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JM: Were you ever a fan of pro wrestling growing up? if so who were some of your favorites?

NG: I watched a little as a kid. I liked Ricky the dragon Steamboat, Hacksaw Jim Duggan and The Bushwackers.

JM: You were trained by Dean Malanko, what was the training like working under his skills?

NG: I actually started out training with some local independent wrestlers before I trained with Dean. Dean was amazing and I learned a lot from his ultra talented students.

JM: How did the deal come about working for WCW?

NG: Macho Man told Bischoff that he was adding another girl to his enteroge.

JM: What are the good and the bad Working for WCW?

NG: The good was the money and the bad was the Nitro Girls uses a lot of hairspray in the locker room making it hard to breath.

JM: Whatever Happened with your relationship with WCW, You disappeared without an explanation and than showed up on WWE Raw later that year?

NG: JJ Dillon called to let me know they were not issuing me my 2nd year of my contract, so I asked if I could go to WWF right away and I was told that it was ok to let the WWF office know I was available.

JM: Leaving WCW to go to the WWE, were there any problems you dealt with in the locker room for being from WCW

NG: No, everyone was very nice. Especially Trish Stratus.

JM: What were your thoughts on Vince McMahon purchasing WCW?

NG: I hoped it would help some of my friends keep thier jobs.

JM: Name Association Game?

Eric Bishoff - smart

Macho Man Randy Savage- intense

Madusa - street savvy

Gorgeous George - spunky

Miss Elizabeth - beautiful

Sensational Sherri - passionate

Rhonda Sing - tough

Crash Holly - friend

Spike Dudley - great guy

Lita - tough

Chyna - unique

Trish Status - amazing

Steve Austin - one of a kind

Hulk Hogan - icon

Vince McMahon - powerful

Ric Flair - charisma

JM: I know you have lot of them but what are some of your greatest highlights in your career?

NG: WM 20

JM: You made a one time comeback to the WWE at Wrestlemania 25, was this your first official match since your departure several years before, if so, how did you feel to perform at a wrestlemania again?

NG: I did not enjoy it. I loved hanging out backstage, but I felt no rush from performing.

JM: Would we ever see you return to the WWE or maybe a debut in TNA in the future?

NG: I don't think so, but you never know.

JM: You have portrayed a lot of characters & Storylines in your career, what would be your most favorite and most least favorite you had to be?

NG: Most- Molly+Spike, Least- Prude Molly

JM: What are your thoughts of the new Monday night wars going head to head, do you think TNA has a chance to be on the same level of the WWE?

NG: I would love to see TNA succeed.

JM: Any Advice for young fans who want to follow into the game of pro wrestling?

NG: Don't do it.

JM: Closing Thoughts?

NG: I am so thankful I was able to see the world and meet lots of wonderful people throughout my career.

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Quick Highlights

--Debut: 1997

--Trained by Dean Malanko

--World Championship Wrestling (WCW) 1999-2000

--World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) 2000-2005

--Formally manager of Macho Man Randy Savage, Bob Holly, Crash Holly, Spike Dudley, Hurricane Helms

--Titles: WWE Hard-core Title & WWE Women's Title (2x)

--2nd Woman in History to win the WWE Hard-core title

--Has Appeared on Fear Factor

---#8 in the top 8 Sexiest, Smartest Most powerful women in Mania History for Wrestlemania 20

---# 40 in Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 100 Hottest women in wrestling in 2002

Interviewer: John Mikels
Date of Interview: May 5, 2010

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Beth Phoenix
Lexie Fyfe
Angel Orsini
Malia Hosaka
George Frankenstein

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