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-=- IWA Network Columns -=- Version 2.0 -=-

The Grate White Dope Pt.1
By Corey Letson

Hi, I'm the Grate White Dope and welcome to the GWD movie screw that. I'd just like to talk about many things in the wrestling world, along with IWA. First let me start out on a good note. FOLEY RULEZ!

I'm sorry for that, it's been three years since I've seen Foley on WWF (I will never give into that WWE crap) programming. He looked to be in the same shape is always (I'm not for sure if thats the best thing) and he took the bumps and chair shots like he still was a wrestler I am happy to see Mic Foley back. To me, wrestling has always been quite odd when he left, same with Michaels and Hart (Owen and Bret). But hey we've all seen a lot of things in the past year. Michaels coming out of retirement and Flair starting to work full-time are probably the most notable mentions. So even though I know there is a very small chance, I know there is a chance. And even though I know Mic would consider himself a liar if he came back (he would, just read Foley is Good) I want Mic back. I don't care if he comes back as a normal man as himself. Or if he starts pulling a sock from his pants again and starts hoping everyone has a nice day. Hell, him being a psychotic madman named Cactus Jack would be cool. Even coming back as some hip-swinging new-age cool cat like Dude Love would be awesome. I know it's a long shot, but I hope. I hoped that Michaels would someday return and my wish was granted.

I've watched wrestling ever since I can remember, and I have seen a lot of things and I have watched a lot of people come through and leave. A lot of those people I hope someday will come back and give one last match that makes them as awesome as they always were to me. I've hoped for a long time to see Mic Foley come back, I've dreamed of seeing one more Owen Hart match, I think that Macho Man still rules and he would be great in the WWF nowadays (he looked in great shape on Spiderman though he had a stupid role). I also wish I could see the "Excellence of Execution" (if you don't know who this is, go to Hollywood video and rent some old wrestlemania movies, 8 9 11 are recommended. And watch one of the best wrestlers ever in action) go one more run and win another world title.

Speaking of the best there is, the best there was, and the best there ever will be. I saw him on WWA's pay-per-view and he looks pretty good. He can walk, he can move the left side of his body again (For those of you who didn't know, Bret hart had a stroke) and he seems to be in okay shape. His speech is sometimes alittle off, and it's not because he is Canadian, but he kinda stopped on some words, had to think alittle before saying them. It was nice to see him, and hear him again, if only he could and would get back into the business.

WWA, wow what a show. Sting lost to Jarrett making Jarrett the NWA world champ (NWA:TNA is awesome, chance if it ever got on tv it could murder the WWF in ratings), and the WWA world champ. Best match of the night goes to the four-way cruiserweight/X-division/light-heavyweight unification title match. It was a solid match and all four competitors put on a very good preformance. Jerry Lynn lost though and Chris Saben became the WWA cuiserweight champ and kept his X-division championship. I also must give huge props to the guitar shot by the dog-faced gremlin Rick Steiner to help Jarrett win the match. The guitar started breaking before it even touched Sting. I mean it was already in about ten peices before it even hit Stings head. Matches like Devon Storm vs. Konnan dragged on to long. Sabu vs Joey Legend was good but once again started to drag late in the match.

IWA seems to be having a big boost going into this weeks event and of course going into Sunburn. Chris Michaels vs Kidnes should be a match of unparrellel proportions. I expect to see the very best from both men. Granted now it won't be the title vs title match I was hoping for, it still seems that it will be a classic. IWA's action at suicide will be nice. I guess this week is time for wrestlers to put up or shut-up and it's time for some rookies (not yours trully) to show what they got infront of everyone. I expect to see very very solid action. And no biest to anyone but I think that the battle royal will be one by a certain man whose column you are reading right now. But hey even if I lose, that means I hit some stiff competition. So until next week, bi-week, month, or however long before i decide how long before each article. Just remember, if you want some come get some and if you don't like me, then fuck you.

The Grate White Dope