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GCW v.4

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Titles Held:
Fate (5) (Current)
24/7 (14)
Tag-Team (3)
GCW (3)
Hardcore (2)
Light Heavyweight

Career Highlights:
Former World of Madness Member
Former Just Unstoppable Member
2001 King of Hardcore
Former GCW Commissioner

Wrestling Style:
Brawler/High Flyer


Years of Wrestling:

GCW Debut:
Escape from Hell - December 9th, 2000

First Title Held:
Intercontinental Title

Fiend without a Face

Signature Moves:






Marc Kold

Height: 5' 6"
Weight: 125 lbs.
Hometown: N/A
Finishing Move: Project 666
Theme Song: "Kiss the Skull" by Danzig

Marc Kold returned to GCW at December to Remember. But not as the same person, instead of wearing bright Face Make-up, he wears dark black facepaint with an inverted cross down his face; However, sometimes just wears the facepaint for Big Events. This isn't the same person that was Majestic for months. This wrestler is a Fiend without a Face.

Click Here to view Marc Kold Promo Pictures



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