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Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson

Name: Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 202 pounds

Date of Birth: April 16th 1983

Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada// Now Resides in Atlanta, Georgia

Alignment: Heel

Theme Music: "Quick To Back Down" by The Bravehearts featuring Nas

Wrestling Style: High Flying/Technical/Brawling

Title History: HSW Evolution, HSW Headstrong(2)

Catch Phrase(s): "I'm balled out!"

Specialty Match(if any): None

Finishing Move: Balled Out!, Sharpshooter

Description: Balled Out- A double underhook, with opponent hooked behind. Tyler drops down, slamming opponent's neck into the canvas. Sharpshooter- Tyler picks up opponents legs, crosses his right leg over opponents left leg, then crosses opponent's feet. Tyler then pulls opponent over onto his stomache, then leans back.

Set Up: Balled Out- A kick to the gut.  Sharpshooter- Tyler kicks opponent in the back of his left knee, knocking him down to one knee. Tyler steps up on his right knee, and de livers a roundhouse kick right to opponents head. Then he walks over to their legs.

Trademark Moves: Shining Enziguri (See Sharpshooter description), Hurricanrana, 2-0-4 (Winnipeg area code, aka 619), Enziguri, Spinning Wheel/Heel Kick, Flying Clothesline, Flying Forearm, Shooting Star Press, 450 splash, Firemans Carry, Headlock Takedown, Front Face Lock, Canadian Maple Leaf (Half Boston crab), STF, Double leg takedown, Ankle Lock, High Dropkick, Kick up, Tornado DDT from second rope, Moonsault from on the second rope to the outside onto standing opponent, All Flyin' (Springboard from the second rope off onto opponent standing on apron and landing on their shoulder hitting a hurricanrana onto outside) Damn!(Piledriver from the top rope down onto a table on the outside), Shooting Star DDT (Tyler jumps off the top rope doing a shooting star, but opponent is standing, and Tyler comes down, and DDT's the opponent.), Asai Moonsault, Leg Lock, Figure Four Leg Lock

Ring Entrance: The lights dim out, and "Quick To Back Down" by The Bravehearts featuring Nas, and Lil Jon starts playing over the PA speakers, sending the fans into a chorus of boos.

"I know ya type, I know ya kind ya..
You'll be leavin when theres drama..
You ya whole crew yeah..
Ya'll don't want none of this, yeah..
And I hate ya'll pussies..

-Nas starts rapping in the music, and then red, and white strobelights flash all over the arena.

Tyler McPherson comes out onto the stage, accompanied by Theodore Thomas right at his side. Theodore points towards Tyler, as the fans go insane with boos. Tyler's wearing a Michael Vick, Atlanta Falcons jersey. He also has some baggy blue jeans on. He has a black toque over his head, and some white G-Unit shoes, tied up tight. His large afro is back in cornrows. He walks down the aisle, ignoring the fans. The fans yell out negative comments towards him, as he gets close to the apron. He then climbs up on the turnbuckles, raising his arms in the air, as the fans continue to boo. The lights then return to normal, as he takes off his jersey and hands it down to Theodore at ringside.

Wrestler's History: Tyler was born in downtown Winnipeg, Manitoba. When he was just 7 years old his dad died, and his mother was always out drinking. Most of the years of his life, he was feeding himself. Then when he turned 15, he got into some trouble for assault, and was in jail for 1 year. When he got out at the age of 16, he got away from his fami ly and decided he needed to turn his life around. He went to the west side of Canada, in Calgary Alberta, where the best technical wrestler ever, Bret "The Hitman" Hart trained him. He's done his training, and now he's ready to compete for HSW!

