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Blake Rozdale

Name: Blake Rozdale

Height: 6'2

Weight: 265lbs

Date of Birth: 8/29/77

Hometown: Jacksonville, Fl


Theme Music: Title: Liberate Artist: Disturbed

Wrestling Style: Shoot

Title History: 1x WuW Hardkore Champion

Catch Phrase(s): I'm from the looney bin.

Specialty Match: Hardkore

Finishing Move: Death Punch

Description: Blake throws his opponent into the ropes and runs into the opposite ropes, jumps and delivers a stiff punch to the heart.

Set Up: DDT

Trademark Moves: none

Ring Entrance: A sickening laugh hits just before "LIberate" by Disturbed plays. Red pyro Begins shooting off as Blake walks out from backstage. Sprinting towards the ring blake dives in awating his opponent.

Wrestler's History: How am i supposed t remember the put me on all these drugs

Most Hated Rival(s): Brian Graves. Esteban, Heather Halliwell, The Enforcer

Allies:Meleza Draven, Rio Carmichael, Sean Graves, Blake Armstrong