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Shocker - 9/20/03

9-20-03 Little Rock, Arkansas
A video comes up on the screen flashing the different faces and names of Headstrong Wrestling. In the background, "Headstrong" by Trapt plays. The video comes to a close with the Headstrong Wrestling Logo, and we head to the arena where pyro goes off at the stage! The fans cheer on as HSW Shocker has hit the airwaves! We head down to ringside to join our commentary team of "Red Hot" Kris Red and Tony D!

Kris Red: Hello folks, I'm Kris Red..

Tony D: And I'm Tony D! Welcome to Shocker!

Randy Long: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring, The Pebbllllllle!

("Sink into the Underground" hits on the PA System as The Pebble makes his way out. He walks down the ramp slapping a few of the fan's hands and then enters the ring.)

Randy Long: And his opponent, from Cleveland Ohio, weighing in at 308 pounds, The Veteran!

("Your Gonna Play" plays across the arena as "The Veteran" comes from the back and walks down the rampway as the crowd cheers him on. He than steps into the ring and taunts to the crowd as they cheer some more.)

The bell rings and this match is underway as The Veteran immediately charges at The Pebble and takes him down with a shoulderblock. The Veteran smiles while looking down at The Pebble. Vet picks TP up and pushes him in the corner and charges and elbow in the side of his head. Vet knees Pebble in the gut and then hip tosses him into the center of the ring. The Veteran backs up and bounces off the ropes, goes for a legdrop and connects! He covers 1...kick out! Veteran gets on top of The Pebble and starts to punch him over and over and then gets off of him and plays to the crowd raising his arms, but they just boo. He turns around and The Pebble is up! Pebble takes Vet down with a huge clothesline! Vet up again, Pebble takes him down again with a huge clothesline, and then again, and one more time! Veteran is whobbly when he stands up and TP kicks him in the stomach and sends him over the top rope. He slides out and slams Vet's head off the steps. He backs up a bit and then runs almost taking Vet's head off with another Huge clothesline! The Pebble shouts out to the crowd and they cheer!

Kris Red: The Pebble is dominating right now!

Tony D: And the fans love it!

Pebble rolls Veteran into the ring and slides in himself. He picks Veteran up and grabs him by the throat. He tosses Veteran into the corner, runs, and knees him in the gut. Veteran stumbles away from the corner and he turns around, gets a kick in the gut and is planted with a DDT. The Pebble climbs up top and signals for it all to be over.. he leaps off!

Kris Red: Here we go! Frog Splash!

Tony D: Bam! He connects!

Kris Red: That was rather unique how he brought his knees up at the last minute, that had to hurt The Veteran!

Tony D: Here's the pin.. 1...2...3!

The bell rings. DING DING DING::

Randy Long: Here is your winner, The Pebbbllllllle!

The referee holds The Pebble's right arm high as the crowd cheers. The Pebble exits the ring and from the curtain comes his partner and friend X3. Once again Pebble's arm is held in the air this time by X3.

Kris Red: What a squash match!

Tony D: Veteran started out in control but I guess The Pebble just wasn't gonna have that any longer!

We head backstage where we see Joey Matthew in his office on the phone with somebody. There is a knock on the door and in walks Austin Sanders, HSW Reporter.

Joey Matthew: I'll call you back. Austin, don't you know the meaning of being polite?

Austin Sanders: I'm sorry sir, I'll come back later.

Joey Matthew: No, wait, what did you want Austin?

Austin Sanders: Well sir, I was wondering what your big announcement was going to be concerning the pay per view, Breakdown?

Joey Matthew: Well I was going to go to the ring but seeing as you have found me and such, I will tell you all right here. You see, at Breakdown on October 28, we will hold our anual Breakdown Brawl, in which 20 of HSW's brightest and most talented superstars will step into the ring for a shot at becoming the number one contender to the Headstrong Championship. But this years Brawl isn't going to just be a normalatch, no no, see it willnow be more Hardcore.. On two turnbuckles, opposite from each other, will sit a roll of barb wire. On the other two buckles, will be a pole, and connected to that pole, will be a tub of 'goodies', weapons, in other words. You can win via pin, submission, or tossing your opponent over the top rope. The winner is the number one contender to the HSW Champion, and faces him at our biggest event of the year, Christmas Chaos!

Austin Sanders: Wow! That's big!

Joey Matthew: You haven't seen big, just yet, Austin. Hold that thought. You will see big in the coming weeks. Now please..

Austin Sanders: Oh right, sir, Thankyou for the interview.

Sanders leaves the room, Joey picks up his phone and dials some numbers as we head to a commercial break.

