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Name: kolombro

Height: 6'7"

Weight: 265

Date of Birth:4/2/80

Hometown: boston mass

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: 'Out of control' by hoobastank 

Wrestling Style: powerhouse/brawler

Title History: xcw tag team champion 5x, xcw uk champion

Catch Phrase(s):

Specialty Match(if any): street fight/tag team

Finishing Move:snake bite

Description: brainbister suplex from second and top turnbuckle

Set Up: irish whip into turnbuckle

Trademark Moves: belly-to-belly suplex, Gorilla Press Slam, vertical suplex into a reverse neck breaker, western lariat, sitout full nelson bomb, reverse flying elbow drop, inverted powerbomb, Front layout superplex, choke slam, backdrop driver, double underhook backbreaker, double underhook, faceslam

Ring Entrance: "Out of Control" by Hookbastank hits the PA System and Kolombro makes his way out with his beautiful manager Tesi by his side. They make their way down the ramp. Kolombro gets into the ring.

Wrestler's History: Kolombro was born and raised in Miami, Florida. His father was a wealthy lawyer and his mother was a house wife. Kolombro has no brother's or sisters, so Kolombro basically got everything he wanted when he was a kid. Even though Kolombro was spoiled he never let any of his dad's wealth go to his head. Kolombro has been a wrestling fan since he was born. He grew up watching the local wrestling shows and at the age of sixteen his father paid a local trainer called "Ethan Omikron" $3,000 dollars. Kolombro was a natural in the ring and after a few months Kolombro debuted at xCw, here he became a 5x tag team champion with his buddy Ebon. Kolombro's career has only been going up ever since by wining the xcw Untied kingdom championship. He has wrestled in several feds since then only to watch them crumble due to the stress of the business. One day Kolombro received a call from friend who told him about HSWSo what I am going to say is simple. I am here to wrestle. am not here to win over the ladies or become the best wrestler you guys have ever seen. There is always someone who is better than me, and that goes for everyone. .I am not going to kiss people's @$$ or anything like that. I am simply here to fight and compete and that's it. (Kolombro stands back looking for any signs of yes or no in their faces as they make think about what they have just heard.....)

Rivals: Chris Gema


Manager Information

Name: Tesi

Gender: Female

Bio/Info: Girlfriend

Will your manager interfere? ocaisonaly

Is there any certain way they would? low blow