Denver, CO

(The Scene takes place in Denver, CO.. Xander and Jason sit on the announce booth and "Melt Me Down" by Pressure 4-5.. The men have microphones on and they begin to speak in..)

Xander: HELLO EVERYONE, and WELCOME TO ANOTHER EDITION of TUESDAY NIGHT MELTDOWN.. Along side Jason Case, I'm Xander Jackson..

Jason: Folks, this is a more fun filled night than we have before.. Thomson V1 takes on James "The Epic" Hunter and for the Spot on the PPV, Rich Suave, Magically Delicious takes on none other than Freak, who has been on a rampage since the beginning of this fed..

Xander: I agree, Jason.. Freak came into 24 suprising everyone literally by wearing a Santa claus suit and drives a 4-wheeler, yet Thomson seemed unhappy then because Freak put a beating on him.. Yet Thomson faces two problems.. Kris Myers and Blitz..
Jason: Blitz has some respect for Kris Myers to an extent, but they have to go into SIN together, yet They both face each other and Thomson.. TWO BIG DEBUTS coming up, one of which is about to begin..
Final Testament
Dangerous Minds

("Some People Hate" by Jay-Z BLASTS over the PA System as Morris Foxx and Creed make their way down towards the ramp.. They raise their hands high and they show up with a lot of determination in mind..)

Jason: Morris Foxx makes his way through and This team seems to want their Title hunts.. But they have to go through one of the BEST to get into the business..

Xander: Morris Foxx is a no brainer to wrestling.. He has the tag and the singles experience in order to pull things off, as does Decade, but the moment of truce would be "Who is the better man..?"

(Then Final Testament [Decade/Slayer] make their way into the ring.. They also show determination and a load of intensity.. They look directly at Foxx and Creed like they are angry monsters, yet the crowd has a mixed reaction towards the match at hand.. Decade slides into the ring and Creed steps to the outer ropes.. The Bell rings..)

DING DING!!!!!!!!!!!

Jason: The match is under way..

(Decade and Morris Foxx lock arms towards one another.. Decade intercepts and gives a hip toss.. Foxx then gets up yet Decade gives another hip toss.. Then Decade picks up Foxx and gives Foxx an irish whip, yet Foxx turns around and reverses it.. Foxx then runs from the opposing ropes and gives Decade a clothesline.. Then Foxx pickes up Decade, slowly tags in Creed, and they both remain in, and They team together and pick up Decade for a suplex.. Then Morris exits the ring heading to his corner.. Creed gives open fisted pinches to the head.. But then Picks up Decade and attempts a scoop slam, but Creed retaliates with a back body drop..)


Jason: I couldn't agree with you more..

(Decade tags in Slayer.. Slayer then irish whips Creed into a turnbuckle.. He punches ten times, and then lets go.. Creed then gets slayer into a suplex and takes it into the center of the ring.. Slayer pins Creed..)

ref: 1_______



(Creed kicks out of that pin..)

(Slayer then gives knife hands across the neck.. As Creed retaliates with a knifehand of his own.. They exchange back and forth, but suddenly, Foxx rushes in with the ref distracted by Decade and clotheslines Slayer.. Decade looks from his corner pissed once he looked at it.. He begins to waltz in, but the ref pushes him back into his corner, and more double teaming goes against Slayer.. Foxx Claps his hands up high and Creed hits the corner.. Foxx immediately goes in for the pin..)

ref: 1_______



(Shoulder gets up..)

Jason: WOW - Creed needs a tag now..

(Foxx picks up Slayer and then goes for a slam.. He then picks up Slayer again and performs another slam.. Then he hands Creed an irish whip over to the ropes and attempts a back body drop, but Slayer puts on the brakes and kicks him to the chest, then runs back to the ropes behind him and clotheslines Foxx.. Slayer then tags in Decade.. Decade then picks up Foxx and scoop slams him.. Then he positions Foxx and attempts a suplex.. But Foxx Blocks it.. Decade tries again, and Foxx blocks, and in turn, he does a suplex of his own.. But Slayer got in and gives a DDT to Foxx..)

Jason: Wow what great athleticism for these two teams..

Xander: Man Wrestling in the IWWA hasn't been like this before..

(Suddenly, a Man walks into the ring.. He has a microphone in his hand.. He begins to speak.. He has on an IWWA T-shirt and a pair of pants..)

Man (spotlight darkened the face): YO, FOXX!! Remember me??

Xander: Looks like??

(The man walks further down.. His face shows..)

Jason: It's JAMES ASSASSIN!!!!!! What is He doing here??