The lights around the arena fade to black. A picture of Meleza Draven appears on the Titantron, with a purple mist streaming along the bottom of the picture. The mist forms into words…Reading "Meleza Draven". The mist goes shapeless again as the pictorial Meleza opens her mouth. A man's voice on the P.A. system is heard saying "The New…Hardcore Revelation"…Instantaneously the purple mist forms into "The Scream Queen". Then a high-pitched, hollow scream is heard followed by a blast of purple and pink pyros. Sick Speed's "ScReAm!" starts playing from the stereo system as purple and black strobe lights turn on. Meleza Draven steps out onto the stage. Meleza smiles slightly and holds up her arms, letting out one of her famous high-pitched screams, getting a pop. She then walks down the ramp.

Randy Long- "Making her way to the ring, Meleza... Draven!!"

She gets in the ring, and Noctane hits over the PA system. Fireworks shoot out near the titantron as X3 walks out.

Randy Long- "Making his way to the ring, X........ THREE!!"

X3 walks down the ramp and into the ring. Static X's "Push It" Begins To Play as Green smoke and green pyro blast from the stage. Garnere walks out getting heavy boo's as he flicks off the crowd all the way down to the ring.

Randy Long- "There opponents in this triple threat match, making his way to the ring... Genere!!"

Garnere right hands X3, and then right hands him into a corner. Garne stomps a way at him, and Meleza runs over and screams. Garnere turns around, and clotheslines Meleza. Garnere picks up X3, and stomps him two more times. Garnere then carries him over, and throws him off the ropes, X3 runs off but clotheslines Garnere, sending him down. Meleza is up, and turns Garnere around and slaps him! Meleza then punches Garnere a couple times then dropkicks him. Garnere falls back into the ropes, and Meleza runs for a clothesline. Garnere ducks, then neckbreakers Meleza. X3 rolls to the outside of the ring, and grabs a steel chair. He slides in the ring, and swings. Meleza ducks and X3 cracks Garnere with the chair! Meleza runs off the ropes, then spinning heel kicks X3's chair into his own face. Meleza gets on the top rope, and screams loudly. She dives off, and leg drops X3. Carnere is up, and he runs then clotheslines Meleza. Garnere then grabs Meleza, and tosses her head off the turnbuckle three times. Garnere then whips Meleza off the ropes, she bounces off them and comes back into a gut kick, then a powerbomb. X3 runs at Garnere, and hits him with a spinning wheel kick, but Garnere catches him, and powerslams him. Garnere rolls under the bottom rope, and lifts up the apron curtain, pulling out a kendo stick. He rolls back in the ring, and Garnere smacks X3 in the head! X3 falls down, and Draven gets up. She kicks Garnere in the lower back, then clubs him in the back with a right hand. Meleza, then whips him at the ropes and as he comes back, she dropkicks him, then covers... One... Two... and No.. Garnere kicks out! X3 sta nds up, and picks up the kendo stick that's laying on the ground. Meleza turns around and gets cracked in the stomache. X3 then smacks the stick over Meleza's back, then back of the knee. She drops to one knee, and gets cracked on the top of the head. Garnere runs off the ropes, and comes back face crushing X3. Garnere covers, 1..... 2... and no! X3 kicks out. Both men get up, and X3 lays four right hands at Garnere's cheek. X3 then gets out of the ring, and goes under the ring, pulling out a garbage can. He holds it, and wait a minute. X3 runs and jumps over hte top rope, landing on Garnere's trash can, pushing it into Garnere! Both men lay out, and Meleza, who is now standing, takes this as an opportunity. She climbs up the ropes, and cross body's off onto both of them with a splash. She rolls off, and goes under the ring, pulling out a broom. X3 is now up, and Draven swings, but X3 ducks, follows through with a kick, then takes the broom. He hits it over her back, then ag ain. X3 then pulls out a rack of trash can's and lids. He puts a trash can down, and gut kicks her. X3 then lifts her up, and powerbomb's Maleza onto the trash can!

Tony- "Ouch!!!"

Kris Red- "You can say that again."

X3 picks up another trash can, and slams it over the now standing Garnere's head! Garnere stumbles back, then X3 bangs the garbage can over Garnere's head again. Garnere falls on his ass, and X3 goes under the ring, grabbing a chair. He takes it, and smacks the chair against Garnere's head, but Garnere smacks the barricade. He turns around, and Garnere kicks the chair into his head. Garnere then grabs the steel chair, and jumps on the apron. X3 gets up, and Garnere faces with his back to him on the apron. Garnere moonsaults back, and still holding the chair, collapses onto X3, chair first! The two men and one women lay there, just about o ut cold.

