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"The Real Deal" Damien Steele

Birthdate: Kiss my ass.

Height: This tall.

Weight: Ask your wife

Hometown: Hollywood, CA

Favorite Quote: "That's the real deal."

Finishing Move: "The Dealbreaker"

Wrestling Inspiration: Rick Rude


The Real Deal is one of the most recognizable faces from the southern California wrestling scene. Knowing that he can wrestle anywhere in the world (or so he tells us), why is Damien in UPW?

"Because this federation is just a superstar away from becoming the next big thing, and I am that superstar," brags Steele. "I'm going to be the biggest thing in the biggest thing, and THAT'S, the REAL DEAL!"

In only his second match in UPW, Damien captured UPW gold, becoming the first UPW.COM champion. However, what would be a tremendous accomplishment for most wrestlers, is seen as only a stepping stone by Steele.

"Soon, I'll move up to the Heavyweight championship. Then, I'll prove to all you UPW scumbag fans that I'm the greatest."

And that's the real deal!

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