July 16th, 2002

It's a sad, sad day. I think I may have killed my plants. I forgot to water the things for a few days and now they are looking a tad worse for wear. My precious plants used to be standing strong, but now they are all drooped over and look like it's only going to be moments until they die completely. I made an emergency waterectomy and am currently administering a liquid drip. I'll have to report on the progress next week, but right now they are in Critical condition. I may be contacting the next of kin within the next couple days.

I was handed my first defeat in Stampede Wrestling this past Friday. I had my return match with Rico Barzini. I was basically kicking the hell out of him for over 10 minutes, then he happened to get a quick rollup on me and the jackass ref counted the 1...2...3, at about mach 5. It may very well be the fastest count I have ever heard. I expressed my distaste with his speedy hand, but apparently there are more "politically correct" ways to let the ref know how you feel, than powerbombing him through the mat. I thought it got my point across very blatantly, but Stampede Wrestling commisioner Ross Hart, decided to give me a 30 days suspension from all Stampede Wrestling events. We'll see about that!! They say I can't show up to any of the shows on July 26th, 27th or 28th. That's ok, because I also notice that Stampede Wrestling is supposed to have a show on August 9th, which is 2 days before my suspension is supposed to be up. I'm not know as being a guy that listens too well to commisioners, so I bet you can all figure out what I may have in my bag of tricks for that night.

I am typing this edition of Juggerstories to the fantastic sounds of Louis Armstrong playing on the laptop. It's funny how some music can make you completely relaxed. There's something about that raspy voice of Mr. Armstrong that always makes me want to grab a big ole glass of Iced Tea and go sit on the stoop or in a hammock outside all day long, because as Louis says..."It's a wonderful world".

After the Stampede Wrestling show on Friday, I caught up with my future brother in law's Stag Party. I'm not going to say a whole lot about it, but I can say there's nothing quite like a bunch of drunk guys following around the future groom who just happens to be wearing a red dress with giant blow up breasts underneath. The stag trasportation was provided by the "Bust Loose" tour company, which is basically a school bus, jacked with a ton of speakers and painted blue. I really appreciated a helpful guy in a red corvette that kept passing me cans of beer as I hung out the window of the moving bus.

Let's move on to the pictures of the week for this week. This forst one was taken a few weeks ago here in Calgary at a Stampede Wrestling show. I was wrestling Rod Rage and decided to bust out the world famous "fish hook" submission hold. I'm pretty sure he didn't enjoy it much, but what do I care, it made a cool picture!!

This next one was taken near the end of last year in Surrey BC at a ECCW show. It was taken after Adam Firestorm pulled off a victory on me in a cage match. Adam is one of my favorite guys in the wrestling business, he's one of the very few guys who is a straight shooter and will always tell you how he REALLY feels. He also just recently got married (Congrats Adam), and will be wrestling with All Star Wrestling out in the Lower Mainland very soon, check him out at www.adamfirestorm.com

I am finally going to be taping the very last remaining footage for the Best of Juggernaut Volume II, "Better Red than Dead" soon. I will be making a short trip to my hometown of Cranbrook BC, so I think I am going to get a cameraman and take a little tour of the city I grew up in and show everyone a great little place. I should definitaly be able to get some more amusing footage for the tape, not to mention the footage of me blowing up a home made Steve Corino action figure with a stick of dynamite, damn that Steve Corino!! I think I will also hit the local lake and see what kind of talent is wandering in bikinis this year and might get some comments from some special guests. Maybe I'll run into one of the million NHL hockey players that come from my hometown. (not really a million, but still alot).

I'm going to do something I haven't done for a long time in Juggerstories, a future star. For those that forget, every once in a while I pick a guy (or girl) that I think will be a star in the wrestling business and talk a bit about them. This week's future star will be the very man that just recently ended my winning streak here in Calgary....Rico Barzini. I have been completely impressed with Rico in the 2 matches we have had together. I really had no idea he was anywhere near as good as he is, and I will admit that I greatly underestimated him before I ever stepped in a ring with him. He has all the fundamentals and never comlains about anything. After a little time in the gym, everyone should be hearing his name often.

Well, on that note, I think I'll wrap up this week's commentary. I can't talk about Allison Danger or Sista Brandi this week, because I haven't talked to them in over a week, haven't heard hide nor hair of them actually. Damn them again!!

Until Next Time...... Chicks Dig Scars..... suspensions suck!! .........Filming for Better Red than Red will continue soon, the casting call for extras, will never happen .......fish hooks are good .....and go buy yourself a pair of giant inflatable breasts, the toy with 100,000 uses!!