Kris Red- "Everyone's down!"

40 seconds pass by, and Meleza stands up. She goes under the ring, and grabs another Kendo stick. Garnere is up, and Meleza swings and smacks it across Garnere's head! Garnere falls down, and X3 is up. He climbs up the turnbuckles, and front flips off landing on Meleza. X3 smiles, and gets up. He picks up Draven, and european uppercuts her. X3 then throws her hard, making her fly into the steel steps.

Tony D- "Those ring steps will hurt you, they're solid steal."

Draven grabs the Kendo Stick, and runs and smacks it off X3's stomache, then back. Meleza then pushes him face first into the steel pole. X3 falls down, and Garnere runs clotheslining Maleza in the back. Maleza stumbles foreward and Garnere dropkicks Meleza down, and throws her at the barricade. Garnere rips a si gn off an aisle, and holds it in his hand. Maleza runs and Garnere smacks the sign off Meleza's head with a loud thud. Now X3 comes running up the aisle and clotheslines Garnere, then stomps him for about 10 seconds. X3 picks him up, and suplexes him on the ramp. X3 stands up, and same with Maleza. They both grab Garnere's head, and double suplex him on the ramp! X3 then lays a couple more stomps in, and goes under the ring pulling out a table. He slides it in the ring, and sets it up close to the center. Maleza and Garnere brawl back to the ring, and X3 grabs the kendo stick from in the ring, and jumps off striking Meleza and Garnere with a kendo stick to a crack! X3 then rolls Maleza in the ring. X3 climbs up onto the top rope, and jumps off delivering an elbow drop. X3 then rolls Meleza on the table, and climbs to the top rope. But wait a minute, Garnere has a chair and runs up, clocking it over X3's head, making X3 fly onto the outside! Garnere then smacks the chair over Maleza's stomache, then climbs up the turnbuckle. Garnere leaps off and hits the G-SPOT!!

Kris Red- "G-SPOT, G-SPOT!! Hey, isn't that a womens.."

Tony D- "Feet.. yes it is Kris."

Garnere holds his leg, and X3 rolls in the ring. He covers Meleza, 1......... 2....... 3!!

Kris Red- "What the... X3 scooted in the ring, taking the advantage and covering Maleza.."

We then go to the backstage area where we see Joey Matthew talking to one of the staff members.

Joey Matthew: What do you mean they aren't here?

Staff: That's what I'm saying sir. I'm not sure why its just a lot of people haven't shown up for their matches.

Joey Matthew: So you're telling me that Smith, Howley, Narkotic, Callis and Glasgow aren't here?!

Staff: That's right sir.

Joey Matthew: You know what, I'm a nice guy and all, but I won't have people not showing up. There will be consequences if they don't straighten up!

We then fade to another part of the building where Athena Halliwell and Rachel are in each other's faces.

Athena: What do you mean you are the best female wrestler here? You have no idea how stupid that sounds. Look at you, you couldn't hold your own in an actual CAT fight..let alone in the ring with me!

Rachel: Oh yeah Athena? Well maybe more sooner than you think, you'll get proved wrong because I am without a doubt the dominant female in Headstrong Wrestling and I intend to show the world that!

Athena: You wanna show the world, huh? Well, show the world this!

Just then Athena slaps Rachel and she goes down. Rachel falls, holding her cheek as Athena laughs and starts to walk away. Rachel gets up and leaps onto Athena, tackling her! They start to slap each other and roll around on the floor when security runs in and pulls them off of each other.

Rachel: You'll see, Athena! You'll see!

The show comes back from a commercial, opening up in the parking lot of the arena. A new Goochie Ferarri pulls up, and outsteps Tyler with a wide smile on his face.

Tyler "Too Sweet- "Ohhh yeah, I bought a new Goochie Ferarri. If you guys saw my promo, a nigger came up to me, and bashed into my car a couple times, but he's off my list now. On my list now is bashing Athena's brains out, yeeeeah!"

He walks in the arena, but in the hallway he's stopped by Kelly Calloway. Tyler looks up and down her..

Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson- "What you want hoe?"

Kelly gets an enraged look on her face, as Tyler just looks at her.

Kelly Calloway- "Is it okay if I can get an interview?"

Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson- "Just a short one.."
Kelly Calloway- "Your match is up soon, are you ready?"

Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson- "Of course, I always have to be right? Well Athena, I'm ready for her and whatever she brings, 'Cause I know I'm gon' ball her out, then pin her, 1...2...3 It's as simple as that. So whatever she brings I'll be ready, and I'll kick her ass, nothing funny about it. So get ready Athena, get ready to be balled out.. One way or another. Now if you excuse me, I have better things to do."

