Christian "Hollywood Icon" Matthews
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IWA Success

-First Ever North American Champion-

-Best Wrestler of the Month-

-Most Improved Wrestler of the Month-

Handler Information

Real Name: Christian Matthews
Age: 18

Wrestler Information

Name: Christian "The Hollywood Icon" Matthews
Height: 5'11
Weight: 213
Hometown: Hollywood,CA
Enterence Music: "Kashmir" by Led Zeppelin
Alignment (Face, Heel or Nuetral): Heel
Wrestling Style: Cruiserweight
Finisher Name: Hall Of Famer
Finisher Description: A Moonsault From the top rope
Trademark Moves: Flying Head Scissors, Hurracurana, Kick to the "sack", 5-Star Frog Splash ,Double powerbomb manuever.

Gimmick: Very rich man that is arrogant and hates the fans.

History: Was a former actor but lost his contract due to his temper. He was asked about wrestling but at first he declined but then he figured he'd try it out. He joined HCWE(now Dead) not too long after. Matthews achieve good success in HCWE. He had won the TV Title and the Hardcore title. But then soon after HCWE shut its doors for good. Matthews went back to the movie buisness only to be turned down once more. Soon later he joined XWC and had a good run. Then on June 25th(My B-Day) Matthews was traded to the IWA