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Vinnie Nitro

Name: Vinnie Nitro

Height: 6'5''

Weight: 265 lbs.

Date of Birth: Nov. 10, 1979

Hometown: Houston, Texas

Alignment: Face

Theme Music: Get It on the Floor- DMX

Wrestling Style: Luchadore/Technician

Title History: HWA Extreme Champion, HWA Tag Team Champion (x6) Catch Phrase(s): "Get ready to take a wild ride on the South side."

Specialty Match (if any): TLC

Finishing Move: 1.) Nitrolization 2.)Nitro Shot

Description: 1.)Nitro puts the opponent in the reverse DDT position then picks the opponent up and places them (back first) on the ropes. Suddenly, Nitro drops the opponent with a Testdrive. 2.) Superkick to throat Set Up: 1.) kick to gut

Trademark Moves: corkscrew moonsault, double underhook suplex, DDT, springboard leg drop, spinning backdrop, jumping Russian leg sweep, suicide plancha, tornado DDT, STF, standing moonsault press

Ring Entrance (In Result Form): "Get It On The Floor" by DMX hits the PA as Nitro appears at the top of the ramp. He struts down to the middle of the ramp and brushes his shoulders off. Vinnie points to the ramp curtain, and then Angel steps from behind the curtain! Jace struts to the ring with Angel at his side. Jace hops on the ring apron, as Angel walks up the ring steps. Jace holds down the middle rope down as Angel enters the ring. Nitro hops on a turnbuckle and raises both arms in the air. Nitro then hops down then waits for his opponent.

Wrestler's History: His passion for wrestling began when he was little. He watched wrestling feds like the WWWF, WWCW, ECWW, and immediately fell in love with the sport. He attended a Luchadore wrestling school in Mexico and stayed there for years. He left the school for the independent feds, and instantly became a hit alongside life long best friend, Jace Bankz. Together, they became the South Sidaz and won the HWA Tag Titles a total of six times. While still a tag champ, Nitro captured the HWA Extreme Title- becoming a double champion. Nitro and Bankz stayed with the company until it closed down in late 2003.


Allies: Jace Bankz, possibly Tai Hashi

Manager Information

Name: Angel

Gender: female

Bio/Info: Jace's girlfriend

Will your manager interfere? Oh yeah.

Is there any certain way they would? She will draw the opponents in by using her assets, and then use her Angel Kick (jumping spin kick)