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-=- IWA Network Columns -=- Version 2.0 -=-

The Grate White Dope Pt.2
By Corey Letson

Hello once again to all, it is your very faithful and relatively happy G.W.D.  What has happened this week, what will happen next week?  These question need to be asked and need to be talked about.

       Every week now it looks like Foley is one step closer to coming back. And every week I love to see what will happen with him, hoping he'll say, "At Summerslam Triple H, I want to fight you one on one for your world title."  God that would be one of the coolest things ever. But that brings me to my next point, Triple H might not be the champion come Tuesday mourning.

       Now as you can tell I'm alittle biest and I like Raw a hell of a lot more than I will ever like Smackdown!  The only way I'll ever like Smackdown is if Michaels, Kane, Jericho and Christian switch shows.

       So this coming Monday night, in just three days, I get to see my favorite wrestler (Kane) go after the world title in a match I legitimately think he will win.  Because if he loses the mask will be taken off and that will ruin the gimmick I've liked since he beat the crap out of Undertaker at Hell in a Cell back in '97.  Also I'm not really sure on the true stipulations. If he only has to win to keep the mask, he'll win by DQ. But if he has to win the title to keep the mask, welcome to the Title reign of KANE!  I think that Kane deserves to win the world title, a one day title reign isn't exactly the greatest thing in the world.  And a guy like Glenn Jacobs (the guy behind the mask) whose busted his ass with shitty gimmicks like Dr. Yankeem D.D.S. (though that scared me out of going to the dentist for awhile) and the crappy fake Deisel, deserves to win the world title and hold onto it for at least half a year.

       Before I move on to bitching about how Maven still sucks and how Al Snow should never be promoted for anything for fear of scaring people away (I'm kidding he's not that horrible, gets very close though). I'd like to talk about the prestigue of a title belt.  See back in the early 90's, before storylines and things.  Titles had recognition, because the holder didn't change every month.  The world champ was the world champ for like five monthes before he lost it, and at this day in age we've lost that.  Sure seeing two guys go back and forth with a title is fine, but when Triple H loses it to Hogan, then a month later Hogan loses it to Taker, then a month later Taker loses it to another guy, it's annoying and makes the title seem very dull and a waist of time. Thats why Triple H holding the title for as long as he has is a good thing. When he fought Steiner I figure he'd keep the title, but the second time around, everyone thought he'd lose.  They kept him going, very smart.  Retaining the title at WrestleMania, genius, even though it broke tradition, it wasn't expected.  That's why I figure Triple H's title reign will come to an end. Even though people don't think the mask will come off, they sure as hell don't think that Kane should hold it.  Yet no one sees the genius in having Kane as the world champ.  He becomes an evil bastard who just attacks everyone and at the next ppv goes one on one with RVD. RVD vs. Kane for the world title would have to be one of the best matches of the year.

       Now onto Smackdown, were the US title will be coming back through the process of a US title tournament.  Now for those of you who don't know, the US title comes from WCW.  Which one of the best matches I'd ever seen was for the US title belt. For you oldschoolers out there, Raven vs. Benoit vs. DDP for the US title at Uncensored.  Now I'm not sure on the year, but if you have kazaa and a broadband connection, go and download it, you won't be disappointed.  So the first match I see during this world title tournament is Rhyno vs. Benoit and being the wrestling man I am I decided he'll I'll beat Y2John (one of the newer guys on the IWA roster) that Rhyno will beat Benoit.  I could see half way through that, that wasnt going to happen.  That pissed me off, but I garentee all of you when I see the full brackets I will pick every winner perfectly, because without the brackets I can't tell crap.  Mr. Ass came back this week, which is awesome. Him and Torrie together should work well for Billy if it's permanent.  But I was always a fan of Billy&Chuck, they were hilarious.  I use to watch Smackdown to see their funny promos and to see Cena. Now I have to watch Smackdown to see the awesome Vince McMahon, John Cena, and Ted Debiase....oh crap I mean Mr. America. Woo almost gave the secret away there.  That would've pissed off WWF.

       Actually screw it, I'll tell you all. Thats right, "The Million Dollar Man" Ted Debiase is Mr. America.  You know why he got a new gimmick?  Because he is cashing in on the patriotism of this country.  Think about it, they both have hair, they both are old, they both have facial hair. And they both know how to spell Vince McMahon. I know it's hard to believe, but you cannot fight the facts.  They both have to much in common.  Plus adding to it, every letter in Mr. America is in The Million Dollar Man, every letter except for c, thats just to throw all of you off.  But I'm to damn smart for them, I'm to damn smart.

       The rematch between Show and Lesnar sucked. The only cool part was when Show just beat the crap out of Angle, Lesnar and America (Debiase).  It leads me to believe that at Vengeance it will be a fatal four way, or it will be a double main event with Lesnar vs. Angle and Show vs. America. God let it be a fatal four way, it's less predictable and anyone could win, I'd go with Mr. America on that one.

       Now thanks for reading my column this week to the two of you that have and I'm betting right now, if O'Haire is in the US tournament, he'll win. Unless Billy Gunn or Zach Gowen is in it. If Zach Gowen or Billy Gunn are in it, they'll win. If both of them are in it, Zach Gowen will be your new US champion. And if none of these three are in it, Benoit is your champ. Get it, got it, good.  See you next week when Kane is your new WWF champion (if I have to eat those words I will).

The Grate White Dope