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Interview with Leilani Kai!

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JM: Did you go to any schools or collages as a wrestler?

LK: in my 10th grade year I went to Riverdale High in FT. Myers and in my 11 & 12th grade year I finished at chamberlin High in Tampa, FL. Then i went to Fabulous Moolha's School of Wrestling in 1975.

JM: What was some of the problems you faced working in the WWF, WCW, & LPWA

LK: WWF- Traveling was hard, keeping a good head on my shoulders, Plane Flying which I Hate, thinking the most of the new girls in the ring, and just try to keep WWF Excited
WCW- When I did work for them it was always to help someone get a push for there own benefit, WCW did nothing for me and I took no shit from them.
LPWA- Was a struggle to keep alive but I enjoy the time I had with the many talented Girls.

JM: If you don't mind me asking what was your daily schedule like?

LK: When I get up in the morning I clean my room, eat boiled eggs and toast, get on the net, drink a lot of water, work out on the porch, clan my dogs kennels, get back on line to answer my mail, and read a lot. that's when I am home, on the road I sleep and work out, I don't sight see. I have seen too Much through the years.

JM: How did you get involved in the WWF, WCW, & LPWA

LK: Well not many women were true legit wrestlers back in the 1970'S so I was booked by Fabulous Moolha to get in the WWF and WCW & LPWA Called me to come work.

JM: Have you won any awards.

LK: I have many, I have 27 awards trophies from all around the world.
India, Japan, Germany, Sadia, Malahia, Hawaii, Egypt

JM: How many Titles Have you won in your Career.

LK: WWF World Women's Title, 2 times WWF World Women's Tag Team Title with Judy Martin, All-Pacific Women's champion, LPWA Tag Team Champion with Judy Martin, 3 time NWA Mid-Atlantic Ladies Chapion,

JM: How many PPV'S Have you competed in?

LK: 7

JM: What advice would you give to young Female Fans who dreamed about getting into the Biz?

LK: Keep your clothes on, Mouth Shut, respect what you decide to do with your career as a Wrestler, Manager, or Valet, or whatever just respect the business, work hard at it and don't give up.

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Quick Highlights

---Debut: 1975

---Trained by Fabulous Moolah

---Has worked for Ladies Professional Wrestling Association (LPWA)

---World Wrestling Federation (WWF) 1985-1988, 1993-1994

---World Championship Wrestling (WCW) 1991, 1999

---Total Non-stop Action (TNA) 2003

--- WWF Women's Champion

--- WWF Women's Tag Team Champion (2x),

---TNA Women's Champion

Interviewer: John Mikels
Interview date: December 23, 2000

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