I'll be completely honest, I do not even care to be talking right now. I have had a very bad week and the last thing that I want to do is talk about how I am going to go out to the ring on Brawl and dominate my opponent. At Masters of the Mat, James Raven got the better of me for three seconds and of course, that three seconds is all that mattered. Sure, I completely kicked his teeth down his throat for the rest of the match and if it were boxing I woukld have become the Master of the Mat. But since it is wrestling, it is all about that final three seconds. I'm not going to sit and cry like a baby because I lost like James would have. In fact, I am even going to congratulation James.

Congratulations James, you were the better man for that three seconds and you took advantage of it. I respect you for doing so. Though, by night's end you really didn't look all that much like a winner, did you James? Who were those masked men? Perhaps they were just a bunch of people that were sick and tired of hearing you whine. Perhaps they were WGWF wrestlers, disusing themselves because they didn't want you knowing who they were as of yet. Or perhaps they're just a bunch of pussies. The speculation could really lead us to any of those logical conclusions. Rather their attack was just on you, or rather we will be seeing them again is unknown at this time. What I do know is this...if they do return to the WGWF scene and attempt to take me out the way they took you out, I will rip their frigging hearts out of their chests and eat their bloody still beating heart while they watch up until the moment they die. That's just how I roll.

But then again, my loss at MOTM along with everything else that has gone on in my life this week has lead me to a different emotion than James is known for having so often. James is usually depressed over a big loss. Me? I am ROYALLY TICKED OFF! That is bad news for Connor Dempsey.

Connor, I don't know you; but unless you've spent your time in the WGWF living under a rock then I know that you know who I am. That being said, I know that you are probably well aware of what kind of person I am. When I'm not angry, I one of the best that this sport has ever known. When I am angry, I am simply dangerous. You Connor, managed to have the bad luck of getting placed into a match against me when I am angrier than I have been in a very long time. I'm not just angry because of my loss at Masters of the Mat, I am also angry because of my buddy Famine leaving, I'm angry because of some things that have gone down in my personal life and I am angry because I have been booked in a match against YOU!

Don't get me wrong Connor, it is nothing against you personally. I just thought that after doing the right thing by vacating the intercontinental championship, that I would be allowed the night off to get some much deserved rest. But the WGWF owners had different plans for me I guess and for that, they can both suck my meat-whistle. Everybody says "you cannot fight city hall". I believe that to be partially true. Yu see, I am booked in a match on Brawl and there is nothing that I can do to change that fact. But with the Generals of Destruction now defunct, I currently have absolutely no allies in this company aside from my brother Dominic. And that, is the way I like it. Because even though I cannot change things like being booked in a match when I personally would rather be home sipping limoncello by the pool; I am still happy to have an advantage that not many in the WGWF have. I have no boundaries anymore. When I was a member of the Initiative, I had to be good because that is how they conducted themselves and how I was expected to conduct myself. As a member of the Generals of Destruction, I was expected to be bad, think bad, act bad and kiss the rear end of every member of Genesis along the way. Now, as I stand on my own two feet I feel like I can finally breath again. There are no lines, nobody that I HAVE to be. No list of pre-approved enemies and allies.

If I wanna kick somebody's butt, I will. It doesn't matter if that person is loved or hated by the fans. The only thing that I need to take into consideration is who is standing in my way to what I want and who isn't. You Connor, are standing in my way. It isn't your fault, you are just a victim of circumstance. But, I cannot do anything to change that fact. Just know, if I had the choice I would be in the ring beating the hell out of Jocelyn Camden, James Raven or Dante Anglais. But, I have as little input on this situation as you do and unfortunately for you, that means that a butt whoopin' is in your immediate future.

I do not want you to blame me, or even yourself. I want you to place blame where it belongs, on whomever decided to book this match. Because it is that person or persons that placed you in front of a firing squad.

Time/Date: 11:57 A.M. 06/26/2011

Place: New York, NY.

