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-=- IWA Network Columns -=- Version 2.0 -=-

Bi-Weekly Pt.2
By Rick Knight

Troubles and Tribulations of the IwA

A very smart man once said to me, Growth and Success is almost as painful as being at the top...the journey can be rougher than the destination...

I have come to see that this applies to just about everything in life...nothing is easy unless it is not worth doing. The IwA is growing stronger and stronger by the week. At the same time there seems to be more OOC fighting each week as well.

To me, this is a game....and like all games, I do like to it a competitive nature or whatever you wish to call it...I am going to address quite a few concerns that I have lately with the IwA in general...things that should be addressed soon by somebody with actual power in this fed...not just a results writer like me...

The first thing I want to address is the Dade Davis know who I am talking about, the guy who got his ass handed to him by John Supra and quit the fed...then got into a tie that he DID deserve to lose in a match with Sunny. Sure, Sunny wrote a piece of garbage, but it was his original RP at least...not some recycled trash from another fed. News Flash there Dade....if your gonna recycle an RP about a canadian named Mike...make sure of a couple of make sure your opponent is actually canadian...and two make sure that if the guy's name isn't Mike...that you change the name in the RP...your definitely an amatuer and an embarrassment to the IwA. Good riddance Dade won't be missed...

Another issue that should be discussed right here is the Pebbles apparently for whatever reason Pebbles read my last column and decided that she didn't think I was giving her the respect she deserved and wrote a little column of her own which may or may not be posted when my column is posted. So starting right now I am going to make it very clear and show Pebbles the amount of respect that I think she deserves. That number in my head is a big fat zero...she is not a roleplayer...she is a fashion model, her character is nothing more than a common slut and the handler of that character will say one thing to your face and something entirely different behind your back...If Pebbles has all these World Title reigns in other feds...I am truly happy for her...I clap my hands in her honor, but the fact is..she didn't do anything different from the millions of other World Champions in the history of RPing...all she did was RP her little RPs and win some jobber feds World Title a few times...who really cares? Its pretty funny how somebody who is always talking about not taking this seriously and having fun is one of the ones who is always talking about the " direction of her character " and getting pissed because something doesn't go her how much sense does it make for one of the more respected stars of the IwA to go around bitching about not getting respect? What does she want people to do? Fall down and worship the ground she walks on or what? is time for me to move on and get off Pebbles....

The IwA is looking up and we are networking out and doing all kinds of nifty new shit right? That is all well and good, but the fact is that the people here should concentrate a little bit more on quality in the RPs they send and stop worrying about stupid shit like finding pictures of supermodels or what non-existant house show they are gonna be in this time...what is the deal with that anyway? Does nobody read my RPs or read the rules of the fed anymore?

Now...let me get right to the bottom of what I am trying to say with this column...there is a certain amount of seriousness that does need to be shown when talking about this game we are all playing. I usually dedicate at least a few hours a week just to my RPing for this one fed...not to mention the other things I do like writing matches and columns and just helping out in general...I don't expect anybody to clap for me or think I am trying to make myself feel special because I am doing what I love to do. I love RPing in E-feds. I have been doing this for quite a few years and it is a nice way to get away from my real life, which is kind of boring. I understand just as many of you do that there are people who go just a little bit too far and forget that we don't get paid for this shit..its not a job. We do this in the name of fun and truth be told, when you have two or three OOC arguments between different people every week it starts to not be as fun. I have been in three different feds who were listed as a top ten fed in the world by different judges and rating systems and I was successful in each one because I saw a need and I filled it with my character...if you don't have a goofy guy in your fed, swallow your pride and become the goofy guy..not everybody can be a badass who wins every week...that wouldn't be fun for anybody...I have done many different gimmicks with my character Rick Knight, I have been an insane masturbator who talks to a bag of doritos...I have been Rock Knight, a guy who speaks in third person and is cocky...I guess I haven't really left that character completely behind now that I think about it...I have done many different things that some of you new people and some of the just plain I take it too serious people would never even consider doing...I got a tip for all of you free of makes you a better RPer to try new gimmicks...

I do feel that every fed needs a certain share of badasses sure...but every successful e-fed needs a little bit more than that...people who are willing to be made fun of in character and those are the guys who generally have the most success in different feds later on down the road...its almost like paying your dues....not everybody can be the World Champion with a certain character thats true...but think of how much better your imagination would get from playing a black ghetto redneck hillbilly who talks to an imaginary friend? It doesn't even have to be that extreme...just try to use your imagination and I promise you will get worked out for me and I played the village idiot for a couple of years..Now look at my character...

I look forward to the day that the IwA becomes a top ten federation....I know the staff has the dedication to make it happen and some of us superstars here do as well. I mentioned in an RP that my character loves the IwA and wants to end his career here and I must admit that was pretty much OOC because I feel the same way...until I talk to you next time....

Rick Knight