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Action Pictures 6

Adam Michaels flying in the air with the Springboard Leg Drop

Fantastico flying high with the Fantastico Decimation nailing Krazy Josh

Jag with an awesome Springboard Moonsault

Fantastico with the Shining Wizard to Krazy Josh

The Phantom with the Spear that shook the world

The Phantom picking up Adam with the Spear

Jag planting Krazy Josh with a Hurricanranna out of the turnbuckle

Ultimo Astro planting Fantastico with his finisher, Ultimate Destination

Adam Michaels flying with the 450 Splash onto The Phantom

Adam Michaels using his educated feet

The aftermath of the Spear that shook the world

Adam & Jag working together as a team

Adam & Jag using the ladder on Krazy Josh

Adam & Jag both legdropping Krazy Josh

Adam Michaels with a Springboard Corkscrew on The Phantom

Jag flying in the air with an amazing Asai Moonsault

Adam Michaels once again a bloody mess

A.D. Christian flying high with Amazing Grace

The Madman with the move he calls Depression

Adam Michaels once again a bloody mess

Adam Michaels hooking Jag in The Decapitator

The Madman swinging Adam Michaels around with La Reinera

The Madman stiffing Adam Michaels with a Fisherman's Buster

Jag nailing a Hurricanranna on his partner, Adam Michaels

Adam Michaels planting the Head-On Collision

Marc Kold with a beautiful Lo' Down Frogsplash

Go to Action Pictures 6



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