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Name: Mason

Height: 6'7

Weight: 275

Date of Birth: 01-01-81

Hometown: Cancun, Mexico

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: "Five Finger Crawl" Danzig

Wrestling Style: Submission/powerhouse

Title History: SP2K: World, IC, Hardcore, US title, Tag Team, European. VWA: Hardcore, Cruiserweight, US TITLE, Television Title. XHWF: Hardcore.

Catch Phrase(s): For I am the man with no remorse.

Specialty Match(if any):

Finishing Move: Rage of La Raza

Description: Tequila Sunrise.

Set Up: Jacknife Powerbomb

Trademark Moves: Elevated DDT, Texas Cloverleaf, Chicken wing suplex, Cobra Clutch, Two Handed Choke Lift Slam, Canadian Back Breaker, Spinebuster, Rolling Arm Bar.

Ring Entrance: "Five Finger Crawl" begins to rip throughout the arena and the lights go out. The camera focuses in on the entrance way when suddenly, two red spotlights lock onto the top of the entrance. Then a loud explosion as pyros shoot off. Mason then steps out onto the ramp where he gazes at the arena with his hands on his hips. After a couple of seconds he walks down the ramp with his eyes set on the ring and a serious demeanor about him. He slides under the bottom rope walks over to one of the corners and stands on the top turnbuckle. He looks up towards the rafters of the arena then closes his eyes and does a backflip onto the middle of the mat.

Wrestler's History: Mason's birthplace is unknown he lists Cancun, Mexico, because that is where he was raised. However he was not raised by his parents, but by a mexican family. Masons family during their vacation had decided to abandon their young son. Mason doesn't remember much about his abandonment and doesn't even remember the faces of his parents, but the one thing that remains from his past is his pain.

The family that raised Mason were quickly surprised by his height and stature. By the time Mason was ten he was five eight and a hundred pounds. His foster father was impressed and wanted to harness the boys big size. So after a couple weeks of discussion Masons foster father got Mason enrolled in an expensive wrestling school in Guadalaraja. Once again as Mason began to get settled in he was shipped off away from everything he knew. With every move Mason began to become colder to the rest of the world. His trust faded with people and looked only to himself f or companionship.

So Mason began wrestling at the El Diablo school of wrestling. Diablo was a famous heel around the circuits in Mexico. He had a decorated wall full of trophies and retired titles. Once Mason started they tried to teach him how to become a high flying technichal wrestler. After an hour or so of that they realized he was going to be too big to do that. So Diablo took him aside from the rest and began to teach him holds and power moves. The years began to pass and Mason began to appear more and more intimidating. He stood out among the mexican wrestlers, because of both his size and his physical appearence.

Diablo decided that it would be best for Mason if he wrestled in the states. He told Mason that in the states he can make the money and retire early, instead of teaching at a wrestling school. So Mason once again became a man on his own. He searched for a job around the united states and stumbled upon the EPW and this is where he plans to make an impact. He's a bit of a mystery so expect the unexpected with him.

Description of wrestler: Mason has a muscular physique. He has a shaved head and a dark goatee. His eyes are a bright green. Tribal tatoos run down his arms and has one on his back. His complextion is brown.

Rivals: N/A