Tyler walks out.

The lights around the ring and ramp go red, Somewhere I belong by Linkin Park, plays around the arena through the p.a system. The crowd reconises this persons music and immediatly starts to boo. Rachel steps out onto the ramp and walks to ring, she gives the crowd a real smug smiles all the way down.
Randy Long- "Ladies and gentlemen, .. from Miami, Florida... Rachel!"

She walks up the stairs and enters the ring through the bottom rope. She gives one side of the crowd a little pose and the rest just get a real dirty look. Rachel slumps into one of the corners as she waits for her opponent.

The lights go out and the arena starts to strobe white as "Sinatra" by Helmet plays. When Page screams "what, ME???" The Man With No Name steps through the entrance and stands with his head bowed. He wears a net long-sleeved T-shirt and a Tomahawk T-shirt over his ring attire, and as the riffs crunch back in he shakes his head and starts to walk the aisle under the strobe lighting.

Randy Long- "And her opponent, The Man With No Name !"

He hops up onto the apron, and then rolls backwards over the top rope before crossing himself as the lights come back on. He removes his T-shirts as the bell rings.

Rachel and MWNN meet up in the middle of the ring, and they lock up. Man With No Name, arm drags Rachel, and locks in an armbar. Rachel screams, and slowly gets up and hip tosses Man With No Name, but Man With No Name rolls through and armdrag's Rachel! Man With No Name and Rachel both stand up, and get in a fighting stance as the fans cheer. They circle each other, and Man With No Name then jumps on Rachel with a front face lock. Rachel reverses into a hammerlock, but MWNN back elbows out. MWNN then spins around, leaps on the shoulders of Rachel and hurricanrana's her, but no, Rachel drops down into a sit down powerbomb. MWNN rolls backwards to his feet, and runs at Rachel. Rachel ducks, and MWNN misses a spinning wheel kick, but quickly gets to h is feet. Rachel snaps in a side headlock, then gives him a headlock takedown, but MWNN kicks up, and as Rachel gets up, MWNN right hands her, then throws her across the ring. Rachel runs back, and MWNN lifts her up for a back body drop, but Rachel lands on her feet, and backslides Man With No Name, for a two count. Both wrestlers get up, and MWNN roundhouse kicks her in the gut, then jumps on her shoulders, and rolls foreward with a victory roll.

Kris Red- 'One.. Two.. and a kickout there."

MWNN snaps on a headlock, but Rachel backdrops him, but no MWNN lands on his feet, and scores with a roll-up, 1........ 2....... and a kickout! MWNN flys into the ropes and bounces back into a dropkick to the back from Rachel. MWNN turns around, and Rachel forearms him, then hits him with a snapmare takedown, and a headlock. MWNN gets up, and Rachel jumps up going for a hurricanrana, but MWNN throws her b ackwards, but no... Rachel hits a sunset flip as she's coming down, for the One.. Two.... and a kickout! Rachel and MWNN get up, and Rachel goes for a spinning heel kick, but MWNN ducks, grabs her and hits a t-bone suplex.

Tony- "Wow."

Rachel gets up, and falls against the turnbuckle, as Man With No Name runs, and dropkicks her chest while she's in the buckle. Man With No Name, picks her back up and places her on the top turnbuckle. Man With No Name stands up by her, and takes her arm. He flys off with her, and hits a jujigatame, as the crowd jumps to their feet in cheers! Rachel holds her arm, screaming as Man With No Name, climbs to the turnbuckle again. He waits for Rachel, and Rachel eventually gets up. MWNN leaps backwards, and moonsaults Rachel! MWNN then gets up, and picks up Rachel, grabbing her left arm, that was just damaged earlier. MWNN then clubs her arm, and hits an armdrag. MWNN keeps on holding her arm, and with a full whip with that injured arm, whips Rachel but she falls down as she gets whipped to the pain in her arm. MWNN then picks her back up, grabs her left arm, and jumps up wrapping each leg around her arm, and comes down with his butt on her arm, and planting it into the mat! MWNN then locks in another armbar! She screams and screams, and finally with her right arm, grabs the bottom rope. MWNN lets go, and stands up. Rachel slowly stands up, and MWNN runs, but Rachel ducks down, and lifts MWNN up and over, but MWNN lands on the apron, then grabs her head from behind. MWNN drags her over onto the apron. MWNN climbs on the turnbuckle, jumps off, wrapping his legs around Rachel's head, and hurricanrana's her down onto the 'safety' mats! MWNN lands on the apron though, and stands up. After about 30 seconds, Rachel gets up, and Man With No Name jumps up, and bounces off with an Asai Moonsault!

