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-=- IWA Network Columns -=- Version 2.0 -=-

From The Heart
By Pebble

Lais OOC remarks

First thing I am the kind of person who stay true to what I believe in. I don't believe in hiding who I am. I believe in _expression 100 percent. Now everyone is entitle to their opinions and I respect that but I been in role-playing for a good 8 to 9 years now on and off. I didn't get to the level I am at by hand me outs. Now this goes out to all those who have label me and hate what you don't know or scare to get to know. I respect all of your views but in my view I believe some of you are way out of line. Now when it comes down to voting on the polls I do not vote for myself that is just me. So I do use suggestive pictures ... so what...what the point?

I been in the Iwa for a few weeks and I obvious doing something right. I use to be where some of the Iwa superstars use to be at and to be honest it was difficult because of instead of being encourage and helped, folks was down right ugly. I worked hard to get where I am at and I bust my ass big time. Many times I got jobbed and I got screwed many times because I followed the basic so call rules of rping. But I started blowing the RP scene up when it finally dawned on me I am portraying a person with real human tendency and so I started using that key thing and I set the rping scene on fire. I am 7 time world champ and I proud of it because it wasn't an easy task. I have won titles like IC, TV, US, Hard-core, Tagteam, European, Lightweight, and Women titles numerous times that I lost count. I been in a battle royal with nothing but men and I won the Us Title and the victory was sweet because For instance I knew for once I earn it just like all my World title wins.

I have went my share against opponenst who took me to a level I didn't know I could reach. I know I should retire but I am spreading what I learn to others who are really shining now. Plus I am tired of so much sexes behavior that goes on in rping it is ridiculous. Just because I am a female rper doesn't mean I shouldn't get any respect because I respect every one to the best of my abilities. I have dealt with a lot of dirty Bs in my time rping wise. I am out to have fun and be creative which we all got that gift but many don't use it for many different factors. What I am portraying with my character is the ups and downs on trying to keep it real in a society that is full of nasty stereotypes. Just because my character where skimpy clothes don't automatically make her a ho.

Plus just because she might be attractive, down to earth and open that don't mean she dense and stupid. Rping is dying because folks forgot the true meaning of it. Folks forget to have fun. Folks are basically cocky and it's a job now. They lose they whine. A lot of feds out here is all about lines and competition so bad that it becomes downright personal. Folks need to chill out. But in closing I been told I am too serious at times but no I am just one who likes to know what is going on and I feel I deserve to have feedback in the direction my character is taken because no one knows her better than I do. Not getting carried away with it but yeah rping should be fun but what fun is it for just the staff to decide what goes on . I know I am going to catch hell for my remarks but you know what I don't give a damn. I been working on breaking the barriers for a long damn time. I have came too damn far to just throw in the towel I been called stupid, a slut and so on....but you know what thoses are just names. You can try to ruin my reputition, ruin my character but you can't ruin me the person behind the character.

Now if you get offended I am sorry for you because I am giving a truthfully look in to how I see things and what I been through. Yeah I use to get upset and so pissed when I lost and stuff but I learn it was childish and weakness and so instead of letting a lost or ugliness keep me down I got back up and went at it again. Turn my loses and experience into strength. No I am not bitter no sense in it. Some will say I am pissed or upset writing this but I am just sharing some of my insight.