James: FOXX!! Let me review the tactics between our feuding.. You see, Back in the world Of IEW, one man stood firm and attempted his best.. Ironically, it no longer was enough to get the job done.. For those unfamiliar, let me review the history lesson.. Slayer, And no, I'm not talking aboutthe Slayer in the ring.. I was talking about the Slayer WE BOTH knew and respected.. The EXTREME ONE made a deal.. He last offered me to join the one time Stable Extreme Impact.. You see, The team was not the problem, it was Matt Rison himself.. On Slayer's last match, He was robbed of his integrety, but YOU and Rizzo TESTED US.. YOU were testing not just a group, but the IEW as well.. But as you recall from me, IEW is PAST TENSE.. IEW is over.. We're in a new world with a new sign of life and new energy to forfill.. NEW GOALS, NEW TEAMS, a NEW ATTITUDE to bring in.. This war does not live with Havoc vs. Extreme Impact anymore.. Reason why, You are not in Havoc, NOR am I any longer in Extreme Impact.. Allow me a sign of a moment, Give me a reason that I should stand here today and NOT challenge you.. Foxx, I have a proposition..

(gets closer to the ramp, yet Foxx reacts..)

Foxx (now with the mic): WHAT DO YA WANT.. You know, You were right about one thing, We're trying to change the pace of wrestling here in the IWWA.. I have a new partner, CREED.. How about you??

James: Let me rephrase the audience this for you.. When I began my career in the IEW, and I placed one man unconcious who already was.. The first things that came out of his mouth implied that I was a copycat.. i had nothing original in me.. Overtime, I proved him wrong..

Jason: James made a valid point somewhere..

James: Foxx, I want a challenge.. You and Creed against myself and a partner of my choosing.. Give me two weeks to pick a partner, and you'll get your match.. I will NOT unveil him until then.. One further stipulation.. I want no ordinary tag match.. I want this to happen in a BAR.. Let's have a BAR FIGHT.. Think it over..

(Ref calls for the Bell, and the ring announcer makes his statement)

Ring announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, Due to interference in the match.. The match is declared a Draw..
Brad Watkins
Sgt. Johnson

Brad Watkins walks into the ring with a Mean attitude.. Yet Sgt. Johnson carries an American Flag like a patriot and He waves it out into the air.. David Sanchez arrives aside Johnson.. Johnson looks confident and is ready to go.. Brad locks arms and gives Sgt. Johnson a hip toss.. Sgt Johnson gets up and throws in a few knife hands back to back.. Phasing Brad very little, He exchanges with some knife hands on his own.. and he gives the Sarge and irish whip, but inverting it, Sgt Johnson reverses it and gives a clothesline and then works on an armbar extending the left arm.. Brad fights it out a little bit, Sanchez cheers him highly.. Brad looks near the ropes and is in reaching area.. Brad touches the ropes allowing the break to happen, but Seargent Johnson continues the kicking and knife hand.. Sgt. Johnson then picks up Watkins and gives a suplex.. Then picks him up again and hands him another one.. Then performs a bridge suplex, getting the ref to pin, but Brad kicks out of that.. In the midst of all this, David distracts the ref and Brad attempted a low blow, but he blocks and retaliates with a low blow of his own.. Sgt. Johnson then gves in the cobra clutch and The ref checks for a three count through the arms.. Brad Finally gives up causing the ref to ring the bell..


Shane Jenkins

AnarKy walks in with a poster of Bea arthur in a huge size flashing it to the crowd, in which they puke.. Shane was looking from Backstage and it gave him a reason for more determination.. Shane studies AnarKy and realizes that he is a trouble maker.. Shane Finnaly on his own cue gets in the ring.. And he clotheslines off the bat to AnarKy.. AnarKy gets up and suplexes the man.. AnarKy then gives punches, but Shane retaliates and inverts into an armbar.. He holds on to AnarKy's arm for a few minutes straight, but freely lets go on his own terms and scores a spin side kick to the gut, and then gives in a DDT.. AnarKy then gets up and clotheslines and then Suplexes the ex-cop turned wrestler on the scene.. Suddenly, Nightmare appears on the Scene with a porn picture of naked women on there.. Shane got distracted by it, but more so by AnarKy.. Nightmare then switches posters into a couple of men kissing one another and he flashes that into AnarKy.. and AnarKy isnt happy one bit.. Regardless, Nightmare hands the picture of the two women to Shane for safe keeping, yet Shane gives the ReDirection to AnarKy and Shane wins the match given the hand raise by Nightmare and the ref..

