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Big Grumpy

Name: "Big Grumpy" Jeff Fortner

Height: 6'11"

Weight: 324

Date of Birth: Febuary 5, 1970

Hometown: New York City, NY

Alignment: Face

Theme Music: "Cochise" by Audioslave

Wrestling Style: Technician, but can brawl

Title History: OSW Heavyweight Champion (3 times), oWa Heavyweight Champion (6 times), iWa Heavyweight Champion (2 times), along with a number of runs with secondary and tag belts.

Catch Phrase(s): none

Specialty Match(if any): none

Finishing Move: The Greatness

Description: Wraps opponents arm around his neck and uses that arm to pull him backwards onto the back of his head (Regal's finishing move)

Set Up: Big Boot

Trademark Moves: DDT, Sidewalk slam, diving powerbomb

Ring Entrance: The low growl of a guitar plays over the arena and red lights start circling the arena. When the guitar finally comes into action, playing Cochise by Audioslave, Big Grumpy walks out from behind the curtain. He walks down the ring quickly, focused on his opponent already.

Wrestler's History: A first ballot hall of famer in both the oWa and OSW, Big Grumpy has seen a lot in his ten years around the business. At 23 he was pushed through a tournament in his first company, the oWa, and became the World Champion. He began a storied feud with "Da Smooth Pimp", DSP for short which would last him the next four or five years, the two occasionally finding common ground in first "The Family", and later a corporate team. Also in the Family was HSW's Malcolm King in one of his earlier forms. Over the course of five years Grumpy won the oWa title more than any other man, six times. He went on to the iWa where he had similar success with friend "The Imposter" Trevor Adams, and eventually became the World Champion there.     

When the iWa shut down, Old School Wrestling came knocking, and along with his former Family stablemate, "Sparklin'" Nick Martin became a feared force, both with and against the fans. Grumpy held the OSW Title three times before losing a career vs. career match with Malcolm King, in which the only way to gain victory was to beat your opponent to the point they could no longer stand. Grumpy has lived peacefully since, training with Nick Martin who continues to wrestle in the indies and maintaining close contact with his former wrestling pals.

Rivals: none yet

Allies: Malcolm King