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Name: Jaden Nitro (Jaden)

Height: 6'4''

Weight: 220 lbs.

Date of Birth: Sept. 9, 1981

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Alignment: Face

Theme Music: "Stand Alone" by Godsmack

Wrestling Style: FnX/ Luchadore/Daredevil

Title History: HWA Cruiserweight Champion (x3)

Catch Phrase(s): "…Because after the wild ride on the south side, there is a wild ride on the outside."

Specialty Match (if any): FnX, Ladder

Finishing Move: 1. Outsider's DDT 2. The Elegance of Jaden

Description: 1. Jaden picture perfect backflips off of the second rope while the opponent is behind him, Jaden comes down from the flip reverse DDT ing the opponent 2. Swanton Bomb into a Leg Drop

Set Up: (both) dodge a clothesline or reverse opponent's finisher

Trademark Moves: springboard cross body, enziguiri, wheel kick, springboard dropkick, diving elbow drop, Frankensteiner, suicide shooting star press plancha, diving reverse DDT, deja-vu (hurricarana into tornado DDT), Jaden Effect(evenflow DDT from the second rope)

Ring Entrance: The lights dim as the beginning beat of Godsmack's' "Stand Alone" plays from the PA speakers. Suddenly, the lyrics begin as Jaden emerges from the crowd wearing his normal match attire as the fans cheer wildly. Jaden makes his way to ring as all the fans rush over to get photos of him. Jaden hops over the barricade then slides into the ring. Jaden hops on the second rope and plays to the crowd. The music fades as Jaden awaits his opponent.

Wrestler's History: Jaden is the little brother to Vinnie Nitro. He always followed behind Jace and Vinnie- whatever they did. He watched wrestling when they did and fell in love with the sport just like they did. Jaden entered the Hardcore Wrestling Association along with Jace and Vinnie, but made his own path. While the South Sidaz sought after tag team gold, Jaden went after the cruiserweight title. He won it a total of three times. Jaden can sometimes be an outsider-isolating himself from others but loves to party. Jaden appears to be a loner, but deep down only he knows how he truly feels. Jaden excels in both FnX and ladder matches.