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Interview with Belle

Picture personally sent in by Belle

DP: Where were you trained to wrestle?

BB: Originally, wrestling with my older brother. But really, with Mando Gurrero and Jean La Belle.

DP: Your first bout?

BB: Before I was trained, I stepped into the ring with a street fighter and got my butt kicked. I hated losing! After that experience I knew I needed to gain some knowledge on what fighting in the ring was all about.

DP: You also did quite a few matches for Alex Knight and Ed Ahrens in California for their AIWA correct?

BB: No. At the time I did radio and television promotions for them, but due to other obligations was unable to get in matches. I just love those boys from East LA.

DP: With whom have you had your best bouts?

BB: I would say 2-time world champ Sue Sexton.

DP: Any major injuries?

BB:Oh, yes. The usual torn shoulder, ripped ribs and broken nose, and fractured vertebrae in my neck.

DP: When did you form Steel Kittens?

BB: I have been in the production business since the early 80’s. I started American Angels with a partner, but that dissolved quickly. It took me a while to recoup my loses to start Steel Kittens in the late 80’s. Steel Kittens has flourished through hard work and dedication. I am very blessed to have surrounded myself with the best in the industry.

DP: It is still in operation, correct?

BB: Steel Kittens is alive and well and will continue to bring the best in Women’s Wrestling of all kinds.

DP: Are you still wrestling or getting more into the promotional line of work?

BB: Of course I’m still wrestling and training. I have the good fortune to work with the Lucha Libre community here in LA, several Pro wrestlers, both local and across the nation, the local Jiu-Jitsu and boxing gym.

DP: You also have a page and operation called Proww?

BB: Professional Women’s Wrestling, www.ProWW.com , is a web site it’s dedicated to Women’s Professional Wrestling, featuring the best of the best in Sports Entertainment from around the world. Pro’s from the US, Mexico and Japan. Lots of current material as well as my personal collections of Classic-Vintage matches and photos.

DP: What advice would you give women wishing to enter the wrestling world today?

BB: Just like with anything, if you want to succeed, be disciplined and dedicated. Know your craft, protect yourself and if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

DP: How has wrestling changed from when you first started?

BB: Like any business, wrestling has had it’s ups and downs, but as of the last 5 yrs. It seems there has been a lack in newcomers with any determination or dedication.

DP: What are your interests outside the ring?

BB: Hiking, biking, traveling, art and autos.

DP: Of the newer girls, who are some of the ones you feel are really worth mentioning?

BB: There are a couple of girls coming out of the Lucha Libre camp that have a burning “Desire” to hit the big league’s.

DP: Future plans?

BB: To continue to supply the world with great wrestling material to admire and enjoy.

DP: Any interesting behind the scenes stories you can get by with telling?

BB: Lots of things that go on in the minds of fighters behind the scenes and when they’re in the ring. It’s interesting when you get a mixture of character and colorful personalities; you always have to be aware, anything can happen. One minute you could be laughing the next you’re in agony.

DP: Closing comments?

BB: I just feel very fortunate, this business has been good to me. SK Productions Inc.

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Quick Highlights

---Trained by Mando Gurrero

---Debut: 1984

---Owner/Promoter of Ring Divas & Steel Kittens

Interviewer: Dale Pierce
Interview Date: April 29, 2005

Official Websites:


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