The entire situation that had unfolded at Masters of the Mat had really emotionally drained John Gambino. It put him into a foul mood, he had become like a snake laying in wait to bite any living thing that was crazy enough to pass him by. John sat stewing in his office, still clad in the same suit that he had worn home from the airport the previous Sunday night. He reeked, as he hadn't bathed since he had returned home and his facial hair had began to grown in, giving him the appearance of a bum. John faced his chair toward the window of his office, staring out into the distance, lost in his own thoughts.

The door to the office opened without Gambino even noticing, or caring for that matter. Dominic walked into the room, clad in a pair of faded blue jeans, black work boots and a black wife beater tank top. He walked toward the desk, attempting to make noise along the way in hopes that his brother would turn around and acknowledge his presence. But much to Dominic's chagrin, John didn't even flinch.

"Johnny, you alight?" Dominic sat down in the chair on the opposite side of the desk from where John was seated.

John didn't answer, if it weren't for the fact that Dominic had spotted John's left elbow on the chair's arm-rest, he might have not even known his brother was in the room. Before Dominic could even come up with something else to say, the door opened once again. Eli Sharpe walked through the door, an upset expression on his face as he walked toward John's desk.

"Sir, you wife Laura is here to see you." He motioned for Laura to enter the room. She walked in, strutting down the beige tiled floor to her husband's desk. She stopped in front of John's desk, fire in her eyes.

"What the hell is this I hear about you and some hussy named Lana?" She demanded. "I told you if you cheated on me again, there was going to be hell to pay."

John didn't answer, he didn't even move. His eyes remained locked onto his window. Perhaps he was just ignoring his wife, or perhaps he was mentally onto another plane. But regardless of which was the case, Laura continued to yell.


John's chair quickly spun around, his eyes were seemingly red with fury and were locked onto his wife. If looks could kill, she would have been a body laying lifeless on the floor of that office.

"I am no longer attracted to you Laura. I haven't been in a very, very long time. I have kept you around simply because of the microscopic nugget of love that remains for you in the darkest pit of my heart. You do not fulfill me. I have made it known millions of times that I enjoy receiving oral sex, yet the only use your mouth gets is spitting out useless shit that I could not care less about if I tried."

She stood there, holding back tears. Both her eyes locked onto him, she looked like she had just gotten stabbed in the heart and was waiting to fall to her demise.

"Don't give me that wounded little girl look Laura, we both knew this was coming. It was only a matter of time. I want a divorce."

"Well..." She began, trying to get her compure back. "I am going to take you for everything that you are worth. You cheated on me and for that, you are going to be a poor man by the time I am done with you."

"That is where you are wrong my dear." John spoke with a smug confidence. "We are going to file with "Irreconcilable differences" and because of the pre-nuptual agreement that we signed prior to getting married, you will get absolutely NOTHING!"

She smiled, looking as if he had just told a joke that only she seemed to understand. "Yeah, like I am going to go along with that."

"You will go along with it, or else I will have Eli here...kill you."

"You wouldn't!" She said, once again holding back tears.

"Oh, try me sweetheart. Try me." He said coldly. "Eli, show this bitch out of this office, out of my house and off the grounds of this mansion."

"....Yes sir." Eli said reluctantly.

"Enjoy mediocrity, you dirty cunt."

Eli grabbed Laura's arm and lead her out the office door. She looked back at her husband, tears dripping from her eyes. "I love you....." she said in a whisper, as Eli closed the door behind them.

"What the hell are you doing Johnny!?" He shouted. "You love Laura!"

"Get the hell out of my face Dominic." John said, as he spun his chair back around and began looking out the window once again. "Before I have you thrown out too."

Dominic stormed down the office floor, his level of anger showing that the "angry Italian" gene was something that was inherited through genes. "You friggin' PRICK!" He shouted, before slamming the office door behind himself.

John didn't care. He remained still, his eyes looking out the window. He looked as if he was staring at something outside, yet there was nothing there. All of a sudden, a smile formed onto John's face, as he then began to chuckle. John reached upward, grabbing his sunglasses and sliding them off of his face. His eyes were solid black and blood began to pour down from them, dripping down both his cheeks.