Kris Red- "This match is insane."

Tony D- "I agree with you Kris."

After about 20 seconds, both are up and right handing each other. The referee gets out and tells them to get in the ring, and Man With No Name goes for a clothesline, but Rachel ducks, and the referee gets clobbered! Man With No Name screams a bit, then turns around as Rachel dropkicks him. Man With No Name stumbles into the barricade, and Rachel jumps onto the apron. Man With No Name runs but Rachel leaps off and catches a hold of his head, and DDT's him! Rachel gets up, and wait a minute from the crowd, comes...


Athena has a chair, and Athena strikes Rachel's left arm with the chair!! Athena lifts her up, and swings the chair, sma cking it off Rachel's head! Athena then jumps on the apron, and climbs to the top rope. Athena jumps off and hits the Athena's Wisdom from the top rope down onto the floor. Athena gets up holding her stomache, then jumps over the barricade dissapearing. Man With No Name gets up, and rolls Rachel in the ring, as the ref begins to roll in the ring. Man With No Name lifts up Rachel, and climbs to the top rope. MWNN grabs Rachel's left arm and pulls her to the second rope, and leaps off, and as in the air, Man With No Name locks in a Sol Noches El!! The ref looks on, and Rachel has no choice, but to tap out!

Kris Red- "Rachel has tapped out, Man With No Name goes 2-0!"

Tony- "You're correc- WAIT A MINUTE! Here's Tyler with a steel chair!"

Tyler slides into the ring, and as Man With No Name turns around, Tyler throws the chair at him, and Man With No Name catches it. Tyler then kicks Man With No Name in the back of the knee, then steps up and Shining Enziguri's the chair into Man With No Name!! Tyler then puts the chair down, and picks up Man With No Name. Tyler puts him inbetween his legs and drops Man With No Name with a piledriver on the chair!

Kris Red- "Stop this!"

Tyler then picks up Man With No Name, and low blow kicks him! Tyler then hooks his arms, and lifts him up. Tyler then drops with a Vertabreaker onto the steel chair!


Kris Red- "Tyler's an asshole!"

Tyler spits down onto Man With No Name, and shouts "I'M NOT SECOND PLACE!" As the show goes to a commercial.

Randy Long: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the HSW Evolution Championship! Introducing the Challenger, from Austin, Texas, Athena Halliwell!

As the lights dim to a neon pink and dark purple, Athena's shadow appears on the stage. The opening notes of "How Can I Live" begin to play, and a fog covers up the stage. Athena steps from behind it, and the crowd begins to cheer as she walks down the ramp. She baseball slides into the ring and spins around, her hands in the crowd, pumping up the crowd before her match.

Randy Long: And her opponent, from Winnepeg Manitoba, weighing in at 189 pounds, the Evolution Champion, Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson!!!

The lights in the arena blacken out, and a bunch of different colour of strobelights flash around the arena. "Get The Fuck Back" by Disturbing The Peace hits throughout the PA system and out walks Tyler "Too Sweet" McPherson with his Evolution Title. The crowd starts booing, as his large afro is back in cornrolls. He has a black t-shirt on, and some baggy blue jeans. He walks halfway down the ramp, then runs and jumps onto the ring apron. He puts down his title, puts two hands on the top rope, and flips over the top rope landing on his feet. He grabs his belt and hands it to the referee. The ref holds the belt in the air and calls for the bell. DING DING DING.

They lock up, headlock by Tyler, Athena elbows Tyler and gets away, punch by Athena, Tyler blocks one, and knees her in the gut. He sends her into the ropes and backdrops her down. She gets up and he hits a few forearm shots and sends her into the ropes again. She comes back and he hip tosses her down. Tyler with the pin 1..kick out.. Athena dropkicks Tyler in the knees and he goes down.. pin by Athena 1..kick out. Both up now, arm wrench take down by Athena to Tyler, Tyler stands up and clotheslines her down. He bounces off the ropes and goes for a bulldog but she ducks and slaps him across the chest a few times before kicking him the gut and DDT'ing him down. She goes for the pin 1...2...kick out!

Tony D: So far this match has started off explosive!

She picks Tyler up and whips him into the corner. She runs and splashes him. She allows him to stumble rom the corner a bit and then connects with a snap suplex. Athena covers Tyler 1..2..kick out. She picks him up and slams him back down on the mat. She calls for her Standing Shooting Star Press.

Tony D: Its kinda early in the match for that isn't it?

