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"Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels



| | The Forward | |

Shawn Michaels lost his title after one week when he lost it to Kurt Angle. Everyone was suprised by that event. But, Shawn Michaels has a chance to regain his title back at the biggest PPV of the year, WrestleMania! But, this week he has another task. HBK will be in ANOTHER Triple Threat match against Kanyon and X-Pac. Will Kanyon see what is coming for WrestleMania? We'll see...

||Scene 1||Locker Room

Scott Steiner is seen putting stuff into his locker. All of a sudden, the door is heard opening and slammed shut. Shawn Michaels comes into the picture

..::///Scott Steiner\\\::.. Uhh, hey Shawn, what's up?

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. A lot of stuff is up, Scott! I LOST my Intercontinental Title last week. I lost to a red, white, and blue jackass named Kurt Angle! Kurt thinks he is the best now, well, he isn't. He isn't even near being the best. He got lucky, that's all. Kane made me lose the title. He did absolutely nothing! He stood in the corner and did nothing! And when I was in that painful ankle lock, he just stood there and did nothing! Are these guys lovers or something? I sure as hell hope not. Then, after the match, the re-match was made. A re-match for 3 of us.. Kanyon vs Kurt Angle vs Me! The "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels! And that match will be for the PWA Intercontinental Championship!

..::///Scott Steiner\\\::.. Those guys are nothing compared to you, bro. Your going to run all over them once again at WrestleMania. Just like I am going to run over those two jokes at WrestleMania to win the PWA Championship!

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. Hell yeah, Scott. Your taking that title whether people like it or not! But, that Intercontinental Title is also coming back to the Kliq! And, from what I have heard, Vince McMahon has a special stipulation for my match at WrestleMania. And then, Vince has the "heart" to put me in ANOTHER triple threat match at Revenge going against my bud, X-Pac, and my enemy, Kanyon. Now, what is up with this?

..::///Scott Steiner\\\::.. I don't even know, Shawn. I don't know what the hell Vince is thinking. He's just trying to get to run you out of here..

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. I guess that viagra is just getting to his head. But, if he wants to throw me in a match EVERY single week, he can. If he thinks he's going to get rid of me just like that, it ain't gonna happen, kid. My back is not just going to give out just like that. Noone is going to put me out of action anymore, good ol' HBK isn't going to let that happen, damnit. Vince can do all he wants, but, NOONE, and I mean NOONE, gets rid of the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels...

Shawn Michaels walks off

||Scene 2||Hallway

Trish Stratus is standing in the hallway drinking water. Shawn Michaels walks over

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. Hey Shawn, how's it going?

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. Umm, it's going alright, and you?

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. I'm doing pretty good, thanks. Are you OK?

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. Ahh, I'm just still mad about last week. I can't believe I let everyone down..

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. Don't say that. You didn't let anyone down. Everyone has their good or bad nights. It just wasn't your night, Shawn. But don't worry, next Sunday is WrestleMania and you can show everyone once again, that the Showstoppa, will be the Intercontinental Champion once again..

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. I sure hope. I'm going to give that match 100%. I want to show the Kliq that I am NOT going to go on a losing streak. HBK is going to be all wins now. And I start this Sunday at Revenge. As much as I am friends with X-Pac, I can't show any friendly-ness. I want that title back. My emotions are running high, but Vince, of course, has to throw me matches every single week. Why does he do that?

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. I don't even know Shawn. I wish I did. Vince, well, can just be an ass sometimes..

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. Sometimes? You sure it's just sometimes?

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. Hehe, OK, I guess always..? Well, don't let him get to you. OK? Your going to do just fine at Revenge and WrestleMania.

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. I sure as hell hope so. But, I am going to go address this crowd. I'll talk to you later.

..::///Trish Stratus\\\::.. OK, take care Shawn. Bye...

Shawn Michaels walks off

||Scene 3||Ringside

"Sexy Boy" blasts over the PA. Fans go wild as HBK walks out onto the ramp

HBK walks down the ramp and gets into the ring. He does his pose for the fans as pyros shoot off. He takes the microphone from the ring announcer as "Sexy Boy" fades off

..::///"HBK" Shawn Michaels\\\::.. To everyone here, to everyone around the world, well, to everyone whose part of the Kliq, the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels is sorry. I am sorry for letting you all down and losing the PWA Intercontinental Title. But, I promise to ALL of you, that HBK WILL regain the title at WrestleMania. But, that's not why I am out here. I am out here to talk about what's going on this Saunday at Revenge. And I'm talking about my match with Kanyon and X-Pac. Now, this is the second week in a row that has been a triple threat.. But, that does not bother HBK! Whatever kind of match it is, HBK will still come out the winner. X-Pac, we may be buddies, we may be cool, but im sorry son, this Revenge will be the hardest of your career, kid. This match means a lot to the "Heartbreak Kid" Shawn Michaels, this match is going to be very important to me. I want to show everyone that I am not going to be bullied around by Kanyon and Kurt Angle. I want to show Kurt Angle what is going to happen at WrestleMania. I want to show him that the match at WrestleMania will be a match full of memories for Kurt Angle. I want to kick him all over again and get my title back. And I want to get some revenge on Kanyon. Kanyon, we meet this week and at WrestleMania. Now, Kanyon, I have hit you with some chin music before, and I sure as hell want to do it again, Charlie! I am going to bring you to hell and back at Revenge. You thought you could taunt me last week at Revenge after I lose my title? Well, that's not how it works, son! I am going to bully the hell out of you at Revenge. You thought I gave you a beating in our last match, well, you havn't lived it fully yet, punk! I am going to double the beating this week, Kanyon! The band is going to be tuned up and ready to strike at any moment! So, Kanyon, I've given you this advice before and you didn't listen to any one bit of this.. Do not HUNT what you can't kill!

"Sexy Boy" hits again as Shawn Michaels tosses down the microphone. He poses for the fans as we go to a commercial

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