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Malcom King

Name: Malcolm Dred King

Height: 5'8"

Weight: 210-228lbs

Date of Birth: Feb. 10, 1971

Hometown: Hartford, Connecticut

Alignment: Neutral

Theme Music: "Don't Go" by Blackstreet

Wrestling Style: Submission/Lucha Libre/Puroresu

Title History: GFWA:American and World Tag Team Champion(w/1001), World Champion; UEEWF:World Tag Champion (w/1001);TCW:World Tag Champion (w/1001);TWF:(2x)North American Champion,World Tag Champion(w/1001),Grand Champion;OWA:(3x)Lightweight Champion,(4x)World Tag Champion(2x:1001,2x:Dolo),(3x)North American Submission Champion,(2x)World Heavyweight Champion;IWA:World Heavyweight Champion;XWA:World Tag Champion(w/Dolo),Hardcore Champion;LEG:(2x)World Heavyweight Champion;OSW:World Heavyweight Champion;EDW:Platinum Champion,(3x)Universal Champion,Universal Tag Champion(w/Cori Simmons);AXE:(2x)United States Champion,World Heavyweight Champion;AXE:International Champion;(2x) Evolved Champion; (4x) Evolution Tag Team Champion(2x:Heartbreak Chick,1x:Hedges,1x:1001 Holds,Dolo Bentswinger) HALL OF FAME: GFWA,TWF,OWA,LEG

Catch Phrase(s): none

Specialty Match(if any):none

Finishing Move1:A Slave to no MAN!

Description: Standing STF/Dragonsleeper combo

Finishing Move2: The Reparation

Description: opponents Finisher

Set Up: Heartpunch followed by an Impact DDT

Trademark Moves: (coming soon)

Ring Entrance: An entrance starts off much like the nWo's interuption of the broadcast as the music starts to play and a graphic saying ROGUEPATRIOT ENTERTAINMENT PRESENTS....THE DEFINITION OF EVOLUTION.......MALCOLM DRED KING. After the graphic fades Malcom King comes out bound in chains from head to toe as the spotlight decends on him on the stage. The stage erupts in pyro and fire as the chains fall off of him and the entrance music changes to THE THEME FROM SHAFT by ISSAC HAYES

Wrestler's History: Will add later

Rivals: too many

Allies: too many

Manager Information

Name:Halo RavensEcho

Gender: Female

Bio/Info: will add later

Will your manager interfere? yes

Is there any certain way they would? Physically and violently she also serves as his personal security