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August 3, 2008

Interview with The Millennium Millionaire!

Quick Highlights

---Debut: 1999

---Worked for World of Hurt (WOH), Tri State Wrestling (TSW), Slam All Star Wrestling (SAW), In your face wrestling (IYFW)

JM: How did you break into wrestling?

$: I got into it when the World Of Hurt Wrestling school opened in Schenectady, NY. It was right up the road from my home, so I was lucky and very grateful for it to be so nearby. If it wasn't so close, I might not have had the opportunity.

JM: Who were your influences in wrestling? $: Just about anyone who was in the WWF from 1980-1990. It started changing after that, so I really like the old school footage.

JM: Who trained you?

$: "Danger" Dave DeJohn.

JM: How was your training?

$: Painful. Have you ever been walloped by a 6'6", 350 behemoth? I thought so!

JM: Memories of your first wrestling match?

$: Before I was magnificently rich, I was working the sound system at ringside for WOHW. There was an open challenge offered by the manager of Vendetta, and I took the chance. I lost the match, but I was ready for next time.

JM: How did you become "The Millennium Millionaire"?

$: It was after I won a big lottery. I had to raise myself above the rest of the hoi polloi, and by using the name Millennium Millionaire, it reminded everyone of just how lowly they were compared to me.

JM: How about some of your favorite opponents?

$: If they were my opponents, then none can be my favorite.

JM: If you could book your own dream match, what would it be?

$: Myself vs. Jimmy Snuka, for any title.

JM: Name Game (Tell me your opinion on the people below)

JP Black - A challenge, but I'll break him down sooner or later.

Ian Daniels - A useful henchman to have waiting in the wings.

Maxx Burton - "Join me, and together we can rule the galaxy..."

Drake Evans - I believe he's avoiding facing me in the ring.

Al Jihad - Can't get a word out of him. He just sits there. Staring.

The Hardcore Cowgirl Alexandra - Best piece of marketing material out there today.

Lindsay Lynn - Is that spelled right?

Guillaume DeSade - Unpronounceable.

Demonica - There is still an irreplaceable void from where she once stood in the ring.

Those 80's Guys - 80's. Awesome. Period.

Steve Kruz - I own a tux. He rents.

Big Vigo - I think he only owns one shirt.

Yvonna Leach - The violin to Vigo's "Young Frankenstein"

Joey Eastman - Hell of a mouth on him. Definitely walks to his own beat.

JM: Now, would please tell us all about In Your Face Wrestling, the new federation that just opened late last year in Vermont & the up-and-coming school?

$: In Your Face Wrestling started at the end of 2007, and will only continue to grow. Establishing a fan base is the top priority, and we know that the fans know when they see a good thing.

JM: Any advice for young fans who dream of getting a break in wrestling?

$: Don't let ANYONE tell you that it's not worth the effort or that you can't succeed. It may take time, but the rewards can be plentiful.

JM: Closing thoughts?

$: Do you know how many spelling errors I fixed in your questions?

Scott Scarsdale Poll


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