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El Nutso

Name: El Nutso

Height: 5'9"

Weight: 169lbs

Date of Birth: 05/09/1981

Hometown: Mexico City, Mexico

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: "Halo" by Soil

Wrestling Style: High Flyer

Title History: HOW ICON, OCW Cruiserweight (x2), OCW Tag Team, OCWv2 Alpha (x2), OCWv2 Tag Team, NHBC Survival, NHBC Tag Team, FCW World, FCW Television, CWF Tag Team, HSW Evolution

Catch Phrase(s): None

Specialty Match(if any): Ladder

Finishing Move:  Mexican Springboard

Description: (El Nutso lays his opponent over the bottom rope, with their upperbody hanging over the apron. El Nutso then preforms an Asai Moonsault, catching his opponent's head in a reverse DDT or Edge-O-Matic smacking their head against the apron with tremendous force. Causing El Nutso to tumble backwards onto the floor, dealing reasonably less damage to him than to his opponent.)

Set Up: Catapult in ropes 

Trademark Moves:

**Mexican Mugging: El Nutso punches his opponent who is standing in the corner repeatedly in the face. As they sink lower and lower, he eventually begins to stomp their stomach. Once they are in a sitting position, He grabs onto the top rope and jumps up and springs off of the bottom rope gaining extra speed. As he comes down, still holding onto the ropes, he sends his feet into the face, neck, or upper -chest of his opponent at full-force.

**Reverse Springboard Senton Splash: El Nutso performs this move when his opponent is laying parallel to the ropes that he is using, at a fair distance away. He runs up and springboards off of the ropes, performing a front-flip, while his body is still moving backwards, and lands with his shoulders slamming down on top of his opponent's stomach and chest, with his feet pointing toward the outside of the ring.

**Picture Perfect Moonsault: Self-explanitory.

Ring Entrance(In Result Form):  "Halo" by Soil hits over the PA as the lights cut out. Huge yellow pyros then explode form the top of the ramp. As the smoke begins to clear, El Nutso is seen kneeling at the top of the ramp. He jumps up onto his feet and runs down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope. He runs up one of turnbuckles and perfoms a perfect backflip, landing of his feet. He takes a few runs off of the ropes, and does some stretches as he waits for the match to begin.

Wrestler's History: El Nutso was born in Canada, but he soon moved to Mexico, at a very young age. He became obsessed with the Mexican luchadore style of wrestling just after he began school, and he trained every day to achieve his life long goal. Unfortunately for him, his parents got into some financial trouble after they lost their jobs, so El Nutso dropped out of school and became a full-time wrestler. After doing several shows a week in Mexico, he realised his talent was great to be wasted at the small-time feds he was working with. After giving just about everything he had to his parents, He illegally immigrated to the United States of America where he immediately began a new life, working for wrestling federations. He gradually became better and better, moving up in the rankings. El Nutso worked in Europe for several months before returning to America to find the OCW (Omega Championship Wrestling). After winning his first match there, he was shipped out to the OCW minor league, CWF (Continental Wrestling Federation) where he learned even more about the sport. Soon after a management shake-up, the CWF was shut down.

Once again, El Nutso was out on the street. Without finding any other options, he re-joined with the OCW for a whole new run. After winning and losing several matches, the OCW suffered a lethal blow as it's owner, TheBrain1004 quit, leaving the federation to wither away, and slowly die in the new President's arms, who didn't seem to care at all. By this time, El Nutso had won the OCW Cruiserweight Title twice, beating Damien, and then losing it to Ryan Trent. El Nutso defeated Trent, who was thought to be El Nutso's arch rival, to regain the title a few months after, and held it to the closing of the federation, earning the right to call himself the longest reigning OCW Cruiserweight champion in the history of that federation.

Since the closing of OCW, El Nutso jumped from federation to federation in a span of several months, winning several titles. But he began to grow more and more irritated with the way people handled their federations and he quit all of the ones he was a part of, and decided to form his own. This new federation would be like none other. It was hardcore with sick twists so the participants would bleed and suffer. He called it the EHWC (Extreme Wrestling Hardcore Championships). But now, El Nutso decided to lose his gimmick and revert back to his real self, Jeffrey Roach. The EHWC was a milestone for Jeff as it taught him new and different things. It was filled with old OCW wrestlers, and even TheBrain1004 made an apperance. It looked to be going well, but several complains were filed by innocent people who were harmed during matches that went just about everywhere, from the top of a moving train, to a lingirie shop. The police forced Jeff to shut his business down, and once again, he was out of luck. Jeff put the mask back on his fac e, and his wrestling boots back onto his feet, and ran back to Mexico, fearing that the police would arrest him for being an illegal alien.

After laying low for several months, El Nutso made his way back into the US and found his way back into the new OCW, also called OCW Version 2. El Nutso battled his way back to the top of the Cruiserweight division within a month, winning the OCWv2 Alpha Title, with the help of his former enemey, Ryan Trent. El Nutso continued to rise. After losing his championship to his partner, he and Trent named themselves Ruthless Revolt, and they won the Tag Team Championships from Bobby D and Amos Stamos, The EgoManiacs. El Nutso even had a shot for the most wanted prize in OCWv2 history, the OCWv2 Ultimate Title. Unfortunately, however, PaiN KiLLeR, who was also once his ally, defeated El Nutso to retain his title. From that point on, El Nutso became insane, suffering from a disease that was thought to be "ThE SiCKneSS". After several week s, El Nutso's employer, Paul Middle, filed a report against him. El Nutso was arrested and incarcerated under the charges of evading arrest, and being an illegal alien. El Nutso was deported back to Mexico and disappeared.

But now, he has resurfaced and returned to the wrestling industry, looking to make everyone remember his name.

Rivals: Man With No Name, OverKill/ "The Dark" Omen/ Sharde

Allies: Assassin