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Kris CarMicheal

Name: Kris CarMicheal

Height: 6'3"

  weight: 249 lbs

  Date of birth: September 9 1980

  hometown: Detroit, Michigan  

Alignment: Face  

Theme Music: 'All Downhill From Here' by New Found Glory

Wrestling Style: Hardcore/lucha

Title history: None

Catch Phrases: "It's all downhill from here"

Specialty match: Chair match (The only weapons aloud in this are chairs)

Finishing move: Collision Course

Description: Tiger bomb pin

Set up move: Hurricanrana

Trademark moves: "Kickflip" (Gutwrench powerbomb),  "The Ride of your Life" (Missle dropkick), "Leap of Faith" (Swanton Bomb)

Ring Entrance: The arena suddenly blacks out and the crowd erupts with anticipation. 'All Downhill From Here' by New Found Glory begins to blair throughout the arena. Red and blue spotlights ciculate through the audience. A fire begins to burn on the stage and the chorus plays

"Catalyst you insist to pull me down
You contradict the fact that
You still want me around
And it's all downhill from here"

The lights turn on and out from behind the curtains walks a figure that the world knows as Kris CarMicheal. He is wearing a pair of Black Independant truck company shorts, a white Element skateboard company shirt, black boots, and a Black Volcom Stone hat. Pyros from each side of the stage erupt. He begins to walk down the ramp. every step he takes a Pyro bursts from behind him. He slides into the ring and jumps to the turnbuckle. His arms go up as his music ends with,

"And it's all downhill from here"

Wrestler's History: Kris CarMicheal skateboarded for the bulk of his life. Skating with friends was usual for him. One day he was skating the streets of Detroit with two close friends of his when his whole life changed, he had been mugged by a street gang. They took his board his money and his friends stuff to. Kris was never the same. He became over-protective and careful about everything he did. For a week he even stayed in his house without going anywhere. A year passed and he started to emerge from the state of mind he was in and he made a decision, he would not let the same event happen again. He thought about karate classes but decided that he would try some wrestling. He saw the TV shows and he believed it was much better then taking karate, so he found a training center about an hour away from his home. He went to the Training center and worked with a the owner on how to fight and wrestle in the professional atmosphere. He forgot all about the reason he went to the gym since he was so drawn in to the sport. After two years he figured he had enough knowledge about the ring, so all that was left was to find a place to do some shows. His friend Clyde had owned a small organization in New York, so he immediatly moved there. Wrestling was tough with the people he versed but he still loved the feeling that he had about the sport.About 3 years later the organizations support ran low and went out of buisness. He is now ready for a fed that can host him in his quest to becoming a superstar.

Rivals: Tyson Steele

Allies: The South Sidaz, Ebon  

Manager Information

Name: Jamie

Gender: Female

Bio/Info: She may look like an angel but she is one heck of a diva. She is quite hot but is under strict control of her boyfriend Kris.

Will your manager interfere? yes

Is there any certain way they would? Blows a kiss to the opponent which usually distracts them