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Interview with Scott Dukes

Photo credit to Scott Dukes Official Facebook

JM: How did you get your start in pro wrestling

SD: Well, I first got started we had a fake just trying to make a buck, MCW got wind and came down caked him out so he took the guys that really wanted it to bonebreakes and that was the start.

JM: Who were some of your biggest influences growing up?

SD: The man I loved to watch was Tazz he was the man at ECW

JM: Your wrestling former WWE star Sal Sincere at 1CW Body slam Autism on July 17th. What are your thoughts on facing him for the title in the main event?

SC: My match should flow like water being who he is and the talent I have

JM: Would you consider this title match to be your biggest highlight in your career?

SD: I've had some big matches but this is up there.

JM: The last and finial announcement from the 1CW Promoter Shawn Hardy made was one surprised superstar which no one knows who, will be making the appearance, are you worried that the mystery star might be a factor in your main event title match?

SD: Shawn can bring in anybody and I am ready at all times.

JM: This event is for a good cause, what does this event mean to you

SD: I love helping out the less fortate peeps because you know them kids would love to be in there.

JM: Do you see yourself in the WWE or TNA in your future?

SD: Far as the future I am never going to stop and maybe I will get my break.

JM: is there anything you would change about wrestling today if you took charge?

SD: one thing I would change is that this back yard stuff has to go and then they want to call their self wrestlers, that's not how it work's, they wouldn't know what to in a real match.

JM: Any advice for fans who want to follow there dreams?

SD: Follow your dreams don't give up, always be humble because it could be taken at any time.

JM: Closing thoughts

SD: I just want to say thank you for your time and wanted to ask me because I am as real as it gets. In closing I just want people to know if you think its fake hop on in there with me or some guys like the Briscos then ask that question. Thank you for your time been a pleasure

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Quick Highlights

--Debut: 2000

-- Trained by Bone Breakers

--worked for Maryland Championship Wrestling (MCW) Delawere Championship Wrestling (DCW), Chikira Pro Wrestling, 1st Championship State Wrestling (1CW)

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview Date: July 9, 2010

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