She goes for it but Tyler rolls away! He is out of the ring now and as she slowly stands up he reaches in and pulls her feet, tripping her. He climbs up on the apron and springboards off, dropping a leg on Athena. He covers her 1..2...kick out.

Kris Red: Tyler is coming back!

He stands up and climbs up top, sitting on the top buckle awaiting her to stand. When she does he leaps off and grabs her by the head and bulldogs her into the mat.

Tyler goes up top as Athena is out. He calls for the Shooting Star Press and gets in position. He holds the top ropes, and then balances himself to a standing position. Tyler leaps off, executing the Shooting Star Press!

Tony D: Shooting Star!

Kris Red: SHE MOVED!

Athena moved out of the way and Tyler crashed down hard on the mat! She is on her feet now as Tyler rolls on his back, holding his gut in pain. She bounces off the ropes and runs towards him, rolls on the mat and leaps up flipping in mid air.

Kris Red: Rolling Thunder!

BAM! She connects! Athena with the cover 1..2...kick out! Tyler kicks out and Athena is angered by this. She pounds the mat and stands up, bringing Tyler up with her. She hits a few knife edge chops across his chest and whips him into the corner. She chops him a few more times before grabbing his arm and whipping him into the opposite corner. She runs at him, flying through the air for another splash but Tyler moves at the last minute and she hits her head on the post. Tyler comes back with a spinning wheel kick taking her down. With both back up, Tyler takes her down with afireman carry and then connects with a legdrop. He covers 1..2...kickout. He picks her up and tries to whip her into the ropes but she counters and sends him into them.. he comes back and Athena ducks down for a backdrop, Tyler flips over her and brings her down in a pin 1..2..kick out! Both up, Tyler goes for a spinning heel kick, she ducks it, she goes for a knife edge chop, he ducks it..Tyler kicks Athena in the gut and lifts her up for a powerbomb. She starts to punch him in the face though and as they move nearer to the ropes she falls back, over the top rope, taking Tyler with her from a Hurricanrana!

Kris Red: Welp, there they go.

Athena landed on the apron, and she goes through the ropes inside of the ring. She waits until he is up and she runs his way baseball sliding down but Tyler moves out of the way and quickly takes her down with a spinning heel kick. Tyler climbs up on the apron and awaits Athena to get up, when she does he executes an Asai moonsault taking her down!

Kris Red: That move is awesome. Its fun to watch, and its just as effective. Trust me, I know.

The referee starts the 10 count. (1.......2.........3.........4) Athena and Tyler slowly start up to their feet. (5......6.......) Tyler grabs Athena and slams her head off of the baricade. (7......) He grabs her by the hair and tries to do that once more but she elbows him in the gut and slams his head off the baricade! (8.......) She chops him across the chest and picks him up, droping him face first onto the apron. (9.......!) She rolls him into the ring and gets in as well. The ref stops the count. She pins him 1...2...kick out. Athena climbs up top and when Tyler gets to his feet she flies off with a missle dropkick, connecting. She covers him once more 1...2...kick out again. She thinks for a second wondering what else she can do. She picks him up to his feet and chops him across the chest yet again. She then whips him into the ropes and bounces off the opposite ones, coming straight toward him as he does as well to her.. and she misses a clothesline, Tyler runs to Athena, goes for a spinning wheel kick but she ducks and slides out of dodge and he nails the referee! Athena slides out of the ring quickly as Tyler checks on the ref to try to revive him and she grabs a chair, and brings it back in with her. Tyler turns around and she swings but he moves out of the way and the chair hits the ropes and knocks her right in the face! She drops the chair and holds her face in pain as Tyler takes advantage, and whips her into the corner. He grabs her by the hair and turns her around, climbing up on the second buckle. He puts her head in a DDT position.

Tony D: He's going for a Tornado DDT it looks like.

Tyler jumps away from the corner but Athena somehow finds the strength to push him away, He lands on his feet, Athena grabs the chair, tosses it at Tyler, he catches it, and she spins around kicking it right into his face as he then goes down!

Tony D: Vandaminator!

She covers Tyler but the referee is not there! She gets off of Tyler and goes to revive the referee, shaking him violently. He isn't moving! She tries to pick him up and does.. and shakes him. He starts to come to and she lets go of him, and he starts to regain his senses. She points to Tyler and covers him. The ref is slow to get down on the mat but once he does he counts slowly 1.........2........KICK OUT! Athena is pissed! She gets up and starts to yell down at the referee as he tries to explain what the problem was with him being in pain. She orders him to get up and she backs him into the corner. She threatens to hit him and he tells her that he is the referee and she had better not! She doesn't care, as she pulls her hand back ready to slap him but Tyler is up and grabs her by the arm, spins her around, and sets her up for the Balled out. Tyler is going for the Vertebreaker but Athena wiggles out of it, pushes Tyler towards the ropes, he holds on and then she runs his way, he pulls the ropes down and she goes overboard! Athena stands up, shaking off the cobwebs and Tyler is up top! He leaps off connecting with a moonsault and Athena goes down!

