

A.D. Christian nailing the 903 on Adam Michaels

Marc Kold with an impressive Axekick

Go to Action Pictures 2



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