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Interview with Candie

Picture from Candie's website that is not active anymore

JM: It's been forever since we last talked which was a few years ago.... What's up since we last talked?

C: I took some time and got some other things in my life together, tried to get away from the whole wrestling scene for a little bit. Obviously that didn't last long!

JM: You were a part of the most Recognized Companies on the indy scene MCW (Maryland Championship wrestling), what was the story when it unexpectedly closed down?

C: I think the promoters just wanted to try some other things in their lives and they didn't want to let fans down by doing shows that were under par for that company. Thankfully MCW is coming back and I believe it's going to be better than ever! I'm very excited to be working with them again!

JM: If I am not mistaken, You're making a comeback to wrestling at the big Dangerous Women of Wrestling event in Philly vs. Kylie vs. Angela w/Tara as special guest referee. What are your thoughts on competing in the show working with your arch enemy Tara?

C: Outside of the ring, Tara is one of my best friends. I hate that she can't wrestle anymore so anytime I get to be in the ring with her I'm happy.

JM: What do you have plan for your three way bout?

C: WINNING! Only joking. I'm just hoping to go out there and not have too much ring rust!

JM: Your coming back to DWOW, is it a one time thing or do you plan on getting back in the game of become a top Indy Diva?

C: I took my time off, I'm back for awhile now. With any luck, you'll be seeing my name a lot more on the indy's!

JM: What are your thoughts on DWOW Main event with Blue Meanie challenging Amy Lee for the women's title?

C: Amy Lee is a tough girl, better him than me! (Not to say that I won't be going after her belt at some point, I'm just not ready now)

JM: do you plan on being in the WWE or is TNA in your future?

C: I used to think about making it to the "big leagues" but not anymore. I'm here to have fun and I'm not going to let getting a job with one of those companies distract me. If they want me, they want me. It won't make or break me.

JM: You had a try out for the MTV series Tough Enough, what was that experience like?

C: It was a lot of fun and a great experience. I feel very fortunate to have had that opportunity. My brother went on the trip with me and we had a great time. The tryout went well, I just wasn't what they were looking for I guess.

JM: In our last Interview years ago..I remember you mentioning Miss Elizabeth as your Idol..What are your thoughts on her death and do you have a favorite memory of her?

C: On the day she died, all of my friends were calling me and leaving me voice mails asking if I was ok. I had no idea what they were talking about. When I heard the news, it was so sad. I would have liked to have met her once. My most vivid memory of her is the Saturday Night Main Event when the "Mega Powers" broke up. When she took that bump, and then Savage and Hogan started fighting, (remember, I was very young then) I was sure that it was all real and I hated Hogan for coming between Savage and Elizabeth. I still think if he hadn't had "lust in his eyes" then she might still be here today.... (only joking, of course).

JM: how is Ronnie Zukko I think his name is...these days?

C: He is doing well. He just had a baby girl. We don't speak to each other that much, but he emailed a picture of his daughter to me and she is absolutely beautiful. I think he is going to stop by the MCW show on 2/26.

JM: The Name Game

King Kong Bundy ~Very nice guy, don't know much more than that about him

Tara ~ Miss those Tara/Candie matches.

Chastity ~ only worked with her once.

Ronnie Zukko ~ PLEASE COME BACK!!! I MISS WORKING WITH YOU!!!!!!!!! Thank you for breaking in with me!

Mickey James ~ It's really great to see her living her dream. I wish her all the best.

Stacy Carter ~ I don't think she's doing anything in wrestling anymore. It would be nice to see a comeback...

Sensational Sherri ~ A tough lady in the ring, a wonderful teacher out of it.

JM: Do you have any contact info or a web page your fans or bookers can contact you?

C: There are plans for a new web site, but nothing definite yet. I can be reached by email candie@marylandwrestling.com. It may take a day or two to get back to you, but I will!!!

JM: Any advice for your Fans who dream of getting a break in the Biz?

C: Just because you saw it on TV, it doesn't mean you automatically know how to do it. You need to find a good wrestling school and really be focused. Get into it because you love wrestling, not because you are sure Vince McMahon is looking for you.

JM: Closing Thoughts?

C: I'm just very happy to be working in wrestling again. I hope to see everyone at the Dangerous Women of Wrestling show at the former ECW arena in Philly on February 2nd and at Maryland Championship Wrestling's Resurrection show on February 26 in Maryland. For contact info on those shows you can visit www.dangerouswrestling.com and www.marylandwrestling.com .

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 2000

---Has worked for Maryland Championship Wrestling (MCW), Women Extreme Wrestling (WEW), Dangerous Women of Wrestling (DWOW)

---Has Audition for MTV's series Tough Enough season 1

---# 41 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 100 Hottest women in wrestling in 2002

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview Date: January 21, 2006

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