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Name: Ebon

Height: 6'5

Weight: 240lb

Date of Birth: 1980

Hometown: Boston, Massachusetes

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: St.anger

Wrestling Style: Shooter, Brawler

Title History: 3x xCw World Champion, 2x Dwf Ladder Champion, 5x xCw Tag Team Champion

Catch Phrase(s): I'm sorry I wasn't listening!

Specialty Match(if any): Ultimate X, Electric

Finishing Move: Genocide

Description: Side Effect

Set Up: Irish whip into the ropes

Trademark Moves: Spear, Arm bar, Atomic Drop Ax Kick, Clothesline, Headlock, Headbut, Sharpshooter, Drop Kick, German Suplex, Crucifix, back backer, neck breaker, Big Boot to Face, Boot Choke,

Ring Entrance(In Result Form): St.anger plays as a red mace ball is seen on the screen all of a sudden black and white pyro shoots out from both side of the stage and to the runway as Ebon walks slowly to the ring.

Wrestler's History: Always loved wrestling as a kid. By the age of 18 he decided to get into wrestling. He Joined a wrestling Fed called XCW. He was very popular in XCW and easy became a fan favorite. After being a active wrestler for 5 months he won the world title. With his partner and best friend Chris Gema he won the world tag team championships. Imprisom's life was going great he was loved by the fans, he was a double champion and he was getting paid so much money. After retaining his world title for 6 mouths he was wrestling at the daily ppv after going for his finisher the over heat it was counter into a catapult and he was launch in to the turn buckle and just when he hit pyro launch out of the ring post and blasted into his face. luckily it only damaged his right eye which caused him to lose his title. the next day he found out that his best friend Chris Gema was the one that launch the pyro on to his face furious at him he quit XCW and went looking for another fed. This injury made him have to wear sunglass at all time just so people don't have to see his face.Not only did his right eye get scared so did his trust for another human being he know wants revenge on those who laugh at him he what’s eye one to feel his pain which brought him to the HSW.

Rivals: Chris gema

Allies: Kolombro