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--OgK's Manager--

Wrestler Name: Luciano

Height: 6'5

Weight: 335

Date Of Birth: April 16, 1973

HomeTown: Miami, Florida

Wrestling Style: Power, Brawl

Title History: N/A

Moveset: Powerslam, Bearhug, Shuffle SideKick, Sidewalk Slam, Iron Claw, Spinebuster, Belly To Belly Suplex, Powerbomb, Sleeper Hold, Atomic Drop, Piledriver, Military Press, Oklahoma Slam

Finisher: Top Notch

Finisher Description: Sitdown Powerbomb

Trademark Move: Grabbing the opponent by the throat, lifting him up and screaming in his face before dropping him to the mat.

Entrance: The arena goes completely black except for the camera flashes as a loud screeching sound is heard. Following the shreek comes the bass from Dr. Dre and Ice Cube's "Natural Born Killaz". A strobe light effect fills the arena as Luciano appears on the stage. Glaring out over the crowd, he rolls his neck over his shoulders and adjusts the tape on his wrist as he walks down the ramp. Wearing a pair of pressed black slacks, wrapped in a black leather belt, Luciano reaches the ringside area and smiles as the crowd boo's him. Climbing the ringstairs and entering the ring, he slowly paces the ring, waiting for his opponent. Stopping in the middle of the ring, the music fades and the lights return to normal.

Wrestler's History: Luciano is a full bred Italian, although he was born and raised in Miami Florida. Growing up, he was constantly teased by the mostly Cuban and other Hispanic members of his community, mostly because he wasn't like them. Entering his teen years, he was in many fights, caused by his big mouth. But Luciano was a man who wrote checks his ass could cash. And during his senior year in High School, he was ambushed by a notorious Cuban gang, based on actions the previous night. When the brawl ended, Luciano had a broken hand. Meanwhile, 1 man had died, and 3 ended up in Intensive Care. Long story short, after a 3 year stint in jail Luciano came out a completely violent man. Due to his size, he was quick to find work as a bodyguard/bouncer. Up until 3 months ago, he was not a fan of pro. wrestling, but a chance run-in with O.g.K formed a business relationship both men could benefit from. So now, Luciano handles O.g.K's light work, mainly the entire HSW roster, without being an active wrestler.

Rivals: Everyone Else

Allies: There's only 2 men he trust's... One's himself, the other? Not you