Kris Red: OH MY!! He flew from way up top down to Athena! My god!

Tony D: That was incredible!

The ref begins the 10 count. (1......2........3..........4............5.............6...........7.......) they finally get up, and Tyler rolls into the ring, followed by Athena. They are slow to their feet, and when they lock up Athena gets the upper hand, and connects with a Russian Legsweep. She slowly climbs up on top turnbuckle now. Athena is up top, with her back facing Tyler. She is going for her finisher "Athena's Wisdom", but out of nowhere comes Rachel! Athena though, kicks Rachel off the apron and sets herself back up for the moonsault. Tyler is up on his feet now though but that doesn't stop Athena as she flies backward and connects with the Moonsault and covers Tyler 1...2...kick out! Athena stands up and sees Rachel getting to her feet, Athena runs and baseball slides Rachel down. She grabs her by the hair and slams her face off the apron over and over and over and over and ovvverrrr again! The ref slides out of the ring and tries to gain some kind of control but these two just keep battling around the ring, with the ref following. This leaves an opening for the Man With No Name to rush down to the ring with his Junior Heavyweight Title in hand. He slides in the ring and measures Tyler up as he gets to his feet. He charges and BAMMM! MWNN takes out Tyler and causes him to hit the mat hard!

Kris Red: Tyler is busted up!

Tony D: He's bleeding from the forehead.

MWNN exits the ring , and slowly backs up staring into the ring.. into the soul of Tyler McPherson.. in ways..Finally at ringside after Athena man handles..well..woman handles Rachel, he finally orders her back into the ring and Rachel to the backstage area. She slides in the ring and sees Tyler is out! She yells at the ref as she covers him 1...2.....KICK OUT!!

Kris Red: WOOT! He kicked out! Come on Tyler.

She is confused as to what happened to Tyler and why he is bleeding, plus how he kicked out. She grabs him and brings him up..she picks him up for a suplex and holds him high in the air for a few seconds...but he starts to move his legs and Tyler drops down onto his feet. He dropkicks AThena and she falls into the second rope! Tyler raises his hand and runs towards her, spinning through the ropes and kicking her in the face!

Tony D: (2-0-4)!

She flies backward and Tyler stalks her.. she stumbles backward into him and he lifts her up for the Balled out Vertebreaker and connects! He covers her 1...2....3!

Randy Long: Here is your winner and still HSW Evolution Champion, Tyler McPherson!!!

"Price to Play" by Staind hits and the crowd is quick to rise to it's feet to catch a glimpse of Assassin making his way to the ring. A spotlight shines on Assassin, who is standing at the top of the ramp. Large fireworks explode from each side of the set, and from all four ringposts . Assassin slowly walks to the ring as the crowd cheers him on.

Randy Long- "Making his way to the ring, weighing in at a 293 pounds, From Toronto, Ontario, Canada.. ASSASSIN!!"

He steps up on to the apron and enters the ring by stepping over the top rope. He then walks over to a far turnbuckle, climbs it, and raises one arm into the air, as the crowd cheers even more. Assassin then stands in the middle of the ring and waits for his partner, El Nutso.

"Halo" by Soil hits over the PA as the lights cut out. Huge yellow pyros then explode form the top of the ramp. As the smoke begins to clear , El Nutso is seen kneeling at the top of the ramp. He jumps up onto his feet and runs down to the ring, sliding in under the bottom rope.

Randy Long- "His partner, from Mexico City, Weighing in at a 169 pounds.. El Nutso!"

He runs up one of turnbuckles and perfoms a perfect backflip, landing of his feet. He takes a few runs off of the ropes, and does some stretches as he waits for Damien Bartlett and Pshychotic X.

'Shook Ones Part 2' by Mobb Deep hits as the lights flash, D-B then walks out onto the stage in his usual beanie, tanktop and baggy pants, flashing his diamond cross around his neck. D-B heads down the ramp as the crowd boo him. He stops halfway down the ramp.

Randy Long- "There opponents.. First, from Oxford, UK, weighing in at a 180 pounds, D-B.. Damien Bartlett!"

