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][Disclaimer][: What you are seeing is the creation of James Massey, AKA James "Xtreme" Donovan. I made this layout and the banner by myself, so DON'T steal it, your the one who will pay for it if I catch you using it!!

Prolog: The Franchise, a man blinded by his own ego, managed to fluke a win over Triple H on Smackdown. James has vowed to destroy The Games adversary victor...


Name: James "Xtreme" Donovan

Hometown: Derby, England

Weight: 235 lbs

Height: 6'1"

Crowd status: Heel

Theme song: DX theme/ "Sinner" by Drowning Pool

Crushing Powerbomb/ Dono-sault Win; Loss; Draw: Fuck cares

James and Alicia's Apartment, master bedroom, New York City. 5:45 pm

The camera fades up in the bedroom of James and Alicia's penthouse apartment, the only place they can call their own home, as they each have their own townhouses, both in New York. The camera pans around the elegantly painted room, the walls painted in a beige colour, with art hanging from the walls. On the bed we see Alicia, lieing carelessly draped across the bed, a white strap top with the straps lowered over her petite shoulders, while a blue denim miniskirt covers her buttocks. She looks stunning. Crouched beside her, rubbing her back is James, who's wearing a pair of blue shorts. The two are talking actively, Alicia giving out moans of pleasure, only this can be told by her shudders. James rubs her back, before she rolls to face him

James: ...You know I'll get HBK to pay for having you thrown through a table. You wanted Drusilla to pay for moaning about you screwing her over, but it's like we say.

Alicia: It's legal if the ref doesn't see it! Yeah, you make that has been pay for his actions! Before you brain him with a chair though, I want you to remove The Franchise from the WWE. I cannot STAND that man's arrogance! He says your not main event material, when you won title gold in your second show of being here!! He's blinded by his own arrogance and I can't stand that! Yeah, I know I'm arrogant myself, but when your a woman and a manager to one of the greatest young up and coming superstars in the buisness, you can get away with it! Remember I said behind every great man there is a beautiful, brainy and arrogant woman, none more so than me.

James nods and kisses Alicia gently on the lips, who rolls and lies on top of him, slipping down her skirt revealling her tight pale blue thong, James rubs her down.

James: You get away with a lot, but then thats why I love you. And yeah, I'll be concentrating on that asshole The Franchise before I take care of HBK! After I'm through kicking that blood belching vagina's ass, he won't know what the fuck ran over him, all I can say is I'm going to fuckin tear that brainless son of a bitch apart, then watch the ratings go through the fuckin roof!!! The Franchise is what he claims to be. A gods body is what he claims to have. I've seen more overweight people with bigger 6 pacs than this guy has. As for his Fuck The World title, it's fucking worth it's weight in shit! Copper painted in gold, fake diamonds that are totally cut to be fake. Well, he's not the only person who can introduce a worthless belt to the WWE, I can do that as well! I'll speak to Rock or Jericho about introducing "The Pyschotic and Deadly" strap back into the fed.

James rolls Alicia to the side and kisses her deeply. The camera cuts out

Zanzibar Nightclub, New York City, 8:00 pm

The scene opens up in a nightclub in New York, the sounds of "Sinner" by Drowning Pool blasting in the room. On the dancefloor we see James and Alicia, dancing down and dirty, pretty much like the rest of the couples on the floor. Alicia grinds her buttocks against James's form. They head to the bar after a few minutes of this, Alicia straightening her dress on the way. They sit at the bar ordering drinks, talking, only the music hides their voices. They kiss as a guy approaches them and it's not clear what he said, but it earns him a nod from both of them, and a slap to the face from Alicia, probably from some after comment.

Outside Zanzibar, Side alley, 8:15

James and Alicia walk out the main doors and past the queue of people wanting to enter. James takes his phone from his pocket and taps in a number.

James: Yeah? Yeah, I will be there tomorrow, that bastard doesn't scare me, nor does that slut who's had her anatomy altered. I said I'd destroy him, and yeah I will do that. Listen, nothing is going to wrong dude, you seen me escape better people than this guy, and you seen me pin them. Yeah, you only have to look at that guy Mike Flash, I pinned his ass and ended his 130-0 record. I slaughtered him and I'll slaughter the Franchise, and steal that fake world title from him. Yeah, ok, alright man, laters.

James hangs up the phone. It is then Alicia points out the 3 guys following them.

James: What do you bums want. You after my wallet and phone?

Homeless guy: Yeah, plus we want your girl as well.

The 3 guys laugh, James slams a Superkick into the face of the nearest guy, knocking him out. Alicia grabs the guy who went for her and gives him a vicious Widow's Peak, knocking him out. The final guy attacks James with a steel pipe, James grabs it and slams a knee to the gut, thrusts a knee to the hand holding the pipe, almost snapping the guys wrist in half, before picking the guy up and Powerbombing him into a dumpster. James dusts himself off then goes to Alicia.

James: That bastard hurt you?

Alicia: I damaged him a lot more. I learnt from the best when it comes to eliminating men and women. I hope that Franchise and Velvet can take what we have to deliver, because when you tear that blood belching vagina The Franchise apart, WE'LL WATCH THE RATINGS GO THROUGH THE FUCKIN ROOF! You had better not lose. I'll make it really worth your while to win. Course, I will if you lose, but then it'll be a new experiance for you if you win. Pleasure you can only dream of!!

They smile as the white limo pulls up alongside them. James opens the door and scoops up Alicia, and they kiss extremly passionately as they get into the limo, the door slamming shut and the limo pulls away.