August 20th, 2002

August 20th, 2002

It's time again for another edition of Juggerstories. I haven't had a very exciting week, but there's still a couple things I can talk about .

I believe I will be making my little move here on Thursday. So I will have a brand new Juggerstories typing area by next week. Luckily for me that I have had 90% of my possesions in storage since 1998 when I went down to live in Florida. So, I don't have a whole lot of stuff with me in Calgary right now, which makes moving extremely easy. It's nice not rushing around trying to get everything in order, I think I'll get some stuff together today and tomorrow, then I will be good to go.

The plants I talked about a couple times are now officially dead. After I left for a week for my sister's wedding, they really didn't have much of a chance. They were already weak from getting no water while I was on the road before. I still haven't thrown them out, but there's absolutely no denying that they are dead. No amount of water will bring them back this time. Ah well, I guess I have to try again, but this time I'll rig up some kind of automatic water deal for when I go on the road.

I watched The Majestic starring Jim Carrey on DVD last night. I thought it was a great movie. I have to admit, I did have a hard time for while trying to see past all the Jim Carrey comedy and look at him as a serious actor, but I think he did a fantastic job in the role. The movie is set in the time when the US was "looking" for communists in Hollywood (the whole "Hollywood 10" thing), Jim Carrey plays a movie writer that gets accused of being a communist, he goes for a drive and gets in an accident then ends up with amnesia in a different town. I won't give away any more, but I liked it, definitaly a good one to rent. Don't rent it expecting a whole lot of laughs, because this is Jim Carrey in a 100% serious role.

I have a few shows coming up in the next little while. Here's a run down of the next ones and a couple bigger ones down the road next month.
This Friday I'll be wrestling for Stampede Wrestling at the Ogden Legion in Calgary. I will be tagging with my new Stampede Wrestling tag team partner, Karnage, I have no idea who we'll be against, but the show is looking to be a good one. If you're anywhere near Calgary and haven't seen guys like Harry Smith and TJ Wilson in the ring, be sure to check them out before they move up to the big leagues in the next few years. They are that good.
The next night I will be wrestling for Hybrid Wrestling Coalition at Shanks North in Calgary. I'm in a singles match against a guy named Johnny Handsome. A musclehead that sheds most musclehead stereotypes since he is very agile and light on his feet in the ring. I should have my work cut out for me in that one. Hybrid Wrestling Coalition is a new wrestling company in Calgary and is being run by former WWF star Bad News Brown and the man people know as the WWF's fake Razor Ramon, Rick Titan. Many of the guys are very new to the ring, but from what I have seen, they have some potential, HWC should be turning out some good shows right off the start.
Next month I head farther east for a few shows. NHB Wrestling which is run by Don Callis, AKA Cyrus from ECW, AKA The Jakal from WWF, is doing the ECW reunion tour part II. I was on the last tour with guys like Jerry Lynn, Shane Douglas, Sabu, Johnny Swinger and Terry Taylor just to name a few, this time it's looking to be about the same with Sabu, Jerry Lynn and Johnny Swinger, but this time add AJ Styles and some others to the mix, it looks like once again the fans out around Winnipeg and Thuder Bay are going to be getting some fantastic shows.
Before the ECW reunion tour I will be wrestling in Saskatchewan for Pro Outlaw Wrestling. These guys have a fantastic product and do well in Saskatchewan. They have alot of talent and it looks like they have some bookers that don't have their heads lodged up their asses. They have booked me to wrestle Dr. Luther. I haven't wrestled the good Doctor for some time, but that doesn't mean I haven't wanted to. It seemed like nobody would go out on a limb and book the match, with fear that maybe we would do something that wouldn't be appropriate for all people to see. Myself and Luther aren't bitter enemies, in fact you could consider us buddies, but like I have said before, there is nothing I want more than to kick the hell out of him and show him what it's like to fight me when I'm looking him in the eye. I still have some revenge to deal with from our last meetings in the ring. For the first picture of the week, I'll post the poster that POW has released for the show on September 15th in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.

I guess that moves us on to the second picture of the week. I was checking out like I do every once in a while and came across some pictures from a recent photo shoot that Allison did. So here I am posting one of my favorite pictures from the photo shoot, you can find the rest on Allison's website. These pictures make me feel funny in the pants.

Not a whole hell of alot more to say for this week. I will have a couple shows to talk about next week as I type from my brand new location in Calgary. So, Until next time...... Chicks Dig scars...... check out the beach pics at also check out it's fun....... and don't forget to support Indy wrestling!!
