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Interview with Mistress Belmont

Picture from Mistress Belmont‘s Personal Collection

JM: Thank you for your time to do the interview, how did your start in professional wrestling come about?

MB: Thank you for your interest! I've always wanted to be involved in wrestling. When I was a kid women were typically seen as valets - we never saw women's matches on Saturday morning wrestling. I thought Sensational Sherri was so cool in that she wasn't afraid to mix it up with the men and do what it takes to lead them to victory, so I saw myself in that role. It wasn't until I was much older that I discovered there was a whole female side to wrestling. I didn’t' know wrestling schools even existed until my little brother went to an independent wrestling show and found the man running the show also had a school. He told me about it and we began our training together.

JM: You were a fan growing up, who were some of your favorites?

MB: My parents didn't allow us to have a television, so we watched wrestling at our baby-sitter's house. I remember thinking Lex Luger and Ric Flair were awesome, although my ultimate favorites were Brutus "The Barber" Beefcake and Ted DiBiase. As I grew older I found myself drawn more toward the heels, or "bad guys". "The Million Dollar Man" was the man, in my opinion.

JM: Once you entered the business, what are your memories of your debut?

MB: I remember being terrified yet enthralled. My very first match was a tag match - myself and Tanya Lee versus Sammi Lane and Nikki Roxx. I don't remember much about the match except that it made me want to train harder and become better than everyone else.

JM: How did the character Mistress Belmont come about?

MB: My original trainer, Steve Bradley, sat with me several times to discuss what I wanted to portray. He told me he wanted a Goth girl, one that went all out - face paint and the works. When I agreed to this he had me watch "The Devil's Rejects", saying he wanted me to be like Baby. The more we talked about it the more I added to it, dyeing my hair blue and picking up some red contact lenses. It was a different yet definitive look. I like to think of it as scary, yet powerful and a bit sexy.

JM: Name Association Game?

Steve Bradley--- My hero and mentor. He passed away in 2008 and I miss him terribly.

Cherry Bomb--- She's a little dynamo and I think she's pretty awesome.

DellaMorte---My old tag partner! She showed me the way when I didn't know my right from my left.

Barbie---The coolest bitch I know.

Lexxus---My favorite opponent. She brings out my best.

Nikki Roxx---My idol and mentor. I consider her my role model.

Violent Flame-- My first feud. She's truly one of the best.

Awesome Kong--- Intimidating, ground-breaking, and a role model. She broke the mold of cookie-cutter women's wrestling and paved the way for girls like me.

JM: What are some of your highlights in your career?

MB: Over the past year I've had several opportunities to work with some high-calibur women like Awesome Kong, Nikki Roxx (Roxxi), Serena, and Malia Hosaka. All of these women are amazing and have taught me something each time I've had the chance. However, probably my biggest highlight was my feud with Alexxis (Lexxus) that culminated with our cage match in August. I was extremely proud of the entire feud, and my best matches were with her over the past year.

JM: Do you see yourself in the WWE or TNA in the future?

MB: I'd like to say yes, but I'm not really what the WWE is looking for at the moment. TNA seems more reasonable, and I hope some day soon to be competing with their women. They seem to have the best.

JM: if you follow wrestling, what's your thoughts on the Divas & Knock-out division within these companies?

MB: I don't really follow the WWE at the moment (I actually don't have cable anymore), and although I know the Divas really try there is a whole list of women in SHIMMER that can wrestle circles around them. The Knock-Outs division seems to be floundering a bit. I remember a year ago watching TNA and discovering they had TWO women's matches on during their show. It was unheard of! Sadly it seems the foundation of their women's division is gone, and I really don't know who is there now. They had a killer thing going with their women, and I hope they realize that and make it what it once was.

JM: What are some of the current feds you work for?

MB: I wrestle for NCW Femmes Fatales up in Montreal, which is one of my favorite places to go. Very awesome all-girls show. I also work for IWE in Maine, PWF in Rhode Island, NECW in Massachusetts, and a bunch of others I can't think of right now.

JM: Any interesting road/ Locker room stories you can share?

MB: Last year I had the opportunity to drive Savio Vega to the airport after a show in Maine. To say he's an interesting character would be an understatement.

JM: Any advice for fans who want to follow there dreams?

MB: Don't be afraid to be different because you want to set yourself apart from everyone else. Go to the gym. Train, train, train! I drove 80 miles one way three days a week for three years because I love this business, and I still train. If it's your true dream you'll do whatever it takes to achieve that dream.

JM: Closing thoughts?

MB: The fact that you're interviewing me right now as a female wrestler kicks a little ass. I appreciate all those that support women's wrestling as well as Mistress Belmont. Thank you very much!

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 2006

---Worked with WWE, WCW, ECW, & TNA Alumni's Kharma, Malia Hosaka, Nikki Roxx, Serena

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview Date: May 6, 2011

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