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-=- IWA Network Columns -=- Version 2.0 -=-

Bi-Weekly Pt.1
By Rick Knight

Hello to all in the IwA...this is the first installment of my bi-weekly column on the happenings of the IwA. It will include my opinions and my opinions alone out of character. It will also be including over the course of time other topics besides the IwA and e-wrestling in general....So lets get this party started with a bang shall we?

My first topic for this column is roleplaying...There really isn't much to talk about. We had a very strong week in terms of number of roleplays two cards ago, but this last card was kind of lame guys. I went a second consecutive week without a single roleplay from my opponent or opponents. I know I'm not the only one either...its a pretty sad state of affairs when the favorite phrase in a roleplay becomes..." My opponent hasn't said shit this week, he must be afraid " This isn't everybody, but some of the roleplayers here it would actually be better if they left some stuff to the imagination. I do want to give big massive ups to guys like Chris Michaels and Niji/Fire and even Sunny for at least roleplaying. I think that later on down the line when me and Michaels go up against each other in a match it will be very fun and entertaining for everyone...

My favorite roleplayer in this fed besides myself of course would have to be Chris Michaels, sometimes he gets a little boring...his scenes need work, but he knows what to say to get his opponents mad at him which is in my opinion the mark of a great roleplayer.

With the exception of those three and myself...everybody else in this fed needs a whole lot more practice, which is why I can't figure out why your not roleplaying...

I do want to speak on Dade Davis for a minute....I mean no disrespect to you at all Dade, but were given a lot of hype and we were pretty much all told that you were gonna be a major force in the IwA and we have yet to see anything from you...well, we saw that one RP that looks like it was recycled from another fed. If your mad about something, you should talk to Taj about it. He is good with working with people on stuff...your going to be heading into a program with me soon it appears and I would rather not just massacre you...I would honestly like you to do something if and when we have a match...

I'm not going to harp on this or anything for long, but I do want you to understand that I am a little upset that Pebbles currently has more votes than me on the web-poll " What's good " for best new talent in the IwA...If your voting for her because you truly think she is a better roleplayer than me, then thats fine, no problem...but if your voting for her because she is putting pictures of half-naked chicks in her roleplays then never talk to me again please. You don't know roleplaying and you never will.

I want to thank everyone who reads this for reading it...I am going to honestly try to make this a bi-weekly column ( That means every two weeks for those of you who aren't very smart..LoL ) I always appreciate feedback or just talking about the fed or roleplays...I also enjoy helping people come up with ideas for roleplays when I am not busy myself doing a roleplay, so feel free to IM me (Scorp4evr2002) You have to admit that I am pretty damn good at coming up with ideas for roleplays...but regardless, it will be kept confidential if you want it to be. I want to see the IwA continue to be a dominant fed and I will do anything I can to help that process...

Until next time.......Rick Knight