April 15th, 2002
As I have promised many times now, Myself and Allison Danger have finally came up with our special tag team top 10 list, but because there were 2 brains working away, it quickly turned from a top 10, to a top 20. So this week's top 20 will be the top 20 ways you know you are a mark. Let's not forget that being a mark isn't necessarily a bad thing, unless it goes a little too far, you will agree that many of the things on the list are a bit too far. Now that I have hyped up the top 20, I'm not going to put it in the commentary yet, you'll all just have to wait.
This past week I got to see Kristina Kream again after quite a while. For those of you that don't know, Kreamy is a part time valet for The Count in ECCW and a full time stripper. She is one of the nicest people out there and it's always a great time seeing her. Like every male in the world, I can appreciate the fact that I know she will be taking here clothes off at any time.
With the amount of time I have been spending in the strip clubs lately, it feels like I am back in Vancouver hanging out with Rockford and Tony again. Not like that is a bad thing.
Somebody asked me the other day if I missed being out on the west coast. That's a funny question, because there is no straight yes or no answer. On one hand I don't miss all the bullshit, abuse and especially the lies (that are still happening even though I am gone) that many of us dealt with for a long time out there, I also definitaly don't miss some of the idiots out there, but on the other hand, I really miss the fun we used to have on the tours and hanging out with some of the other wrestlers like Kozina, Rockford, SDD, Billy, Idol, Madison, Firestorm, Skag, Bedlam and a couple others. For the ones that are still in the middle of it, I feel bad that they now will have to go through the same thing that I went through for the last few months before I left.
I went and checked out the movie Van Wilder last week. I damn near fell out of my seat laughing in a couple spots. Yes, it is predictable....yes, it is toilet humor....yes, it is like alot of other movies out there......BUT, most important, YES, it is damn funny!!! There are some things that just never lose their comedic value. I literally almost needed to roll in the aisle of the theater. Van Wilder's assistant in the movie is a great character! I totally recommend it.
Well this looks like as good of a spot as any to bust out the top 20, so here you go. (Remember, this is a compilation done by myself and Allison Danger)
Top 20 ways to tell you are a mark:
20. You put more faith in the "Sheets" than in the bible. (The "sheets" being the scoop sheets like Wrestling Observer, Figure Four Weekly and many others)
19. You spend more than half your waking hours looking for "News and Rumors" on the internet.
18. Your idea of porn in the WWF Divas Magazine.
17. You never stopped being a HULKAMANIAC.
16. You refer to wrestlers by their real names when talking about them to your friends.
15. You are the Striker with 2 eyebrows (???)
14. You still have the Hulkamania starter kit, including shoe laces, head band and 1 pound weights.
13. You know more classic WWF entrance themes than Guillotine Legrande or Colby Corino.
12. You think you qualify as a smart mark because you harass wrestlers on Instant Messenger.
11. You ever put the name "Warrior" after your last name while pretending to be a wrestler as a kid.
10. Your favorite album of all time contains the song "Pencil Neck Geek" by Freddie Blassie.
9. You think a cardboard belt from some backyard wrestling federation makes you a "World Champion".
8. You have downloaded your favorite entrance music to your cell phone to use as your ringer.
7. You honestly think you have a chance with Trish or Lita.
6. You say "What?" every time the cashier at McDonalds asks you if you want fries with that.
5. You get tattoos to match your favorite wrestlers.
4. Your 21st birthday party was complete with paper plates and cups that had pictures of the Ultimate Warrior on them.
3. You remember when The Rock became WWF Champion, but you can't remember your kids birthday.
2. You consider Wrestling action figures an "investment".
1. You actually remember the day Steve Corino won the ECW world title, and had his picture taped to you binder at school.
Quite a list if you ask me, of course the number 1 is at the expense of Steve Corino, but sometimes you just need to call a spade, a spade. It's ok Steve, I remember when you won the Puerto Rican Midget title as Super Invader 6 (the short one), in 1981. Not to mention the time you tagged with Frank Gotch to defeat that pack of wild dogs at the very first Pay Per View in the 1940's. (If anyone doesn't understand my humor, go to www.rfvideo.com and buy the first Steve Corino shoot interview).
I suppose it's time I move on to this week's pictures of the week. The first one was taken in July of 2000 at Tiesen Hall in Sapporo Japan and is another one that was featured in a Japanese Wrestling magazine. It's a picture in mid flight of the crazy cock-eyed Juggersault.
This next picture was taken in Japan as well, but this time I was wandering around a shopping area when I came across a pet store. As you can see, in the pet store was a monkey in a cage, for some reason he was extremely interested in the bag I was carryinh aroung with me and tried to steal it. If only there was an organization to help rehab the crimminal monkeys of the world.
About one week until I leave with the Chemical Cowboys to head out east for a couple shows, I will have my laptop with me on the road, so you can count on me writing a very interesting Juggerstories as we travel along the way and get into all kinds of antics and shenanigans. Maybe I will even have a couple pictures from the trip to use as pictures of the week.
I got a chance to watch a little bit of RAW on TV last night, sure was good to see Tommy Dreamer back in the mix when he hit Raven with a Death Valley Driver and took the WWF Hardcore title for about 10 seconds until Stevie Richards came in and kicked him in the teeth. Tommy is one of the coolest guys I have had the privledge to wrestle, he deserves every chance he gets.
I think that's about it for this week's commentary. The top 20 made it a little longer than average lately, but that's ok.
So until next time....Chicks dig Scars, see some of you in Winnipeg and Thunder Bay, Come to the Ogden Legion in Calgary this Friday to see Stampede Wrestling, and thanks to Allison Danger for the help on the top 20!!!