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September 9, 2004

Interview with Jacqulyn!

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JM: What made you decide to get into the game of Pro Wrestling?

J: I have always been a fan of professional wrestling. A local gym in Dallas was teaching people in the back of the gym on how to wrestle, so I signed up.

JM: After all that you have accomplished in your career, is there any more goals you would like to go after?

J: Right now I am focusing on acting.

JM: I know you have so many of them, but what are some of your highlights in your career?

J: The story line between Sable, holding the Women's Title and winning the Cruiserweight Title.

JM: What is your opinion on the TNA and is the company in your future?

J: It will take TNA some time to grow. But what I believe is missing over there is 'star' power. However, the TNA does have very talented wrestlers.

JM: Name game -

Luna Vachon - Intense
Chris Benoit - Very technical wrestler
Jimmy Hart - The mouth of the South
Nancy Sullivan - No comment
Kevin Sullivan - Fair
Sable - Playboy
Terri - Sweet
Debra - No comment
Jeff Jarrett - No comment
Ivory - Very vocal
Al Snow - Good guy
Nidia - Much improved
Maven - Fast learner
Eric Bischoff - No comment
Vince McMahon - Business
Stephanie McMahon - See Vince McMahon
Jazz - Athletic
Nicole Bass - Bodybuilder
Chyna - Hard worker
Chavo Guerrero - Very professional

JM: How was your experience on the MTV's Tough Enough, anything you would change about the show during the time you were on there?

J: It was a real learning experience for me. It was the first time that I trained people to wrestle.

JM: Explain your experience of Fear Factor.

J: It was a lot of fun doing all the stunts.

JM: On your web site you mentioned you started shooting a movie back in January, what are some of the details?

J: The movie is called "Knight Fever". I play a detective name, Venus Jackson.

JM: What was the most painful experience you had to go through in this sport?

J: People's egos.

JM: Do you have any advice for young fans who dream of getting into the sport of wrestling?

J: Always follow your dreams. If it is meant to be, it will be - think POSITIVE!

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Quick Highlights

---Trained by Skanbar Akbar

---Debut: 1989

---World Championship Wrestling (WCW) 1997

---World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) 1998-2004

---Total Non-stop Action (TNA) 2004, 2007-2009, 2011

---First Woman to be listed in Pro Wrestling Illustrated (PWI) top 500 wrestlers

---Has worked with Chris & Nancy Benoit

---Held the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) Women's Championship (2x)

--- World Wrestling Cruiserweight Championship

---First Season of MTV's Tough Enough as a Trainer

---Has appeared on Fear Factor

---#13 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 100 Hottest Women in Wrestling in 2002

---#17 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 50 women of wrestling in 2008

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview date: September 9, 2004

Official Websites:

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Wrestling Association Tags

Leilani Kai
Traci Brooks
Velvet Sky
Bobbi Billard
Nicole Bass
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Shelly Martinez
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Tasha Simone

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