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Interview with Drake Evans

Picture from http://www.drakeevans.8m.com/

JM: How did you get into the Biz?

DE: Well my first initial contact to any pro wrestling school was Dean Malenko. He offered to train me at 17 but, I could not afford to relocate to Miami, FL. So in 1999 around the time of Owen Hart's death I saw a news report on Pro Wrestling on WRGB News. They were profiling a wrestling school in Schenectady, NY in which they interviewed a guy by the name of Lee Estabrook whom would become one of my best friends and my tag team partner. Any way I got myself a full time job and saved the money to train at TNT Dynamite/World Of Hurt Wrestling in Schenectady, NY. I was trained mainly by Jeff Starr but, I also had training from JP Black and Maxx Burton. As they say the rest is history.

JM: What Is the one thing you want to accomplish in the Biz?

DE: I want to go as far as I can in the business but my main goal like so many others would be to wrestle for the WWE.

JM: What are some of the greatest Highlights of your Career?

DE: In my 6 years in the business I would say my greatest highlight would be capturing the SAW Heavyweight championship on April 29, 2006. Others would include having a chance to be a tag team with the late Lee "Core" Estabrook and being apart of Capital Region wrestling when it was flourishing.

JM: Do you see yourself in the WWE or TNA in the near Future?

DE: I can honestly say Yes but I would much rather be in WWE because they are the Mecca of the business no matter how crappy their product gets.

JM: What is the most Painful Experience you had to go through in the Biz?

DE: The most painful experience I had was losing my career and my friend at the same time. Eventually I got my career but there is no bringing back my friend although he lives in my heart. There is nothing more painful than losing a "brother" especially when you personally know him.

JM: Is there anything you would change about wrestling today if you took charge?

DE: Hell yeah. First I would be more in tuned with the wrestling aspect and less with the entertainment part. I know that there has to be drama in the business to keep interest but, there still is room for traditional wrestling. I would also go back to the traditional promos because there is no way to get the feeling of your character unless you can live your character instead of reading it of a piece of paper.

JM: Do you have any up coming shows you want to plug?

DE: Slam All-Star Wrestling returns to the Highgate Sports Arena in Highgate, VT on July 8th. Check out www.slamallstarwrestling.com

JM: Any Interesting stories?

DE: Heading down to Pennsylvania in November 2002 I followed another wrestler who "knew" where we were going and ended up getting us lost. So we had to stop by a store and call the promoter of Penn-York Wrestling who had to send his wife to get us. Needless to say very interesting night. That same night we had one of the green wrestler convinced he was wrestling Madman Pondo. The same guy was proud of his hat so Core and I took it and hid it on top of the bathroom. He searched the whole night for it and found it just before his match.

Oh before I forget there was a show I was working when I was with Superstars Of Pro Wrestling. A guy by the name of Ty Knox had just won his match but he didn't know was we changed his theme song during the night and when he won the Buswhackers theme rang loud through the building. Everyone including the fans were laughing. The only thing that was missing was Ty doing the Bushwhacker march. Every other story can be found on my DVD or are just too explicit to put on a web site LOL.

JM: How was the Experience of Winning the SAW Heavyweight Title?

DE: It felt great!!! I felt like I was redeemed with all the crap that I went through. I think the night I won the title was a new beginning for me and it lifted a huge weight off of my chest.

JM: In SAW... Whom have you had the best bouts with?

DE: I have had really good matches with The Bull, The Northern Studd, Jon Thornhill, Camron Mathews and Alex Chamberlain.

JM: Do you have any contact info for bookers/fans to contact you at?

DE: I can be reached a drakeevans315@yahoo.com and my web site is www.drakeevans.8m.com and if you would like to purchase my DVD which was produced by High Impact Entertainment for $8.00 by going to www.drakeevans.8m.com/video.html .

JM: What advice do you have for young men like myself who dream of becoming a pro wrestler?

DE: Keep your egos down and your mouths shut. I know it sounds kind of mean but the best way to get yourself the knowledge you need is to sit down shut up and absorb everything you hear. Most of all keep you dreams alive and never let anyone discourage you to be a wrestler. Wrestling is a business that is very demanding but in the long run it could be very rewarding.

JM: Closing Thoughts?

DE: I want to thank you Johnny for the interview and I want to commend you on the site. I have had a blast in the 6 years I have been wrestling and I intend on staying with it for as long as I can. Again if you are in the Highgate Vermont area and would like to catch a SAW show then visit www.slamallstarwrestling.com . If you want to see more of Drake Evans then order my DVD Welcome To My World; The Best Of Drake Evans for $8.00 by going to www.drakeevans.8m.com/video.html . Expect some major happenings in the career of Drake Evans soon. Thanks again and God Bless.

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 1999

---Has worked for World of Hurt Wrestling (WOHW), Tri State Wrestling (TSW), Slam All Star Wrestling (SAW), In Your Face Wrestling (IYFW)

Owner: John Mikels
Interview Date: June 2006

Official Websites:

---Crazy Booking Profile

--- Official Website

---Official Myspace

---Official Facebook Fan Page

Wrestling Association Tags

JP Black
Vigo & Yovonna
Fonz Roddy
Bert Williams
Maxx Burton

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