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Name: Psymon

Height: 6'5"

Weight: 237 lbs

Date of Birth: October 24, 1976

Hometown: Juneau Alaska

Alignment: Face

Theme Music: "Prayer" by Disturbed

Wrestling Style: Hardcore/Powerhouse

Title History: None

Catch Phrase(s): w-w-w-w-what are you getting yourself into?

Specialty Match (if any): None

Finishing Move: Shock Treatment

Description: Cobra Clutch

Set Up: Begins to twitch

Trademark Moves:   Close line (Power line) Big boot (Electrocution)

Ring Entrance: The lights begin to flash quickly in the arena as "Prayer" by Disturbed hits the PA System. Lightning then strikes both sides of the stage followed by clouds of smoke filling the stage area. Psymon then appears. He stops on the top of the ramp and twitches a couple times then walks towards the ring. He goes up the steps and enters the ring; he climbs the turnbuckles and holds his arms in the air, followed by more twitching.

Wrestler's History: shocked by live wires ever since then he twitches he has broken almost every bone in his body from doing stupid things ex.(jumping off things, skateboarding, snow skating, bmxing)

Rivals: None

Allies: Kris CarMicheal