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August 20, 1995 at Kawasaki Stadium in Yokohama, Japan

1. First Round: Mr. Gannosuke vs. Tiger Jeet Singh in a Barbed Wire Board Chain Death Match

2. First Round: Leatherface vs. Terry Funk in a Barbed Wire Board Chain Death Match

3. First Round: Terry Gordy vs. Cactus Jack in a Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Thumbtack Death Match

4. First Round: Hiroshi Ono vs. Shoji Nakamaki in a Barbed Wire Baseball Bat Thumbtack Death Match

5. WWA Light Heavyweight Champion Flying Kid Ichihara vs. Takeshi Okano

6. Kamikaze vs. The Iceman

7. Semifinals: Tiger Jeet Singh vs. Terry Funk in a Barbed Wire Board Plate Glass Death Match

8. Semifinals: Cactus Jack vs. Shoji Nakamaki in a Barbed Wire Board Bed of Nails Death Match

9. IWA Tag Champions El Texano and Silver King vs. The Headhunters

10. NWA Champion Dan Severn vs. IWA Champ Tarzan Goto

11. Finals: Cactus Jack vs. Terry Funk in a No Rope/Barbed Wire Explosive/Barbed Wire Board/Time Bomb Death Match