The arena lights dim right down a s the voice of Eminem can be heard coming over the PA system, as soon as the police sirens can be heard the lights come back up and the hooded individual known as Psychotic X is seen standing at the top of the ramp, he then poses Booker T style at the top of the ramp as a huge explosion goes off behind him and the flames shoot up into the arena roof, he then walks beside D-B, as Randy Long announces him.

Randy Long- "Making his way to the ring.. from Bronx, New York, Weighing in at a 282 pounds.. Pshychotic.. X!!"

Both teams stare at each other, as the crowd begins to cheer at the anticipation. Assassin busts through the ropes, and begins pounding away at both PX and D-B! El Nutso looks on, and yells "ASSASSIN YOU IDIOTA!" El Nutso then runs, and jumps up onto the top rope, flying off with a cross body onto all three men! El Nutso stands up, and lifts up PX to. Nutso lays in a couple right hands to PX, then jumps up and dropkicks him, making Pshychotic X stumble into the barricade. Assassin is up, and he goes "Nutso.. why did you hit me?" El nutso hears this and turns around, "You were in my way, idiota" Assassin shakes his head into a low blow from DB! Damien begins right handing Assassin, then throws Assassin head first into the steel steps! Assassin lays over the bottom part of the steps, and Damien jumps on the barricade, and flys off leg dropping Assassin!

Kris Red- "This fight is underway, and the bell hasn't even rang!"

El Nutso climbs on the barricade, and leaps off with a cross body onto PX. Nutso then begins to hammer down with right hands down onto PX. Nutso then gets to his feet, and lifts up PX, but PX gut kicks him, then hits him with a gut wrench suplex. Pshychotic X smiles and picks up Nutso again. PX then waistlocks him, and hits him with a belly to belly overh ead suplex on the ramp!

Tony D- "Ouch!"

PX picks up El Nutso and lays him against the barricade, and chops him. PX then lays four more chops in. Pshychotic X, then throws El Nutso's head against the barricade. PX then starts hammering rights and lefts at El Nutso. El Nutso reverses a right hand by grabbing it, then jumps up on the barricade, and jumps off it with a hurricanrana.

Assassin now has the advantage on D-B on the outside of the ring. Assassin slams D-B's head against the ring apron, then begins pounding him with right hands. Damien fights back with an eye rake, then throws Assassin's head at the barricade. Assassin then fights back with a back elbow, then throws D-B's head at the steel post. Assassin then throws D-B's head off the announce table. D-B yells, "No.." but Assassin hammers him with an almightly right hand!

Ton y D- "Ouch!"

Kris Red- "Is that the only word you can say?"

Tony D- "Shut up."

El Nutso gets rolled in the ring by Pshychotic X, and El Nutso stands up. PX is up now, and El Nutso runs off the ropes. El Nutso comes back, and PX lifts him up and hits a spinning headscissors! The bell finally rings, as Assassin gets in his corner, and so does D-B. El Nutso then jumps on the top rope, and bounces off hitting a split-legged moonsault. El Nutso then gets up, and moonsaults back, landing on PX. El Nutso then gets up and tags in Assassin. Assassin comes in and picks up PX. PX delivers a cheap shot right hand, then a couple more. PX goes one more hard one, but Assassin ducks under it, then grabs PX by the throat! Assassin then lifts PX up, and chokeslams him! Assassin covers, One... Two.. DB comes flying off the top rope with a huge elbow drop, hitting Assassin. Assassin gets up ang ered, but the ref stops him from going to hit DB. Assassin turns around, and PX gut kicks Assassin, then gives him a belly to belly side suplex.

Kris Red- "Belly To Belly side suplex nails Assassin hard by Pshychotic X there."

Assassin gets up, and PX hits him with a couple chops. PX then lifts a knee into Assassin's gut. PX lifts him up, and carrys him around then drops him with a Hanging Vertical Suplex! PX covers... One.. Two.. NO! Kickout by Assassin. Assassin gets up, and PX runs off the ropes, and comes back to a big boot! Assassin picks up PX, and whips him at the turnbuckles, hard. Assassin runs, but gets a boot lifted into his face. PX takes DB, and in comes DB. He runs, and gets clotheslined by Assassin. Assassin then big boots PX off the apron. Assassin picks up Damien, and whips him HARD at the buckles. Assassin climbs on the apron, and climbs up the turnbuckles, carrying him with him. He lifts him up and gives D-B an Assassin Bomb!!! Assassin covers.. ONE.... TWO.... PX runs in the ring, but from the top rope, El Nutso leaps off, and hits a spinning wheel kick to PX, knocking him down. THREE!!!! Dysfunctional wins. The scene fades out to the Headstrong Wrestling logo as we are then off the air!