' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA I'm sorry if I woke you up honey.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON It's ok babe, what time is it??
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA About 9:30 I was gonna do some shopping before I went to the arena.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON Shopping?? You aint spenting my money on your clothes. You got enough as it is, you got 4 suitcases.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA I'm a woman Randy, that's what girls do is shop.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON You dont need to be worried about clothes after that lose last week to Miss Jackie.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA It was my first match in WOW ok Randy, I lost no big deal.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON No big deal?? When the girlfriend of Randy Orton loses a match people look at me as a loser also.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA So now you think I'm a loser?
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON Well you lost your first match so until you win a match yes you are a loser.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA Why are you so mean to me?? I dont deserve to be looked down on because of a stupid lose to Miss Jackie.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON I maybe would have understood if you lost to Lita or Trish but Miss Jackie?? That is a match that someone like Lillian Garcia could have won. What is with you Nidia??
Nidia stands up off the bed and turns around, looking at Randy with a mean glare.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA I lost ok Randy, there is no point in getting mad about it now. I had a bad night ok sorry if Mr 'I never made a mistake in my life" Randy Orton dont know what that means.
Randy throws the covers off of him as he stands up out of the bed. He's wearing nothing but a pair of white boxers as he walks over to Nidia.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON You listen to be, just because your my girlfriend and I love you that does not mean that I will let you ruin my career because you dont know how to control yours!!
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA How will me losing one match effect your career? Your going to Summerslam to fight Chris Benoit for the World Title, how can I stop that?? Exactly I cant so dont blame you losing your intercontinental Title a month ago to Edge on me.
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON Me losing the intercontinental title was totally your fault and we both know it! I was so busy helping you train for WOW that I didnt even have the time to concentrate on MY intercontinental title, something you will never know anything about.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA First Im a loser then you think I'm not good enough to have gold around my waist?
' The Legand Killer ' RANDY ORTON That is exactly what I'm saying, in this business rather it be a men's federation of a women's you will be nothing but eye candy sorry babe thats the way the company works.
Nidia looks at Randy with the most shocked look on her face as she holds her hands to her chest.
' The Diamond In The Rough ' NIDIA How could you just crush my dreams like that Randy, your suppose to support me not throw me in the dirt. I'm leaving.
With that said Nidia grabs her purse and walks over to the door. She opens the door and walks out as we can hear Randy in the room saying " I'm only telling you what you should already know".