Winner: Shane Jenkins

"The White Pheonix"
Kenzo Tagara

White pheonix gets in with intention and integrety.. Nightmare already got in from earlier today.. So Off hand, Nightmare locks arms, but Kenzo blocks the lockup and gives an inner crescent, then turns and does a spin heel kick through the stomach.. Then he does a knife hand and a slide side kick.. Kenzo pulls in a couple of open fisted punches into the chest, but Nightmare wakes up and tries to do a suplex.. Nightmare gets Kenzo down, and gets into a figure four leg lock, in which it applied, but Kenzo tries to reverse it with what strength he has and then holds on to the ropes, breaking up the figure four.. Shaking up his legs, he slowly works on the Legs of nightmare.. Nightmare gets down and kneels, but Nightmare does not give up.. Kenzo then picks up Nightmare and positions him for a DDT.. Kenzo pins Nightmare, but Nightmare still has fight in him.. Nightmare then performs a few clotheslines and a couple of suplexes to get the back moving.. IN COMES AnarKy.. This time he brings a casket with him.. AnarKy rolls the casket all the way to the ring.. Kenzo doesnt believe it either.. Kenzo does the SCREAM OF THE FALCON, Pins Nightmare, and the referee rings the Bell.. AFTER the match, Kenzo exits the ring wanting nothing to do with it at first, but then he realizes whats going on.. Nightmare gets kiced continuously by AnarKy and then AnarKy gives a DDT.. Then he rolls him into a casket.. Kenzo is walking back to the locker room, but AnarKy calls him into the ring.. Kenzo stops among the ramps.. He then asks him to take a shovel and bury Nightmare alive, Kenzo did carry a shovel, but refused to do as told by AnarKy.. Instead, AnarKy got HIT with a shovel and the fans reacted with EASE.. They cheer loudly.. Suddenly, Kenzo Spikes the shovel down without breaking it, and Nightmare gets out of the Casket and then Nightmare then rolls AnarKy back into the casket brought into the ring.. All Kenzo did is just bow into Nightmare, and Nightmare asks for a shake of hands.. Kenzo accepts it, and left it at that..

Winner: White Pheonix

Thomson Version 1
James "The Epic Hunter

James And Thomson meert for the first time.. Hunter then locks arms and Hunter outmuscles Thomson.. Hunter then hiptosses Thomson and gives in a punch to the ribs after going down.. Hunter then repeatedly kicks thomson till Thomson cvouldnt stand it anymore.. Epic then Suplexes Thomson and gives a German Suplex as well.. pins Thomson first but Thomson kicks out.. Nick Blitz is in the commentary area saying bullshit information about Thomson and gives info about Kris as well.. The Negotiator also joins the commentary and he discusses the triple threat rules in the PPV in the Triple Temple of Doom.. Nick aligns himself a little calm.. Thomson turns himself around and gets himself on the winning Side.. Then Kris Myers appears in the ramp, simply watching the ringside.. Thomson is fighting Hunter tooth and nail as well and seems to have been getting him.. He gives a few clotheslines and was doing an armbar.. Epic doesn't give up.. He holds on to the ropes, causing the hold to break away, but Hunter is still down.. Thomson then does the Version one Slam, then hits the top rope and gives in an elbow drop afterwards.. Thomson gives in the pin and wins the match.. Nick and Kris have seen enough so Nick goes in first giving knifehands to Thomson and Thomson exchanges rights and Thomson goes down.. Nick gives in a couple of Elbow shots and a Suplex.. Kris Myers then gets closer to the ring.. Nick and Thomson are still fighting each other.. When Thomson still stands unconsciously, Blitz then SPEARS Thomson and thats when Kris gets into the ring and stares at Blitz.. Blitz and Kris Myers seem intense.. They breathe heavily.. But Kris steps out of the ring first.. Then Blitz's theme cues in and Blitz does the same thing about fifteen steps behind Myers.. Thomson stays unconscious on the ringmat, but the ref rolls him over in set for another match..

Winner: Thomson Version 1

TV Title Tournament - Winner Faces Hunter at the PPV
"Magically Delicious" Rich Suave

Freak has on his mask and his ring attire with him and he heads into the ring with a few cheers.. As does Magically Delicious.. Freak carries with him a box of Lucky Charms Cereal as well.. unopened.. Rich Suave then looks at that and hands him a HARD Clothesline off the neck of Freak hitting him on the ground.. Suave then kicks Freak in the stomach and Freak absorbs in the kicks.. But he slowly gets up and then gets whipped into the ropes.. Suave clotheslines but Freak gets under the arm.. He runs to the ropes and gives a cross body.. He also then kicks Suave into the ribs as well.. Then he picks up Magically Delicious and gives him a suplex.. MD pins Freak, but Freak kicks out.. Suave then looks at the ladies in the front row, but Freak throws in a DDT, then gets into the ropes and does an elbow drop, and then does an inverted atomic drop.. Then Freak hits the ropes and drop kicks Suave onto the Matt.. The Ladies look in disqust somewhat, but Freak then gives a crippler crossface and Looks at Suave, and Suave then holds on for a long time.. He tries to get into the ropes.. But couldn't get close enough, forcing a tap.. The ref asks for the bell to ring..

Winner: FREAK